Mahgol's Discussions (113)

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an sms or a sms?

Short Message Service

Do you write "send me a SMS" or "send me an SMS".

I thought the latter was correct because the indefinite article depends on how the next letter is pronounced. If it's a consonant sound you write a, if it's a vowel sound you write

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only the dead know Brooklyn ( P.T )


فقط  مرده ها  بروکلین* رو میشناسن

 اثر توماس ولف

هیچ آدم زنده ای که بروکلینو خوب خوب بشناسه نیست ، چون فقط یه عمر طول میکشه که آدم راهشو دوروبر این شهر درندشت پیدا کنه.

داشتم می گفتم .منتظر قطار بودم که این یارو گنده بکو دیدم که اونجا وایساده_ اولین با

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By Anatole France

Translated by William Patten.

the translation which I try is by Fredric Chapman , so some part of it is different. I showed the first paragraph in parenthesis .


This garden of our childhood, said Monsieur Bergeret, this garden t

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Putois II

Potuis I


Messieurs Goubin and Jean Marteau having arrived, Monsieur Bergeret put
them in touch with the conversation.

"We were speaking of him whom my mother caused to be born gardener at
Saint-Omer and whom she christened. He existed from that time

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only the dead know Brooklyn

Persian Version
Only The Dead Know Brooklyn
by Thomas Wolfe
Dere’s no guy livin’ dat knows Brooklyn t’roo an’ t’roo, because it’d take a guy a lifetime just to find his way aroun’ duh goddam town.

So like I say, I’m waitin’ for my train t’come when I see

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Bon Appetit!


Bon Appétit is a French expression equivalent to: 'Enjoy your meal'. It is also used in many other places such as the name of a magazine, restaurants.
look up for its meaning in other languages

Bon appétit in many languages


         (bil hana wish

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"Frontier" a short story



آستین  ظاهر شیک و مرتبی داشت  ، به کندی قدم بر میداشت. خیلی خسته بود. ساعت دو نیمه شب بود.

انگار که با هر قدمش کوهی رو جا به جا می کرد. فکر کرد چه خوب میشد اگه یه وسیله ای داشت که باهاش به جاهای رویایی سفر کنه . همیشه دوست داشت بتونه بیش از سرعت ن

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"Independence" idioms


1. be a copycat:   دهن بین

imitate someone

_Mary is a copycat in her decisions.

2. be a mama's boy:   بچه ننه

be overly dependent on one's mother

_Little Mike is a mama's boy. He runs to his mother.

3. be a yes-man:   بله قربان گو

try to be liked by agreei

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gist gest

Three things in life that are never certain
سه چیز در زندگی پایدار نیستند


موفقیت ها


Three things in life, once gone never come back
سه چیز در زندگی قابل برگشت نیستند




Three things in human li

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The song of the Reed


نی نامه

بشنو از نی چون حکایت می کند    از جدایی ها شکایت می کند

کز نیستان تا مرا ببریده اند     در نفیرم مرد و زن نالیده اند

سینه خواهم شرحه شرحه از فراق    تا بگویم شرح درد اشتیاق

هر کسی کو دور ماند از اصل خویش     بازجوید روزگار وصل خویش


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"Fair play" idioms

1. add insult to injury: نمک به زخم کسی پاشیدن

hurt someone's feelings after that person harm;make bad trouble worse

_My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway

_ 2. be a good sport: هم پا شدن/ ساز

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" Experience" idioms an old hand at something: کهنه کار بودنth?id=H.5055547071202286&w=205&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7

have lots of experience

-Mr.Johnson is an old hand at carpentry. green: تازه کار

lack training;experience or conditioning

-David is green, he has just graduated from Medical School. wet behind the ears

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Yalda night


December 21 - Iranians throughout the world will celebrate the longest night of the Iranian calendar year, yalda.


Wish all Iranians Yalda Night full of happiness and to all Christians in world a very Happy Christmas, ...

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face to face lies!


Face to Face lies !!


Facebook? House of LieS!

About one out of every four Facebook users lies

Facebook abuses users, lies for money. , .....

And Lies, demand Lies

should we believe words ? is it important?

in our new world of social networks ; Facebook, t

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Have you ever tried Corn Pickled?89006330369202591659.jpg?width=300

I made it last weeks and use it to decorate salads and mostly food plate.


so simple, only corn leaves are peeled off , put them in a dish.

Boil water and salt, after it cooled, add a little vinegar to it ( it depends to

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    Share us the desserts which you like and have tried to make.

60796248551370706282.jpg?width=550 This is called Rainbow Jelly.

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Eulogy, Praise


You must have heard this in ( final item of Samte khoda program) . I like it and  these days of Ramadan it is soothing to listen.

be Taha

share with us like one.

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