's Discussions (8586)

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Women's Day 2023

The woman is the main target in this equation in terms of rights, and gender equality. They are the other half that is necessary for life to go on. Give me a boy or a girl without the combination of man and woman!
Why the discrimination and complete i

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Let's speak English

Hi everyone. My name is Majid, an electrical engineer. I'm a new member and looking for a partner to improve my English speaking skills regardless of language level. I use English both for informal conversations and for business. It's my honor and pr

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What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is one of the most sacred months in the Islamic calendar during which Muslims across the world fast from sunrise to sunset. This month unifies Muslims and the fast is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the five obliga

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Do you like travelling? How do you like travelling? By aeroplane, by boat or by train?

I like travelling by train because it is one of the most comfortable means of transport . You can sit and look out of the window at passing towns or go to the resta

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