The Other News Is..

Hello, guys.. 

I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D

The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking for the winner :D

But.. hold on a moment... 

I forgot to say also that I decided to play it by making my own rules of it :D So.. I am only wishing that Ohnee would not murder me for spoiling up her group :D :|

here is my play.. 

I think that everything is clear and obvious.. you need to guess the correct word in each column.. you already have the first letter, the length, and a hint of each word on the right side of the puzzle ...

your correct guesses will be rated of 11. it means each one's score will be equal to the number of their correct answers /11. for example: 3/11, 5/11, 10/11, 11/11...etc.

The winner will be that who will guess the maximum number of the correct answers.. 

let's go on and discover what is the secret word in the middle...


we will start a column by column. 

The first Column:

  1. noun.
  2. 6 letters long.
  3. starts with the letter "P"
  4. classification: Medical Field.
  5. next hint is pending...

please try your best here, and let's go.. 

Go.. Go.. Go.. 


Dear All, 

According to your all suggestions and after I explored your views on it (especially the view of the owner of this group)

Please, be informed that I chose to close this discussion and republish it as a blog post, because It felt that I shouldn't change the rules which were started obviously on the group page.. 

Please join the blog from here, if you would like :)

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Replies are closed for this discussion.


  • hehehe... Hi again, Mr. Clack

    Actually I am not very willing to continue preparing such a game in the next times... It is for only one time played... I also have other ideas in mind.. So, I am willing to make them all in this group if you don't mind... 

    my idea is to keep the essence of this group "guessing words" but to present it in different ways and different ideas... I don't know if It's not welcomed or something (I hope I am :D )... but seriously, I am not willing to prepare such type of crosswords again... 

    Thanks for your comment, Mr. Clark. 

    Danny Clark said:

    Dear AG! If I am allowed to express my opinion, your idea of guessing crosswords is very good, but it should be another game. Why not to start your group named "Guessing Crosswords", for example?

    The Other News Is..
    Hello, guys..  I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking…
  • Dear AG! If I am allowed to express my opinion, your idea of guessing crosswords is very good, but it should be another game. Why not to start your group named "Guessing Crosswords", for example?

  • Dear Noor, 

    We will play them all together and everyone's score will equal to the number or their correct guesses/11 words.. 

    you may guess 3 of 11, or 5 of 11, or 11 of 11...etc.

    There will be a scoreboard of your results at the end of the game... 

    and please, note that letter of each word of the 11 columns will create the secret word... you are not asked to guess what it is the secret word for now... though, you may recognize it after you create some number of correct columns, which may help you to predict the other unsolved columns... 

    I wish it's clear enough for all how to go with this puzzle now. 

    Good luck ;) 

    ELF-Noor said:

    who will play these all words????

    winner of first word will play another word,


    you will play all words..


    I think,

    "Secretwords" is in the middle...

    The Other News Is..
    Hello, guys..  I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking…
  • Hi, Noor.. 

    Yeah.. we can of course do a hundred game at the same time.. and that's meaning of what is named "A group" and what it is made for, basically... I will even share a new discussion tomorrow or after tomorrow... 

    For the priority, it's all yours.. Though, I will try in the next games to set the words into a clear series in order to make it more convenient where to start from and where to end up with.. 

    I can suggest you for now to start from the column No. (1)... but please feel free, if you would like to start from another column... 

    Cheers ;)

    ELF-Noor said:


    Game is interesting..

    Many word can be adjust at the same column then for which word, you will give priority???

    Of-course Onee would not murder you.. because she can't..:P LOL

    BTW we can take both games at time although it will be tough but we will enjoy also..

    why not we play both games at a time..Guess my word + this game also..

    The Other News Is..
    Hello, guys..  I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking…
  • who will play these all words????

    winner of first word will play another word,


    you will play all words..


    I think,

    "Secretwords" is in the middle...

  • Wow..

    Game is interesting..

    Many word can be adjust at the same column then for which word, you will give priority???

    Of-course Onee would not murder you.. because she can't..:P LOL

    BTW we can take both games at time although it will be tough but we will enjoy also..

    why not we play both games at a time..Guess my word + this game also..

  • Mary, I promise I will try to do it as soon as I find a good shot... 

    By the way, there is a pending photo challenge in my page, please make sure to have a look at it when it is approved and published ^^

    your participation means a lot, and thanks in advance :) 

    MARY said:

    Btw AG, what about the "Wordless Wednesday" game/blog? Are you gonna do it again? It was fun! :(

    I think that could be also a very cool game for a group ;)


    The Other News Is..
    Hello, guys..  I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking…
  • Mary, Hi :D

    you are exactly right.. you do not know how long it took to be shaped in a good style and leveled in a suitable rate of difficulty as well... So, I think it won't be as hard as preparing it :/ 

    I am intending to create a new simpler puzzle after this one is finished, or maybe before that... 

    By the way.. Nobody here says that you should guess all words at the same time.. I prepare this and take into my mind that we could go through the game word by word... 

    The winner will be that who will guess the maximum number of the correct answers.. 

    please try your guess... and Let's go through it one by one.. 

    MARY said:

    AG! I'm gonna need cutting-edge technology for solving this: Pencil + a Piece of Paper! :D

    I like this kind of crossword games, but I'm out of training! I feel like I'd need more than a week to solve this :D

    Anyway, you took your time to prepare a very good game for us, thanks a heap! :)

    The Other News Is..
    Hello, guys..  I forgot also to say that I had another new news for you all :D The New Game has just started, and we have started officially looking…
  • Btw AG, what about the "Wordless Wednesday" game/blog? Are you gonna do it again? It was fun! :(

    I think that could be also a very cool game for a group ;)


  • AG! I'm gonna need cutting-edge technology for solving this: Pencil + a Piece of Paper! :D

    I like this kind of crossword games, but I'm out of training! I feel like I'd need more than a week to solve this :D

    Anyway, you took your time to prepare a very good game for us, thanks a heap! :)

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