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Half-side Well

It is said that the well, located in an old town, was separated by a wall, half inside and half outside. The public half of the well was available to passersby and less-fortunate neighbors by the generous owner many decades ago.
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  • @Roman   I see. Thank you for sharing! :)

    @Eva   Good question! The ones who need water from it required to work and walk a lot if they needed much water as it's small just like you said. This design might be okay in plain villages before, but may not be okay to display like that nowadays as naughty people seem a lot and who knows what it would be put inside. :(  The owner was relatively rich compared to those who couldn't dig well at home at that time. That's why he shared this with neighbors.  

  • Grace,

    This is very interesting, my question may sound a bit ignorant but I have to ask, it seems so small, what was it used for exactly?

    First, I thought the owner set some food outside for the neighbors to take, but that can not be.

    Very special.

  • In most cases just for washing, because we have those deep wells with clean waker.

  • @Roman  Good to hear your dog is fine. It's truly dangerous if these ruined wells were not over something on the top or with a caution nearby. Btw, are the wells your village use for drinking or just for washing things or other use?

    @Dara   It's not strange for sightseeing. Here we also preserve it for educational purpose and sightseeing as well.


  • Hi Grace!

    We still have the wells in our village! And we use them often:)

    Also there are some ruined old wells. But they are dangerous, because they are hidden by the plants or weeds.

    4-5 months ago our dog fell into one of these wells. Fortunately we get her out from it. And she is ok now.

  • Xie xie mod. Grace! We used to drink from wells in the past. Now it is for sightseeing, strange isn't it? Thanks mod. Grace for sharing.

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