's Discussions (8584)

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The meaning of life

Reading 'Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl' makes me question myself  what the meaning of my life is and what my 'why' is, and it  takes a long time to answer the questions, and I've still tried to figure them out. Then, when I asked people I

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How often do you visit EC?

It's an interesting question.  EC used to have literally hundreds of active users if not thousands.

How often do you visit?  Which features do you use?


I visit almost every day and use Chat, Blog, Photos, Discussions and Groups along with time to time

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what are you reading now?

After many days, I have started book reading again, and it feels so good. I love novels and tavelogues. Today I am reading 'The last song' by Nicolas Sparks. In Europe, books are costly than Asia, in our part books are rather cheap. I know, quality o

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