's Discussions (8589)

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How often do you visit EC?

It's an interesting question.  EC used to have literally hundreds of active users if not thousands.

How often do you visit?  Which features do you use?


I visit almost every day and use Chat, Blog, Photos, Discussions and Groups along with time to time

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what are you reading now?

After many days, I have started book reading again, and it feels so good. I love novels and tavelogues. Today I am reading 'The last song' by Nicolas Sparks. In Europe, books are costly than Asia, in our part books are rather cheap. I know, quality o

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Why is everyone looking for partner

Everyone is looking for partner but how can someone find english partner if everyone is repeating the same question? all are here to improve their english proficeincy but don't know how to improve it. Same questions trending on every group that every

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Round 24: It is an object

Hi friends,

My word is an object.

“Please, ask me yes/no questions and each time ask one question.

Hope you enjoy the game.


It is portable.

It is soft.

It is used as a tool for a challenge signal.

You can buy it easily from Brazil.

The puzzle was solve

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My Word is a Clothing Item


It is an item of clothing.

Please ask yes/no questions.

Please include an item of clothing in any of your questions, if you ask questions without mentioning a clothing item, it won’t be answered.  The purpose of this game is to learn lots of clothing

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3423700788?profile=RESIZE_710xEnglish Sound System

A learner’s effort to master the pronunciation of English words could be hampered if there is no proper understanding about the English Sound System”, if you ask me!
You may argue that there are other factors which are the real o

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