Daniel's Posts (148)

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 Hello again guys, right now I give rise to my second blog post about the social habits in Britain. Let's talk a little bit about some of the most common  Brittish social etiquettes which includes things like: time, invitations, dress and dining. Have fun by knowing about them!

  To begin with, I'd mention as one of the most important things to Britons: time! Britons are very punctual, and they hope everyone also does towards them. So, if you are going to meet someone at a certain place it's advisable you come on time, unless you want to inflict their punctuality's rule. The life in Bitain is a rushed life, so, they really tent to fulfill all appointments in their daily schedule. If you're sure that you won't be able to come at your venue on time, call previously to the person you arranged to meet so that you look like a responsible individual. Some tips which you should worry about are:

  * Arrive at the exact arranged time ( this is valid both for dinner, lunch and mainly meetings with teachers and doctors);

  * Arrive any time during the time indicated for teas, receptions and cocktail parties;

  * Arrive a few moments before public meetings, plays, movies, sporting events, classes, chrurch services and weddings.

  The second point I highlight as to social habits are the invitation details. If you intend to drop in someone is advisable you are sure to attend the home of that person that exact day before accepting the invitation. If you cannot accept the invitation say to it: "Thank you for inviting me, but I won't be able to come!". On the other hand,  If you accepted the invitation and are sorry for having made that, it's indispensable you make clear in advance to that person the reasons which led you really don't go. Gifts for your host aren't necessarily mandatory, but  as a way of gratitude it's polite you bring one. They can vary from flowers or chocolate to just a small gift. By making a calling or sending a thank-you note, are also regarded polite ways to show esteem and care about your host.

  Dressing  yourself is not a complicated etiquette at all, because everyday clothes are appropiated for most of the people's homes you can attend. But, if you are going to cultural events, like plays, concerts or threatre performances you can wear more formal clothing.

  In the dinnertime, you must warn previously your host if you have any dietary restrictions so that it can get ready properly the meal.  Remember the evening meal is the most important one in some parts of Britain, so, it's really important you get your diet guidances across your host. The way food is served is as multiple as possible. The food can be served passing the serving plates among the persons in the dinnertable, the persons can serve  by themselves  like in a buffet or  the host  can fill each plate and pass to each one of the guests. Guests must wait until everyone sits down at the dinnertable to start eating.  Knife and forks are used to eat  the main plate and desserts are eaten with spoons and forks.


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  Hello guys, as promised on my post "Catchy Blog Titles", from now on, I start the first of my up and coming  blogs,which the early topic is all about an overall view of the English behaviour for non-natives. It's intended to be like a brief guide, not a comprehensive one. So, I hope you get  to know a bit more about the acceptable behaviour in the English lands, whether you go there or not. As usual, corrections, suggestions and critics are welcomed, in order to enhance my blog writing more and more. So, feel at ease to do that for me! Thanks indeed!

 Are you being a polite enough fellow?

  First of all, I have to say to you English are a reserved people by nature, both manners, speech and dress. So, if you plan one day to travel to the English territory remember to take into  consideration and accept that willingly, since, it's an oustanding caractheristic of them. Most of English are known worldwide by 3 key words: politeness, self-discipline and their sense of humour.

  Talking about greeting traditions I can say in England they are full of do's and dont's. Sometimes they can even sum up greetings to a simple "Hi", "Hello" or "Good Morning", for instance, when arriving at work or school.

  The most usual way of greeting there, it's a handshake. But, it just occurs when you're introduced to a person for the first time. If you are introduced to someone earlier, don't hope that same person to remember readily your name later on. Be always ready to reintroduce yourself. In goodbyes, English hardly never skake hands. Informally, you can notice peeks on the cheeks only between a man and a woman or two women that are friends and don't meet themselves for a long time. Generally one peck is seen.

  In the bussiness world a lower rank person is introduced to a higher rank person  as well as a young is introduced to a older person and a man is introduced to a woman.

  "How do you do?" is a formal greeting and should be answered with "How do you do?" too, whilst shaking hands with somebody you meet first. Other formal greetings are: "How are you?" which should be replied in the following way: "I'm fine, thank you! And you?", "Pleased to meet you", answered "Pleased to meet you too", "Delighted to meet you", answered "Delighted to meet you too", "Glad to meet you", answered the same with "too" at the end. "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" take part of the formal greeting vocabulary when it comes to wish somebody has pleasurable moments during periods of the day.

  In the informal greetings we have expressions like: "Hi", "Hello", "Morning", "Afternoon", "Evening"(=all these to say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening), "How's you?" (= how are you?), "Fine thanks. You?", "Thanks" (= Thank you) and "Cheers".

  Useful link about the topic: http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/greetings.html


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Writing Challenge: Catchy Blog Titles

A) Three Good MyEC Blog Titles

1) My Perth Diary : Day Four 1st Jan 2014 by noaslpls

  For me, it's a good blog title because it goes straight to the point, then, it's clear, descriptive and cathchy for who's a travel enthusiast. Capitalization highlights all the important words. Noaslpls were able to do direct titles for a series of posts telling us about the Australian city of Perth.  Congratulations noaslpls for such a great travel along the posts.

2) Astronauts Under the Water by Robbie

 It's a blog that makes me feel like I was living the same experiences that Robbie lived. Besides fulfilling the spelling, punctuation and capitalization requirements, he also kept his blog title short and descriptive. To my mind, it's a catchy one too, because he knew how to play with the comparison between "astronauts" and "divers" in the title, in this sense, he's a creative fellow, that deserves my congratulations for such summer travel  memories.

3) The Internet: A Curse in Disguise? by WMV

  The text is a great article that bring us much informaion about the use of Internet nowadays, being its drawbacks the focus. I enjoyed the title because WMV made it in a question shaped. So, in this kind of title the question make us want to read the whole text  in order we come to our conclusions about the previous indagation. Incredible! I adore answering title's questions. Spelling, punctuation and capitalization are OK, and, the briefness and description of the blog topic are OK as well.

B) My 3 Future Blog Titles (titles subjected to changes)

  My  Partner of Pronunciation: Podcasts

 Overall view on the English Accents Features (currently working on it)

  *How Does it Work in Britain? (done)

C)  Blog Titles Mine that Could be Better

  Original Title: The most travelled man in the world: Charles Veley

  I thought this one very long, so, I decide to reduce it, so that the reader don't find all the theme at one go.  Some words it could be capitalized to hightlight concepts that I wished to convey. In sum, I want to pass the maximum of ideas in just a few words in the improved form of this title.

  Improved Title: A Noticeable Globetrotter

  Original Title: Technology in the service of environment: Boyan Slat's "Ray - Robot"

  Again I face my problem of always not shorten what I want to say. Definitely, I consider this a problem. Why not summarize what I write to become more interesting? That's it I tried to do here too. Shortening the title for drawing more attention of my readers. After all, readers don't bear with so complex and long phrases in the blog's opening.

  Improved Title: Boyan Technology saving Nature



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Listen To news: New Internet Suffixes To Hit The Market ~ 04 February 2014

Discussion Question: Do you think there are more pros or more cons associated with this major change to the Internet as we know it?

  I think it has more pros with the advent of inclusion of new domain names on the Web, because this way Internet maybe can be more organised , talking about sites better sorted by its interest's areas.

  According to the news there'll have domain names like, .shop, .work and .clothing. In my view this domain names could ease for us users,  browse through  the vast world of sites in a Web search.

  In spite of the claiming of big Internet bussiness owners that the creation of these new domain systems would cause a  consume of time for them, I think anyways the adptation to a new registration style  of domains  do takes time, and, in fact, that's  necessary in order to take the monopoly of domains away from the traditional ones.

  Internet is an evironment where everything changes quickly, so, the fact of rising  domains is a living proof that instantaneity, and who takes part of online world should rapidly fit to this.

  Besides that, the Internet is a democratic place by nature, and concerning the inclusion of new domain's names couldn't be different. So, the input of these new domains is for me a good showing the cibernetic space is a free and open space.


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Interesting Facts in Easy English: The Army That Saved The Olympics

Discussion Question: Though snow machines are more reliable than Mother Nature, cold temperatures are still required to keep artificial snow from melting. Do you think global warming will put an end to the Winter Olympics in your lifetime?

  It goes without saying we're living the hardest times for Mother Nature keep its auto-ability of adaptation in a world increasingly hot. So, if humankind really wants to carry on walking towards the Nature degradation, surely it itself will hardly attend to the Olympic Games in the future.

  Maybe even this generation we'll start facing these terrible issues, since the supposed  "mankind's progress" seems not to wish take other paths on behalf of  prestigious profit.

  Global warming is putting an end to the Winter Olympics  little by little, just  looking at the case of Everest which is melting a good part of its  eternal snow, that snow located on the top of summit, in an astounding rate every year, leading tourists to quit going to there.

  Some scentists say by the year of 2050  Antarctica maybe lose a generous part of its  glacial covering what directly  spoils the polar animal's lives like the representative polar bear.

  So, I consider the way our society is taking currently, a dangerous way, if nothing is made on time to be reversed. The most intriguing is that, spite of having so many conferences and meetings about climate changes, main world economies seem not to  take on a consistent position as to climate riots.

  I don't hope to have to be able to see snow runs out and machines have to throw it, so that can there's enough snow to play a game in winter, I really hope Mother Nature keeps on doing its secular task of filling our worldwide landscapes with the most white snow we have already seen ever. 


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Writing Challenge: Story By Numbers

  Here's my story for this month's Writing Challenge. Thank you to Marisa for introducing us to The Giant Storymaker and Tara for presenting such a nice activity proposal . This story uses words and phrases found with #93.

 My Story: The Mistake's Suitcase

Character: a Polish immigrant; 

Place: greenhouse

Situation: a bomb threat

Objects: the wrong suitcase

  Once upon a time , there was a Polish immigrant called Matias who was passionate about gardening. He lived in the South of France, growing lots of  colourful tulips  in a huge and wondrous greenhouse.

  His flowers were so enchanting, that everyone in that region seemed to want all the flowers for themselves.

  He was so sucessful in what he did for a living, that had awaken jealousy in some persons which he's used to live together everyday.

  One day, the richest friend of Matias , decided to put an end to the brightness of his greenhouse, by coming up with a bomb threat to be put into the flower's field in a few days.

  That rich man was really unhappy with his life, even though all his wealth, and simply didn't accept Mattias to be so lucky in his business, because he always wanted to have all the sucess and compliments Mattias always had.

  Arrived the day to the bomb's day, the rich man decide to put it inside a suitcase. When coming at the greenhouse to leave the bomb suitcase, Mattias call him to have a coffee and hand over him some tulips as a symbol for the long-lasting friendship.

  The wealthy man got surprised with such an attitude of Mattias, what made him thoughtful, rethinking about his plan against Matias.

  At the end of the visit, he quit the suitcase's plan, because he noticed that the friendship strenght must overcome the jealousy strenght, but a thing still disturbed him: he had forgotten the suitcase at Matias' greenhouse. What now?

  Then, the man immediately come back to there and find out that the suitcase he has left there, it was just his work suitcase, since he'd also an alike suitcase that one planned to blow up,  for sure, it was the wrong suitcase that saved gardener's life.

  The rich man takes the opportunity to tell everything about your plan to Matias, and apologises him on and on. Mattias readily catch the suitcase and forgive him showing  that what's the most important this life wasn't the sucess or fame he had, but all the valuable friends he was gathering along life and their support towards him in the hardest moments which he got through.

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Listen To News: South Korea Faces Major Credit Card Hack ~ 21 January 2014

Discussion Question: Do you take precautions to make sure your personal and financial information is safe, or are you confident that your data is protected by your financial institution?

  It's a very important question to think over since we're living in full information era. I think I always take the basic precautions when it comes deal with personal and financial data, both online and offline, mainly online, since we don't know who is on the other side of screen that situation. Be completely careful it should be regarded like  an underlaying action that all persons should take into account when making any kind of data transation these days.

  For instance, when I make an online buying I try to pay attention to see if the website which I'm visiting has on its URL bar, a padlock followed by the acronym  with the letters "https", because just these tools prove the data you provided will be kept safe and sound against hacks, say IT experts .

   Still, I don't belive totally these protection systems because technology was created by man, and  as the man is subjected to failures, technology is too.  It's a logic consequence fellow! So, financial institutions are constantly running risk to be invaded by  malicious minds.

  When opening a bank account , I tent to verify if the bank has good security structures like passwords and online support , and mainly if it has reliability on the maket among its oldest customers regarding cases of data robbery. It's on the bank websites where most of the personal and financial data are lost, causing so much discomfort to its users, because they don't know where their data went, and the worst, they can't imagine  in the hands of who they are. It's a terrible situation to know your data are being handled by persons that perhaps you can  haven't seen in all your lifetime.

  Concluding, I'd say the protection data means that are available today, can do as many as they are able to do, but, ultimately,  we should remember they are not the final word when speaking about personal data stealing, because there will always be somebody working to unmake this security increasingly, so we have always to keep  our eyes turned to our precious data in order to verify they are being well managed.


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Writing Prompt: It's Vs. Its

Writing Prompt: It's Vs. Its

  In fact, I'm not a super fan of candies but I can say I enjoy eating sometimes a bar of white chocolate. Its flavour is very different of brown chocolate. It's like a milk in a bar shape. It's very soft, creamy and it's used to melt quickly inside mouth. It's advisable to consume a half of a brown chocolate bar, because it's good for heart health say doctors. Particulary, I don't like  brown chocolate because I think it's a strong taste. This way, brown chocolate and its sub-products I prefer not to eat since they make me feel an unpleasant bitter sensation. Even though that I think brown chocolate and its flavour should be one of the greatest sensations for chocolovers.

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Listen To News: Deep Freeze Spreads Across US ~ 07 January 2014

Discussion Question: What supplies should vehicles be equipped with in case of winter emergencies on the road?

  I think vehicles could be firstly equipped with some kind of internal heater so that passengers can have a more comfortable ride in the lowest temperature days. I'd mention too, vehicles should carry a device that doesn't allow their motors freeze in snowfalls. This can be very useful really, since its often we see on TV news a number of cases of frozen cars while driving on the big city streets.

  Another device I would consider important to be take into account when it comes to talk about security of vehicles in cold weather is the brakes. I notice so many accidents because the slippery floor on the streets covered by snow.

  Maybe the brake pedals could be more automatic, that is, without need to be readily activated by drivers before a high risk situation.

  The brakes should be connected to a management centre via internet in order to rid cars to be involved in serious crashes on the roads.

  Even though the tragedies that have occurred, I think technology is trying working on for help us out even against life-threatening natural phenomena, this way, technology is driving itself to maximum protection in car supplies.

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Writing Prompt: Since

Writing Prompt ~ Since

Dear Johan,

It has been a long time since I was at your company in wonderful travels all over the amazing places of the world. Maybe we haven't met each other for 2 years, right?! I want to say I intend to drop in you next month if you allow me to do that. I want  to visit you so we can update our delayed conversations, since it has been a long time since we talked about our plans to know all the places we can before dying. You know, I am planning on going to Japan this winter and I would like to invite you to go with me. It's a fantastic place to visit this season, because there are beautiful cherry trees falling down their delicate pink flowers on the ground of some old cities, shaping a heavenly view of the Japanese nature. Moreover, it's worth to go to Japan because it has been a long time since I saw dad and mom that moved away to there  in search of better life quality opportunities. In fact, my routine  is hard for 2 years and I need urgently rest some days beside my beloved parents. Waiting your reply for starting a journey through fantastic Japanese culture.

Write back soon,


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Listen To News: Russian Punk Members Released ~ 24 December 2013

Discussion Question: These women were scheduled to be released in March 2014. Do you think their early release was likely planned to prevent protests during the Olympics? Why do protests often take place at the Olympics Games?

  As far as I notice about this case I suppose the Russian government wanted really to avoid troubles during the hosting of the Winter Olympics Games in the city of Sochi in February 2014.

  I don't give total reason to the punk band Pussy Riot, because the act of protesting inside an Orthodox Church in Moscow is out of any respect for the  country official religion. In my viewpoint using religion to show up insatisfaction against govern system is not the most polite way to express your ideas for everybody. I believe if you want to protest against something, you should do it, in the most  respectful way towards differences, in order to not become a mess, moment which you start loosing the reason that motivated you to go ahead that demonstration revindications.

  According to I read on the news, the conditions of imprisonment which members of this band were kept were ruthless. One of the members said that in Russia there are lots of prisoners in the worse conditions already seen. On that side, the punk group has a worthy motivation to protest serioulsy. As to the charges against the president Vladimir Putin made by the group, like repression and governmental intransparency, all of them have to be proved till the end. After all, an accusation with no proof, it doesn't worth anything.

  At the end, I think Pussy Riot has the legitimate right of rebelling, because they are trying to get the best conditons for their own country. But, I just want to highlight that a protest without any violence, hatred or intolerance is much more better for getting the aiming targets. On the other hand, it is up to Russian government answer back readily all the charges when proved, and not repress the free way of expression.

  The protests often take place at Olympic Games, because are simply big events, events which anything different that happens wins instantly a global vision, since there get together the world press. I'd say the Olympics are a "super-backlit stage" for both  acknowledgment and humiliation before whole world.

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Listen To News: China Eases Population Control ~ 31 December 2013

Discussion Question: Do you think a baby boom in China is the answer to the country's aging population problem?

  It's a controversial question to solve. But, I think this policy should be seen  like a temporary one, that is, a restricted  policy to be a very dangerous try to give effectiveness to the country's progress noticed over past few years.

   Maybe other short-term policies could be taken into account in order to reach the goals aimed by the local government. For me, that policy has advantages and disadvantages. In fact, at the end has more impairments to life than lasting benefits because the social consequences of an increase in population will only be seen in the future. It'll cost a high price on behalf of renewing the old age of populaton so that can  keep a great economy.


  Let's start looking at the good side of issue. China is a big country. A big nation with a big population growing old day by day due to effects of the past one-child policy . So, it is logic to invest in a  policy that allows couples to have more than one child so that homeland can retrive economic and work strenghts before a competitive global market .

   Looking into the bad side of matter, I notice this policy will give rise to a big worker mass in the future for China, but  quests come to  my mind: How will be the life quality for this "boom" of inhabitants in China? How will be the living conditions for all that newborns? It knows China still has a lot of poorness, persons living in the most extreme conditions in most parts of the national territory. China needs previously to think upon how to manage generously the widest and one of the neediest human agglomerations of the world.

  The new policy for me is a handy way out for the question, however it's not the final solution for so complex problem that the country faces: economic growing parallel to a rising aged population. More people in population don't put an end when it comes to the unstoppable economic expansion of a nation.

  As see it, the governmental authorities could  focus on importing specialised labor as a possible suggestion, and secondly proceeding in putting in practice a policy that ask persons to breed more children, bearing in mind that is  up to a limit that doesn't harm the life quality of this gigantic society, since China is already by far the biggest worlwide population. A huge and young population doesn't makes up a disaster in health, salary and work  conditions as well as other social indicators. The growing of a country should be based on solid respect to the most primitive human rights.

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Writing Prompt: Almost Vs Almost All

Writing Prompt ~ Almost Vs Almost All

Dear  Claire,

almost went on holidays. There are just some weeks of work for me to go on holidays. You know, I almost forgot to buy the airplane tickets to visit you in Canada  during the New Years' Eve . There are loads of unfinished reports that my boss said to me to do until Friday afternoon, that's why I haven't travelled yet . Most of my work friends already went on holidays because they advanced all their extra work schedule some weeks after me. So, my office room is seeming like a "ghost city" to tell you the truth.LOL! On  the other hand, most of my relatives haven't gone on holidays yet, because they have also some extra work to comply with. Almost all the financial sector reports of company I work are finished, they are just waiting the approval of my manager to be filed in the warehouse. As well as, almost all managerial sector reports are also made, because my boss Julio was picky as to them along the work year, so left very little of them to do. To finish , I just wanna say  I'm looking forward coming to your home.

Happy holidays,



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Listen To News: Chinese Probe Makes Lunar Landing ~ 17 December 2013

Discussion Question: China has been investing a lot of time and money into its space program in recent years. Do you think this sucessful Chinese landing will cause the US to put more focus on  future lunar missions?

  Considering that China always was a counterpoint for  USA, I think so, I think USA will be a a bit jealous of another nation set foot on Moon before some years it has itself. On the other hand, I don't believe USA will invest some money into new lunar missions, but, in a certain way USA will try to keep the lunar territory under its influence to the most.

  I think America wants to let to the whole world the image as a country that first came to the Moon, and first put a national flag on there. USA is worried about keeping an image of a  lunar running patron. It's more a question of status before society than anything, in order to pass on this history along generations.

  I think the chief purpose of NASA these days, is to seek and find new colonisable areas in the vastness of Universe. The main aim of American spacial industry is nowadays named Mars, the known red planet.

  There are news rumours that in the future we'll capable of dwelling there, because Earth will become an overcrowed place that we'll necessarily have to build up a civilisation out of it.

  USA is intended to explore the Universe more and more, in search of smart life, inhabitable planets which water, temperature conditions  are viable to our survival. In sum, the big game of our century is the expansion of human population through the ends of our galaxy or even towards outside it.

  Besides that, Moon was just a starting point to the 21st century spacial human adventure. Moon it's like a frame that garnishes our endless nocturnal starred sky.


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Talking Over A Little About Facebook

  Hello guys, this post I will try to gather all the topics proposed by teacher Tara in her blog "Do You Like Facebook? Let's Blog About It" in just one post. So, first of all, I want to thank teacher Tara for always bring us  supporting activities in order to improve our   ability of expressing our opinions and thus written skills at the same time. Thank you teacher!

  I'll answer the following questions along my text:Do you love or hate Facebook?Explain your reasons; What do you typically use Facebook for? ; How is Facebook different from other social media sites? ; Has Facebook changed the world? ; Will Facebook stand the test of time? So, it looks like very challenging questions to think about  in just one go, but it's worth to think about at least one time in a lifetime who's using or will use this huge,famous and growing social network nicknamed  "Face" among its  intimate users.

  The first question I consider the most important, because it refers to our affection or disaffection at first sight by social network at issue. To tell the truth I'd say I like some aspects on Facebook and disapprove other ones, this because as all social networks,  Facebook has also its  advantages and disadvantages as well. This is an inconstetable fact!

  I recommend Facebook because there you can find out a world of possibilties from enjoyment ones, like games, to professional ones in pages earmarked curriculum sending. You can develop a big network of friendships, from close friends to those from farthest places of Earth expanding your social relations. There, for example, I have friends from France, Greece and I'm able to share experiences as to the language learning with them and they with me.  I can express my feelings, emotions and opinions about the most diverse themes in just one click away. I can  build an  online carrer in music, economics, politics, sociology, language learning, e-commerce, cinema, international trade, at last, in many other activities you can imagine to do. For me, this is the good side of  social networks in general. It's a world that summarises in knowing, sharing and interacting.

  The dark side of Facebook I think it's mainly concentrated on the super-exposure  all of users are subjected all the time when they're active on there. After all, it's a logic consequence of when you accept a privacy policy which you grant image rights to take part in an online community that kind. You are subject to online robbery of your personal data too. In espionage times, you can even are subjected to life investigation! Imagine somebody looking into your online life all days, all nights for several years without you can distrust a bit. Sometimes that can  seem to be not so apparent but, in fact, happens and can come to happen anytime with you. The privacy promised by social networks is far from reality we live these days, days which almost everything of good and bad is made online. Times of virtual Big Brother these we live on the Web friends.

  I use Facebook to make friendships, listening to music and follow updates of my  favourite pages. Sometimes the chat help me out to take some doubts about a misunderstood topic with my teachers and/or friends at the period of an important college examination or work. I'm not an expert in Facebook, I just use it to do normal things, nothing of extraordinary. What I like the most is to read the English learning pages that I've liked there. There are so many interesting pages for that, containing links that leads to never before seen websites with great articles, activities and audio lessons for who's learning a second language. Simply, I enjoy to do that !   Facebook also gives me interactivity with other learning friends from all around the world through communities designed especially for making friends outside it.

  I believe the difference from Facebook to other social medias consists of Facebook is able to  collect several resources in just one place like videos, games, music, images, messages, and this is just what persons want nowadays, fastness and practicality. Facebook has a global reach, due to its immense fan comunity, its immense gathering of worlwide known companies, artists,  and services inserted on its pages. I think the fast popularity among all audiences  also helped out Facebook become one of the most important and different sites of world. The Mark Zuckerberg's wealth prove that popularity! He's one of the youngest and richest entrepeneurs in the Web world. His relationship website go for millions and millions in the stock exchange in the present days.

  For sure,  Facebook's popularity has changed the world through a particular and unexpected way so far: the netizen's union strenght. Just to exemplify we can quote the changings caused by social media websites, the Middle East country revolutions, the Brazilian riots, the rising of crosscultural exchangings between nations. Facebook as many as other social sites have contributed to facilitation of communication and personal expression in a global scale. It's like Facebook had became a platform for all kinds of human wishes or dissastisfactions. I'd risk to say it even became a parallel world to the real one we are accustomed to having. It's a place where oftentimes you can build up a opposite lifestyle of  your authentic daily.

  As everything, Facebook has your expiration date. On internet everything that isn't filled with novelty is doomed to failure. Internet is a dynamic environment by nature. So, if something doesn't show up newness any more, it will surely be surpassed by something better and more updated. While, Facebook keeps eventful it'll stand the test of time, but when it becomes eventless, something will take up his position. People always search for something more attractive than they have in the present time, and concerning social networks is not different at all.






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Writing Prompt: Lose, Loose, Loss

Writing Prompt ~ Lose, Loose, Loss

  Mr. Klein always was a sucessful entrepeneur in a Belgium small city. He loves a lot to deal with the production process of Belgian chocolates  for 20 years. He has five shops in other cities around his hometown. But, for some time now, Mr. Klein is facing economic losses on his modest business due to a big high-quality sweet products company  that was established in front of one of his business establishments. He lost until last year about thirty percent of his fortune making useless improvements on his five shops, unfortunately without a good  financial reply. Made an economic loss graph, his accountants noticed that Mr. klein loses each year about fifteen percent of his capital. He's desperated with this  maddening framework and want to find out a quick and effective solution as soon as possible. He intend to loose his budget in order to make other business improvements, asking for an enough loan to his hometown bank. He knows if they can't pay the money's amount lent to him within two years time, he can be arrested by police and just be loose after paying a high bail to Justice. Mr. Klein hopes to retrieve the missing amount of money, getting better the chocolate quality  offered to his customers as well as restructuring the shop's architectures rather old-fashioned.

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Interesting Facts In Easy English: "Serendipity" Is Difficult To Translate

Discussion Question: What word in your language is difficult to trasnslate into English, and why?

  What first came to my mind when thinking about this question was the Portuguese word "saudade". Without a shadow of  doubt that word is the hardest word to translate into English. It is always mentioned when touching topics related to difficult words to translate into another language, mainly English.

  You know, "saudade" is a word that depicts the feeling of missing  somebody or someone that you truly love or like. I think it's a word  related to a close, long-lasting relationship that you have with someone or something. You feel "saudade" because that person or thing you love a lot,  you can't have them near to you now. By the way, I believe that feeling is being softened by the new communication medias like online chats and face-to-face conversation programs like Skype and others.

  As example, I could quote as a situation that the "saudade" meaning fits, the case which a boyfriend or girlfriend that you have a relationship for a long time,  for some reason has to travel for a far away place for never to return to you. It's a typically ocasion that you feel "saudade", a deep feeeling of missing.

 Another Portuguese word that can be listed in the most diffcult words to translate into English is "cafuné". Cafuné is a word that represents the affectionately act of  running your fingers on somebody's hair. It's a concept that is linked to an affection moment between two persons. You do a "cafuné" on somebody you love or have a strong sense of fondness.

  Cafuné is in general seen among lovers or close parents like sons and his mothers or daughters and her mothers, mostly among females. You do a "cafuné" on somebody because you are sentimentally involved with that person.

  Maybe the fact these words only exist in the Portuguese language show an uniqueness of its thinking way to express particular social, cultural happenings.

  So, I think these are the most remembered and difficult words in Portuguese for translating into English that I found. Possibly, It must have other ones that I can haven't featured this opportunity, but, for sure, these are the most emblematic examples that  have to show for you.


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Interesting Facts in Easy English: The Verb "Run" Has The Most Definitions

  Discussion Questions: As a learner of English, how does it make you feel to know that there are over 600 ways to use a single English word? What does this say about the English language?

  Considering that for me studying a second language  it's simply a pleasure, don't worry me about how many hundreds of meanings a single word can convey. What really moves me is the wish to learn little by little the  nuances of the language at issue that allows me to have a satisfactory understanding of the most common linguistic structures.

  Of course, I won't be able to learn  everything in a new language, but, I can learn what is the most seen and used in daily conversations so that I can put into practice the most important aspect of learning a second language in my opinion: the act of communicating with others,  using that new linguistic code you learned. The ability of communicating is an irrecusable and precious gift given for all human beings, don't matter what's its nationality or language that should be practiced as many times we can.

  I think as a good English student you have to worry first about what's is really spoken by the native speaker's mouths, worry yourself about what is seen and effectively used by them in daily situations, in normal conditions. Because many of the meanings in a dictionary entry have a formal, literay or even archaic usage that we hardly ever see in a normal dialogue.

  The multiple significance of some words, show us that English is basically an economic language that tries to put in just one word as many meanings as it can in order to short the vocabulary. Maybe English be one of the languages that have the most economic vocabulary in the world. And this is good for us learners, because we don't need to remember so many words for writting or speak.

  So, even though the verb "to run" can have over 600 ways of using, I conclude that English is a good  communicating channel since it's economic, and with an easy and fast grammar to learn in comparison with other languages. 


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Writing Prompt: Bring/ Take

Writing Prompt ~ Bring/ Take

 Matt: Hi, Daniel! It's Matt! What have you been up to my friend?

 Me: Hello Matt, in fact, I'm enjoying my Sunday relaxing after a busy work and study week.

 Matt: What about we watch an epic movie on your new home theather at 2 PM today? Agreed?

 Me: As for me, it's okay! At 2 PM you can knock at my door, by the way don't forget to bring a nice movie and a tasty sweet popcorn.

 Matt: Okay my friend, I will  take the massive Hollywood production  "300", a  delicious popcorn and a family-sized pepperoni pizza as well.

 Me: Super! I'm looking forward to you come here. If you want, bring Andrew, Leonard and Vitor to liven up our weekend film session.

 Matt: No problem, if they want to go, for sure I'll take them there!

 Me: Could you bring me your adventure film collection so that I can watch them along week in my free time?

 Matt: Of course! I think I'll take my comedy and action film collections as well, so that you can choose the ones which the most  please you. The best adventure films in my collection that I'll take to you are: Gladiator, The Mummy Returns, Pirates of Caribbean and Prince of Persia.

 Me: If Andrew come with you, remember him to bring my set of card games that I forgot in his house last week.

 Matt: Bye Daniel, see you later !

 Me: See you later too my friend!



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 Interesting Facts In Easy English: "Selfie" Is The Word Of The Year

  Discussion Question: Language changes so quickly these days that it's almost pointless for new dictionaries to be printed. Do you think we will soon see the end of traditional publishing when it comes to reference books such as dictionaries and encyclopedias?

 The process of evolution of languages is so wonderful , because it makes us notice the way which we express, also follows the rising changings of our technological era.

 On the other hand, that same unavoidable fast changings  also contributes to the supplanting of old publishing methods and therefore the way we interact with language study and knowledge in general. For this, undoubtedly, sooner or later, the dictionaries and encyclopedias will be overcome by present medias.

  I think the end of reference books era, as we know them today, it's a normal happening that should be seen by everyone like an ordinary event, as well as happened with humankind when outdid the vehicles moved to steam to the ones fed by gasoline.

  The problem is that not everyone is ready to adhere to this new knowledge methods so quickly, so, I believe it won't be an overnight process, but, a progressive step towards, a complete world of books, encyclopedias and dictionaries on the screens of our personal computers.

  As I see it, the end of traditional books will be also a great measure, in order to protect more and more rainforests against the innefective sustainable development policies. The nature besides being very damaged due to the unstoppable capitalist growth, is ravaged to produce paper for countless items we have available in our home shelves. Just to quote some of them, think about most of the supermarket food packages that are all produced with the paper extracted from that forests.

  From my point of view, we have to start getting used to the new realities brought forward by information era, if we want to  evolve technologically. We have to start rethinking some of our old concepts letting them in favour of a more cognized society.

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