Woman singer in Islam??


Dear all my brothers and sisters...

I want to know your opinion about woman singer...

To tell you the truth, I was a singer. But, now I left all and have determined it so well.

I just want to know the opinions from my EC friends here..

In several countries, women still singing on the stage, taking out their voices and shaking their bodies although it's not too much and they're using hijabs. Some of them sing love songs, some others sing religious songs. Isn't woman's voice also aurat in Islam?

I'll be glad to hear all your opinions and knowledge, even better you give source from Quran or Hadith..

And what about the muslim women in your country? Do they sing?

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and opinions here.. :))

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  • Lady Noor,, I'm so sorry, I misunderstood. I didn't read as "and even only in some occasions".

    Oh, really sorry, Thank you for your valuable comment and information. It means a lot to me, Sister Lady Noor... :)

  • Dear brother, arif saeed.

    Thank you so much for mentioning the hadith, completed with number. I'm so sorry for my lack of English in religion vocabulary. And thanks for hearing my story.. :D 

    Hello Stranger in the night,

    Thanks for reading this discussion. I wish it can be useful for you, and all the readers here... :)

    arif's Discussions
    arif's Discussions | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
  • Dear sister, Lady Noor

    First, thank you so much for your contributing a valuable comment and information for the discussion here..

    Second, it's clear now... I'm so sorry, I really didn't understand the meaning of the hadith at first. But, now I understand, and also found the hadith in my language :). The followed question is.... what kind of or how is the limitation of hearing music in the permissible time? You know that in my country, if people hold a wedding party, they will hear music all day and night. :)

    Third, OK, I got it. Voice of woman is not aurat. But woman should talk not too complaisant of speech. It means qiro'ah is also forbidden, right? :)

    Fourth, Thank you for reminding me about hijab, sister. Fortunately, I'm not wearing the magical make up anymore. And I'm trying to be better and better everyday... :)  

    It's true that I must find the reference of everyone's opinion, especially in Islam. So, we could admit that it's true if it's really true. Thanks again for your wishes (aamiin), dropping by and paying attention to my question. I'm so sorry for just replying, I had a terrible days last week .. :)

  • Mother mercy
  • Sorry my sister for being late. Actually, I don't know why most of discussion are not being notified. Anyway.
    Well, you have some doubt in authentications of this saying. OK we can discuss this topic without referring to any saying or Hadith though it has been verified more than once :).

    Let's figure out hidden truth by knowing the fact of a song and music. First thing I wish I could learn from your experience of singing.

    1) Why do people [Muslim] love listening to music/ songs?

    • Bro Arif, I don't mean that I doubt the authentications of the hadith. Otherwise, I would like you share knowledge with hadith. And I really don't know about that saying mean.... Sorry, maybe my lack of English interpretation.

  • Before I say anything in regard of the topic, I would like to refer to a saying of beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

    "Among my Ummah, there will be people who will regard as permissible adultery, silk, alcohol and music instruments."

    Al Bukhari [5590 ]

    May I know why you gave up singing?
    Good topic to discuss!
    • arif saeed,,

      First, can you explain about the Hadith you mention above?

      Second, I give up singing, yes.

      I'm interested with your question. My friends often asked me about that, and I would just say "I'm just lazy singing again". But actually................

      I had been singing for about five years. Both in band and choir. I have experience in entertainment world that is so ... much thing to forget and careless to Allah. For a simple case is about sholat (prayer), late or even cancel it, when practicing or in competition. Another case is about the society that sure even worse when we meet famous singers, you know that. 

      I know, I heard that women's voices (in singing) is prohibited in Islam, that's why only men who shout azan. But I was so stubborn at that time, as I see so many women in my country, singing.

      I found myself in a war between heart and mind then. I had my world with singers out of my place (home), but fortunately a year before I left singing, I am in a good place between many good people. They never tried to force me or something. But I can see it then, that I really had a different way of life. I was a singer, "am I right? Am I doing right? Am I doing the right thing?"

      I didn't feel comfortable anymore when singing, I couldn't find my interest anymore in singing in front of people. Then, I left singing gradually. My friends were calling me again to sing. But I refuse them, and still in a good friendship, although it's a little far I feel. But it's ok. I think Allah guide me to the right way.

      That is my story, and you made me tell you. hm.. now you know why..

      Third, my friends said that music is HARAM. It's surprised me actually. I just know these days. But they don't have any prove (in which Hadith or Quran), and some of them, still hearing music although they know, intentionally :( . Yes, this is the world we live in now, full of music.

      For me, now I just listen to slow music with good lyrics, at least not in a contradiction with religion. I listen to music not so intensely like before. Just in a relaxing time and very occasional. Sometimes I like singing for myself of course.

      Do you have any idea or know about this?

      Thank you so much for your time...

      My questions is open for all of you muslim in the world. :)

      arif's Discussions
      arif's Discussions | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
    • *sorry mistake, guides me.

      And don't worry. I will not trust any saying here without strong evidence..

      Otherwise I will pay full of attention, with all my heart if you say the right things. :)

    • This will be a heavy discussion I guess. Sorry, wait for my complete reply. This is what I want to ask to you, brother. 

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