
  • dear Eva.. past sad memories guide us, but by remembering sad moment again and again like punishment for us.. so i think better to not remember sad moments. 

  • Thanks dewi for your explanation!

  • Yes Eva they do not vanish, but a poet is wishing in this way:

    O'lord my past (memories) are punishment for me,
    Please snatch my 'memory' (the ability) from me!

    (Translated from Urdu).

  • Memories ... well , for sure we have them in many different such as sad , happy , hate, love , etc. But what the most important is we must be smart to manage our memories , we can not just keep all good memories and throw all bad memories in once . most some of bad memories the more we try to forget it the more hard the memories connected in our brain ... like we refresh it and that very not good. Better we take it as a good lesson for us so in next we will never do nor have again. Its more better , so as time goes by we don't have any stuck of bad memories.

  • but we should try to remember only happy moments.

  • our life made of happy and sad moments and thoughts for future... we have both sad and happy memories, think for a while if we don't able to think/ remember our past then hows will be life. 

  • I thank you all who have participated in discussion and wait for others!

  • you are right though we try to forget some memories but we can not. so we have to try to remember just the nice ones.

  • Good memories stick in the mind, because we enjoy reminding them over and over.....but as we don't like to remind bad memories, we try to clean them from the mind. Some memories are so bad that reminding them is harmful for mental health.

  • Mishaikh,,

    Let me see this quote:

    "Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why we call it present"

    Memory is like history. It neither can be changed nor vanished. How we have an attitude to histories, likewise, we take an attitude to face memories.

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