
  • The word These in "These sentences" meaning plural, but if use this its singular form, so I agree with the Sandeeps answered.

  • 1. Is there any error in these sentences?

    Is there any error in this sentence? -> Singular form

    2. correct

    • In no. 1 sentence...Can't I use the original wordings (these sentences)..What if there are really many sentences, but I am sure that there is no error on those sentences, if ever it has, it might be one error only? 

      LOL! I'm not sure if my question is valid to ask.

  • Are there any errors in these sentences ?

    We put it in the plural form because there are many sentences and many errors ,and the word "error " is countable so we can put "s" in the plural form .

    you can say too : - Is there any question?

     or - Are there any questions?? 

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