Writing Prompt: So and Such

Writing Prompt ~ So and Such

Such a nice day

  It was such an incredible travel, the last week journey to Australia! There, I could see nearly the most known australian symbols:  the kangaroos. They were confined in  such a large area inside the Sydney's zoo where they had complete acess to several of the best types of green leaves and vegetables.  I confess, at first, I  faced kangaroos like such  angry creatures that I'd  dare to come near them in no way!    But, I  could prove in reality they aren't like this. The zoo's kangaroos were so gentle, that I could feed them with my own hands without any fear or distrust about that. From my experience I conclude, any animal, whatever wild it is, it can become  so pleasant and so reliable for living together with humans if they're treated in a nice way. I've never imagined kangaroos were such  nice creatures when dealing with them so affectionately.

 Note: If you notice something can be improved in my activity either spelling, grammar or cohesion or coherence let me know dropping me a comment here below. Thanks!

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  •  Thanks for the useful tip Lady!

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