Writing Prompt: Holiday Capitalization

Writing Prompt ~ Holiday Capitalization

Hi Michelle,

I'm planning to spend the Christmas Day in Berlin because I've been away from my family for six years. They are desperately to I visit them as soon as possible! I know you intend to land this time in Germany too. I hope we can get together at least on New Year's Eve at the Brandeburg Gate. Me and my family always spend New Year's Day and Christmas Eve there. There's always a special firework show iluminating the sky in every New Year coming. It's incredible! Since I know you stay for a short time in one place due to your career as an international's flight attendant, get in touch to tell me what's the best place to find you in Europe when you're not flying. Maybe a good period is the Boxing Day when I usually go to Paris to enjoy not only the city lights,but also, going shopping before I return home.

Happy New Year and Christmas!


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  •  Thanks Tara!

  • Thanks for trying this prompt! Note that you don't need an article (the) when referring to these holidays by name:  

    I'm planning to spend the Christmas Day in Berlin.

    at least on the New Year's Eve

  • They desparately wish that I visit them as soon as possible.
    ..........on the New Year's Eve.
    .............return home.
    Very good writing.

  • Nice job!

    Re correction: There are at least three sentences you could improve:

    1. "...in Berlin because I'm away from my family for six years." -- Can you find a suitable tense for the clause?

    2. "They are desperately I come there as soon as possible!" -- You need something to connect "They are desperately" to "I come...".  

    3. "There's always a special firework show iluminating the sky in every new year coming." -- I assume you mean a firework show for the New Year celebration. 

    By the way, you usually say "on New Year's Eve", not "in...". 

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