You must have noticed that Luci, one of our most popular active members, has just left MyEC. Sorry, but MyEC members keep coming and going. I agree that MyEC wouldn't be the same without popular active members like Luci. Then, here comes my question: Who'll make a popular active member here on MyEC?

A popular active member should be:

So eager to read and write blog posts

They are so interested in what others write, and so curious to know what others are doing or thinking about. Whenever it's possible, they write their own blogs or blog posts, which usually are so fun and interesting to read. They'll respond or reply to any comment on their blog. 

So willing to help

They usually try to leave a comment on what they just read. Their comments are so encourgaging - they're actually inspiring other members to write more. They even try to make corrections for those who really want to be corrected. It sure takes time for them to do this, but they think it's worth doing. 

So good at English

It's easy for them to understand what others write in English. They can communicate with others in English without any difficulty. They know what you're trying to say, and can express themselves so effectively. 

So, you can be our next popular active member. Try to be such an active member here - you can make a difference by doing this and you'll agree it's so rewarding. 

You might also like to read this blog: You can be our next active member.  

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  • Dear Doc,

    So these are the prerequisites for gaining popularity in EC?  Honestly speaking, Doc it also made me think of something else.  

    It maybe because you are very much concerned with the blog section that it didn't come into your mind that being popular in EC also needs to be active in the main chatroom, too.  A large portion of the EC members goes to the chatroom rather than lingers inside the club everyday that it's easy to be recognized when one is active in this section, too.  

    Luci was very active in both sections that she gained the highest recognition from the new and the old members of EC.  Actually, it was neither her aim nor her intention to gain popularity here.  It was obvious that she was quite enjoying her time writing, reading, interacting and putting English into practice.  She unconsciously became the living epitome of a true EC learner who materialized her passion for English by utilizing EC club to the fullest.

    I believe that for a learner to achieve his ultimate goal in improving his English to a very satisfactory level, he must be generous in practising his English a lot, religiously participating in every activity in EC club not just for the aim of gaining popularity but to improve.  

    EC has offered the greatest opportunity for us to improve our English.  It's our choice to grab it and benefit from it or just take it for granted.  

    I felt so unhappy because I was not able to have a talk with Luci before she went.  She treated me as her close ally and a confidant.  I felt so sorry I was not here when she might be needing someone for whom she could give vent to her feelings.  Luci, I know you can read my comment.  I hope you are okay.  I hope that this short rest will revive you and make you come back to EC again.  I will be waiting for your return!

    Thank you, Doc for acknowledging our dearest Luci!

  • @Evangelina

    Thanks for the comment. Yes, so many members here have the potential to be a popular active member, including you. Every member here can be such a popular active member. Also yes, MyEC will move on 'since people speak English':) 


    You're already a popular active member. You can be even more active, though - we love to read your blogs and comments. Try to find time to be actively involved here on MyEC - our online home. 

    I agree that the content of the page should be left behind when a member leaves. But it's up to whoever is leaving. Thanks!

  • It's shocking that she left! MyEc is missing her. I think people like her who have such wonderful pages shouldn't deactivate their accounts. Why not taking a break while leaving your page as it is? I think those pages are a source of many great memories for not only members themselves but for their friends as well.

    I liked you blog, Expector Smith. I think we all should aim for making popular active members.

    Thank you! :)

  • @Ratu

    Thanks for the nice comment. I've noticed you have written some blogs which are so interesting to read, and what's more impressive is you've been trying to read and leave a comment on blogs by other members. So, I'll bet you could be our next popular active member. Keep up your great work here!


    Welcome back! You're already an active member here. You can be a very popular member if you have all the time needed for being such an active member. Try to write and comment more!


    You're not alone - we all miss her!


    I assume you mean you're trying to know why Luci left MyEC. It's now anybody's guess - I don't have any idea either. 


    I hope so - let's keep praying!


    Thanks for the wonderful comment. You're not the only one who has difficulty speaking English. English isn't your mother tongue/first language - you may not need to speak it every day. That means you can make do without speaking it.

    You just need to read or write in English - we call it "silent English".  You can even get a high mark in an English test with the "silent English". It's not a good idea, though - we should try to practice speaking. Chances are you'll be good at English speaking if you're really good at English reading and writing. 

    Thanks again!

  • Great blog indeed!   

    I'll definitely follow these tips! I want to share my problems,
    1. Whenever I write something in English for example any essay or a story in an exam or a quiz, I have a good collection of words in my mind to embellish my writing piece, but whenever I' speaking English, I didn't find good vocabulary :( .. 

  • luci please come back!

  • I'm still don't get you, more explanation is needed urgenlty
  • I was shocked when I came to knew she is gone. Miss her.

  • I will be the next, just wait and see....hihihi...

    How are you my dear Teacher?, long time no see. Hope you're fine.

  • EXpector Smith, 

    you are right, Luci always encourage me to write, she is not trying to be popular but what she did, I hope EC will have another new Luci....

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