The rose is rightly called "The Queen of Flowers". It is pretty to look at.  It is very sweet to smell. It's many kinds and colours.  It is used for making garlands and bouquets.  The nature has created this beautiful flower with thorn to protect from the unorthodox pluckers.  Anyway, some pluckers, however, call the courage to  pluck the roses with care, so that they may run their flower shops.  Rose water and gulqund (rose petals are mixed with honey) are used in medicine. The Atr (perfume) of rose was invented by the queen Nur Jehan.  Rose plant is nearly four feet high.


I have only one habit (maybe more) but the only talk about habit I have is READING.  Yes, I read and read and read.  So because of this habit I now have confidence to write.  I rarely feel hard to write.  I at least try to write whatever thought comes to my mind.  I am not claiming that I write very good.  The good thing which comforts me is that I find it easy (mostly) words coming to the paper (electronically or in ink) from mind through pen.(keyboard).  So reading and more and more reading is the source to steer your mind to make you able to write.  So let's start reading folks.

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  • Thank you Sid for your appreciation.

  • Amazingly written!! 

  • Both paragraphs are good, I wish I had the habit of reading.

  • Dear Mishaikh, nice writing. Can I ask you a question, I haven't seen seeker's writing challenge where is it?
  • Thanks for 'steer'....I have found it also means meat of a calf.

  • Thanks Onee for your time to read and appreciate.

  • I really like this, Mishaikh.

    I enjoyed reading each word you wrote. Simple but quite good to read.

    Nice idea! [Thumbsup] for you.

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