The Picture of Life

Peppo's sentences written in Danny's grammar lesson motivated me to write this short story.

There is silence, at least for me, though all the cacophony of the traffic and the hullabaloo from the neighbors is coming from outside, but for me, it is silence, because no phone rings though she promised to call me.  Hatred for this device is rising in me, because I can’t hate her, despite her being so rude, so hardhearted.  I wish not to use the phone, not even touch it anymore.  What is the use of this medium which fails to make a connection between me and her?  Uff! What dejection, I seem not to hear from her anymore.  If she had a problem, she would have told me before I asked her to give me a call.  I think this silence is going to kill me.  I asked her to call me tonight, I knew she would, but now, this silence seems to be eternal, infinite, endless.  People, mostly like silence, noise disturbs them and I, too, feel the same way, but now this silence is disturbing me really bad.  What does this mean? I can hardly convince myself that she does not love me.  She would have told me if she doesn’t feel that way.  She must’ve explained her mind.  She said she would have called me as soon as she comes back from the tour. I am not sure she has come yet, if yes, why is there such silence? I will probably go nuts.  How will this relationship last, if I am being treated this way?  My heart is beating high.  Throbbing is making me dizzy.  I want to get some fresh air. I am rushing to the door and open it.  She is there standing in the doorway like a picture, 'the picture of life'.  

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  • Thank Anastasia for your comment.

  • Let her go, dear..... You'll meet somebody else to love you truly.

  • Thanks Narin for liking the story.

  • Thanks for the comments and LOL Onee.

  • Thanks saba for your advising comment.

  • nice and touchy ,tnx for sharing.

  • Saba, LOL...

  • So touched! A poignant and sweet story, Mishaikh. ^_^

  • Hi Mishaikh

    Let her do what she likes. If she doesn't love you.

  • Danny, what about 'The Frozen Moment.

    She is standing there in the doorway. The time stopped, the moment later I feel life coming into me.

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