My Finding of the Pleasure of Reading

  Hello everybody, this post I will share with you a text developed for me to just show how important and meaningful  the habit of reading is in my daily life nowadays. I hope you  inspire yourself to dare to try to read something next time you come close to some reading material.

  Reading for me is one of the best tasks when you're learning something either by pleasure or by studying. It's like a long, long journey which you do to a distant but so dreamed destination.

  When reading I can tell you I liberate myself of heavy troubles existing in my mind, troubles of that kind annoy you all the time.

  I'd say I'm still in process of finding out of the pleasure of reading. In fact, I couldn't even imaginate that reading it has been a so grateful routine, the habit of reading  can bring us a feeling of lightness, I say, a sensation of intellectual freedom and discovering of how capable we, insignificant creatures in a unthinkable vast Universe, are to learn and store so many informations in our brain all day long. These days, I have a good fluidity of words, phrases, ideas hovering  in my mind which lead me including writing this text here, right now!

  I usually read daily, always I have the possibility to do it, you know, modern world, brings together modern life too, which express through lack of time for the active individuals of the 21st century.

  I enjoy reading materials linked to History, Geography, and, of course, materials about language learning ( mostly English ). By the way, at the moment, I'm reading a lot  grammars of English, English articles, English news and almost everything related to  English learning. I suppose my affair with learning is making me go ahead more and more in English!

  As for the reason I read a lot, I'd answer this questioning in a way simple enough : It's an indescribable will to go on reading! Simple like that! It's just that chaps!

  To conclude my personal review on the habit of reading, I want to advise you to search for a reading on your personal taste for starting  the wonderful process of reading in your life. I assure you won't regret  having started reading something, come on! let's go, wake up your brain for valuable times of reading!

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  • very nice!

    i always try to push myself into reading more and i try to use the best of my time!reading comes up with many advantages!not only you gain many information in different fields but also you get familiar with different styles of writings and its a good step esp for a learner of a second language!

    thanks you shared this.

    The Best

  • Great !
    If u read lots of books, I wonder why u haven't participated in writing challenge, yet !?
  • Well, I can't imagine my life without reading anything. I even read a few words, at least, before going to sleep. Reading is really the best luxury you can have.

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