In His Great Name

Have you ever paid attention to people who attract No attention?!

In our daily life, we meet different people daily. We say Hello, we greet and pass. The other day comes and it’s all the same story. And if you calculate the number of people you have squeezed into a hello-Goodbye box, you will wonder and murmur freakily “Am I a packing-killer?”:-sss!!the truth comes to light here that we take many people for granted daily and their existence is going to be a routine for us -if I don’t say it has been already! of those squeezed victims  is our Neighbor!

Who is your neighbor”, asks a fellow from his friend.”hhmmm….aaahh….I fancy he’s got an ebony hair, I see him every morning! Mr……..hhmmm….it’s on the tip of my tongue... …hhmm…..aha!Mr. Swanson….. See, I know Him! “Answered the fellow’s friend, having a self-satisfied smirk on his face!(

It’s as clear as a day that how many of us have ever felt that much satisfied with ourselves, but really how should we behave with them? It’s none of our business, right? It doesn’t have anything to do with us what’s going on behind our walls, does it?

Neighbor is defined in Longman Dictionary as “someone who lives next to you or near you”. Although the Dictionary definition may emphasize on the nearly location, the reality and the fact seem to be different which glitters in the definition also. Someone who is near to you’. This is a missing key in our relations and behavioral manners! We are all humans and we can prove that through our humane behavior! Sense of humor, hospitality, kindness, care, fairness, adoration, respect and etc. All these and many more have made a difference for us as a human being; and it’s undeniable that they can’t be squeezed into that Hello-Goodbye box! So what will happen to you with such appreciable qualities is that you start forgetting them as you made yourself encountered with less people to represent those manners! On the other hand, people around you also prefer to keep such heavenly propensities inside themselves as they react to how you act! A challenging question comes up here that when we can provide a friendly atmosphere for living, why we hesitate? Can you forgive yourself when you find out that your neighbor(with our new accepted definition: someone who is near to you) had been tackling with a severe problem and finally failed while you could help him rescue and the reason of this failure of yours was only not adding some questions and words to your greetings like ”how is everything  with you?’, “is everything going on well?”, “if I could do any help, just give me call!”, “you can count on me!”, “I understand”, “don’t you want to have a tea and talk?” and etc. .

Being near to someone doesn’t mean that you are allowed to investigate in other’s life, you see the object clearly when it’s in the right distance if you take it too far or too close, you won’t see it! So, let’s don’t put our neighbors too far or too near, just in the right manner to prove we are humans! So if your neighbor has lost his job for long and has no income, visit him and his family by taking gifts and helps and invite him and his family for a dinner or something! If your neighbor lives alone and has become sick, visit him with a bowl of soup and show your care! If your neighbor has little problem with his kids and you’re veteran in this case, lend him the book you read and solved your same problem…share your happy moments with them and they will do the same, share your kind words and they will do the same,…and then you will come up with many friends and a friendly life!

One of the qualities of a true believer is mentioned by one of God’s prophets:”A believer must not feel satiated, with His neighbor being hungry”.(Nahjul Fasahah)

So, when we should and we can be good, let’s BE!

Note:I'm sorry beforehand,i think i read a bit fast,didn't want get your worthwhile time!be happy to embrace your comments>to see if you agree!!+ A GREAT thank to My Teacher GABRIEL and His useful Blog for audio shares!

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  • @ tawfeeq

    thanks a lot for your comment)

    The Best

  • Very nice reading .

  • @ Nighthawk & Shabeen

    Thanks for your comments too,happy to see you here!and all sunshine that you both agree!:))

    Wish you The Best

  • @ My Dear SimaThanks for your comment!I'm happy you agree and you liked it!

    The Best

  • @ Sniper Venom

    Thanks for your comment !You can do it,I'm sure!disgusting  may be easy to be felt esp when there is no apparent reason,but here we make the difference,in two roads of kindness and hatred,we believers and humans choose the first since its the base of the whole creation,isn't it?!when we can like, why hatred?!

  • I like the way that you write this blog .yes you are right actually i really love such as this relation ship .thanks Nina jan :D

  • Nafis, you're right. It's a common thing for city life. There's a good quote about it:

    "In great cities men are brought together by the desire of gain. They are not in a state of co operation, but of isolation, as to the making of fortunes; and for all the rest they are careless of neighbors. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves; modern society
    acknowledges no neighbor."

    Benjamin Disraeli

    Are there any ways to improve the situation/

  • Great blog !
    I like the sentences' instruction...
    BTW, the part about relationship with our neighbor is well and intrestingly written and provided me good points.
    But I wonder that how my situation in this area is, so that we never meet even to say a simple hello... and moreover I sometimes disgust them ! and prefer not to run into them.
  • @ Nafis

    thanks for your comment!you are right,its another half of the glass!but you know what ,sometimes a simple smile can do the trick!and we can invite people for a better communication throughout a good behavior!overall,i know there are some people who have a strict fence around themselves and don't like anybody come in!however we keep smiling!))

    Wish You The Best!

  • Dear Nina, you wrote a very nice blog with a worthwhile message. People who communicate with others have better health and live longer based on the scientific researches. However, believe me or not, some people don't like to communicate. They prefer to be alone. In the place I live in, I only know few neighbours and the reason is they don't even like to say "Hi". So, I respect that and only talk with the ones who like to talk.

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