I and the public know

What all schoolchildren learn,

Thos for whom evil done

Do evil in return.

W.H. Auden

Hello people of English Club, I want to share with you my dream.

In this dream I flew back and forward in time, left and right. So, even Alice would go mad from my dream.

Then I met Morpheus, and took red pill...


I don't want to hurt any personality, or mock other's people feelings. 

Everything below is just my imagination, based on my dream and personal views. 

I strongly reccomend  no to read this to epileptic, unstable or impressionable people. 

I don't have anything agaisnt peoples of indicated countries, only their goverments and policies. Due to I have friends from USA, Europe, Middle East and so on. 


First place I flew in my dream, was Ukraine, Malaysian plane crash site...

What I saw there made me think, and take another red pill. I had only 2 questions:

1. Who?

2. What for (reason)?



1. Who?

I don't really know who did it. Maybe Ukraine, maybe pro-russian forces, maybe aliens. 

But, what made me worry, is that Ukraine already within 24 hrs after crash, told it was Pro-Russian armed forces. Did they have time-machine, like I had in my dream, to be 100 % sure? Why Ukranian official started to blame Russia, without asking and organizing international commision to investigate crash site, and what was real reason?

I don't say, it was not pro-russian forces for sure, and I don't say it was ukrainian forces as well. I am 50 % to 50 % on both sides, to make it more justice.

After Ukraine, to blame Russia, were USA and EU (European Union). Same story as Ukraine:

 - Ukraine says has "compelling evidence" Russian crew shot down Malaysian plane.

 - Pro-Russia separatists probably shot down airliner, U.S. intelligence agencies say.

 - Malaysia plane MH17: Game-changer in Ukraine crisis?

I could find more, but I think 3 examples are ok to see and understand what is the reaction.

Russian reaction:

"Before the probe into the crash of the Malaysian plane commenced, several countries jumped to make statements of the true causes of the tragedy without proof. By doing this, these countries are compromising the course of the investigation"

by the way: Only countries, who called to "for independent, open and objective investigation of the reasons of the accident" were Russia and Malaysia. 

“Only this (ndependent, open and objective) form of investigation will provide a truly independent investigation, avoid one-sided assessments and reveal the real reasons of the incident.”

Western reaction:

"Everything will now depend upon obtaining accurate and verifiable data on the aircraft's last moments and on what brought it down. -

If it does turn out that the Boeing 777 was shot down by the separatists - with weaponry supplied by Moscow - then it could significantly alter the terms of the whole debate surrounding the Ukraine crisis. If Russia in any way had a hand in this tragedy then the pressure - especially on the Europeans - for much tougher sanctions will only grow."

- what was that? Looks like several countries are more and already focused and concerned about sanctions only? Isn't it seems like those several countries were ready to blame Russia, and they just needed reason (plan crash is good reason)?

for answer these questions, lets try to asnwer Question #2: 

2. What for (reason)?

Right after plane crash, Ukraine president, Poroshenko, called on the UN to condemn acts of terrorism and to recognize so-called "DNR" and "LNR" (East Ukraine) as terrorist organizations. (Without results of investigation?)

" ... Meanwhile, the President of Ukraine said that the support of the international community together with the United Nations will provide an opportunity to resolve the situation by other means..." (military means?)

... in addition to this, German PM Angela Merkel, said Bundeswehr (armed forces of Germany) will take active role in possible UN forces' entry to Ukraine. If this happens, it will be 2nd time Germans coming to Ukraine.

Nothing will change, only color of helmets: 

1941 helmet:

2014 helmet

Because, by UN laws and rules, UN forces can be used agasint International Terrorism Organisations (Al-Kayeda for example, Hamas, or legal goverments of Libya, Sirya and Iraq)...

Okay, lets have a look on THE UNITED NATIONS, THE INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW AND TERRORISM (Fourteenth Centennial Lecture )  

"In the current unipolar context of international relations, the “fight against terrorism” has become one of the basic slogans when it comes to justifying the use of force against certain states and against groups operating internationally." (very nice, then to justify the use of UN forces, you have to find reason to name your opponents not just terrorists, but INTERNATIONAL terrorits. What can be more INTERNATIONAL, than shot of One country's plane with different citizens on board over your own soil? ) (page 12)

"Lists of states “sponsoring terrorism” and of terrorist organizations have been set up and are constantly being updated according to criteria that are not always known to the public" (we don't know, are those states are sponcored by terrorists or CIA), "but which are clearly determined by strategic interests." (interests of people? or interests of mineral resources and wealth?) (page 12)

"The basic problem underlying all these military actions – or threats of the use of force, such as the most recent one by the United States against Iraq – consists in the absence of an agreed definition of terrorism." (page 12)

"As with all terms that are related to binding measures including the use of force, the international rule of law requires a precise legal definition of the term “terrorism.” Such a definition must include – or take note of – a clear distinction
between criminal acts of terrorism and acts of resistance against foreign occupation and/or of national liberation." (page 18)

So? Several countries are interested in clearance of East Ukraine land from unwanted people with "Fight agaisnt terrorism" flags. (use of United Nations armed forces)

Main chain of things happened can be:

1. Plane shot

2. UN calls East Ukraine "international terrorists"

3. UN forces are clearing everything there, especially Shale Gas deposits (here and here), critically required for European Union (to replace Russian gas). 

But this looks illogically and stupid. Yes, it is really stupid, till we turn things cenversely. Look:

1. Several countries (especially European Union) interested in East Ukraine shale gas deposits...

2. They have to kick out those unwanted people there...

3. They want to use UN forces as cheap and quick instrument...

4. They need to legislate (justify) UN forces entry...

5. They need reason to call those people INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS...

6. So, what to do, what to do... :(

7. What about sending plane and burn it down over those people? Wow, great idea!

8. But be sure to not to shoot Singapore airlines plane:

"The Malaysian transport minister says MH17’s flight path is a busy, major “highway in the sky”. Around 75 airlines flew through the same path just two days before the tragedy, while a Singapore Airlines plane passed the same route just minutes (!!!) earlier than MH17"

Of course! We have precise rockets, they never miss... 

Sounds like things happened by the principle:

We already have guilties, but no reason yet. 

Yes, and as conclusion, is my dream seeming logical or totally absurd and nonsense? Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow...


But one thing, I can be sure, that European Union, Ukraine and USA are not only countries, who gained profit\benefit from this crash.

But why to shoot neutral or even your allied property? (Netherlands is part of European Union)

Ok, again back in time:

1. Emperor Neron and Grear Fire of Rome: "The Great Fire of Rome erupted on the night of 18 July to 19 July 64. The extent of the fire is uncertain. It spread quickly and burned for over five days. Fire destroyed three of fourteen Roman districts and severely damaged seven. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians. He ordered Christians to be thrown to dogs, while others were crucified and burned" 

2. Hitler and reichstag: The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis that the Communists were plotting against the German government and the event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

3. The Gleiwitz incident (PolishProwokacja gliwicka) was a false flag operation by Nazi forces posing as Poles on 31 August 1939, against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz, on the eve of World War II. The goal was to use the staged attack as a pretext on the basis of which to invade Poland. On the night of 31 August 1939, a small group of German operatives, dressed in Polish uniforms and led by Naujocks, seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish.

Brilliant work and history. Nothing can be better reason to justify war\invasion\entry, than hitting your own allies, soils, lands, citizens, Trade Centers, planes, etc... (!!!)


And what country gained proft from this crash? What is that mysterious country? Yes, Israel.

While whole world is focusing on Plane crash, Israel invaded and entered Gaza in total silence. 

And all world in silence, and neighbours are paralyzed:

(Note words, than anywhere in the Arab world)

No comments. It is Israel. 

But what if everything what I wrote above is false, and it is mistake???

If USA never does mistakes, then this was not mistake too? (If we are talking about planes)

Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the USA Navy guided missle cruiser USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988. The attack took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight's usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus 300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR  "surface-to-air missles" fired from the Vincennes.

All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.

The US Navy had claimed that the Vincennes was defending itself in international waters at the time of the incident. Later disclosures would prove that the Vincennes had entered into Iranian waters and initiated hostilities.

*** OUTRO ***

Here I tried to asnwer 2 main questions for now around accident in Ukraine, if you have answers for these and another questions, please welcome:

1. Who?

2. What for (reason)?

1. What could be reasons for Pro-russians forces to shoot civil plane?

2. Is that fallen plane is part of political fun box or it was mistake really?

Especially war and special welcome to members like this: 


 and, keep in mind: I don't say, it was not pro-russian forces for sure, and I don't say it was ukrainian forces as well. I am 50 % to 50 % on both sides, to make it more justice. 

p.s. I woke up, and vomited that damn red pill into Morpheus face:D 

.... to be continued ...

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  • Thanks for your logic and objectivity, Stranger! I appreciate your impartiality and wish to solve the mystery of this tragedy. I think we'll never learn the truth.

  • Thanks Cold Moon, and sorry for puting Hamas in the list :\

    I  just took it from the list, and its description. But as it is mentioned there: 

    "As with all terms that are related to binding measures including the use of force, the international rule of law requires a precise legal definition of the term “terrorism.” Such a definition must include – or take note of – a clear distinction 
    between criminal acts of terrorism and acts of resistance against foreign occupation and/or of national liberation."

  • Ohnie, it was trap:)

    cuz people nowadays believe lies more than truth;) thats why i said, it is lie, for people to have no doubts in it:)

    and if i ask people don't do smth, they are feeling obligated to do it:D thats why i said don't read it, cuz i am sure pro-americans will read it:)

    and yes, maybe ukraine needs to be held responsible:) who knows...

  • Nyt, I read the article but I don't get your point.  Why did you say that the link is a lie?  Why pro-Americans shouldn't read it?  Maybe I didn't understand what you're trying to imply since I'm politically ignorant.  But if that's what really happened as what the news stated, then Ukraine needs to be held responsible.  Am I right or am I right? LOL!

  • who still following comments on this blog, please read this:

    US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft

    i am asking pro-americans dont read it, because link is lie too:D

  • Great job! But, let's not split hairs. White is white and black is black.
  • Ohnie . i agree with in some points.. but you didnt mention that who make all these problems in this world . i hope all people wake up and  not Watching injustices when they are  more need to relax.All this is an evil plot to get the goals, dreams.

    Arm@n: Well, pick one: Americans, Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, Iranians, Iraquis, Ukrainians...and the list goes on and on, add that to giant oil companies, royal families and war profiteers.  Just like, Stranger said, there isn't just one or two countries involved here.  And pointing fingers is what they want people like us to do to create more chaos in the society and the plant and spread more hatred around become one of their pawns.  Stranger is doing a good job expressing his thoughts and I respect that.  I don't think I've done my homework enough in Politics like Stranger did to make an argument or even contest whatever he's written so far.  So, if I didn't mention any names in my previous comment and perhaps you didn't hear what you wanted to hear, I apologize for that.  But like I said, I'm in no position to point fingers about something I really know nothing about except for what the media wants me to know.

  • Ohnie . i agree with in some points.. but you didnt mention that who make all these problems in this world . i hope all people wake up and  not Watching injustices when they are  more need to relax.All this is an evil plot to get the goals, dreams.

  • we will wake up...but those who passed away having no guilt in any war will NOT wake up...they went for a long everlasting dream! RIP

    as i said to STRANGER yesterday , the world has become a stage for the gigantic political forces of major countries...who knows what the audience may expect.? applasue of course in a performance where the audience becomes the unfair....I absolutely agree with what and how this smart guy thinks....a nice way and style of writing...

    i hope one day i will wake up and switch  on the CNN news and there will not be any crisis or wars in Gaza, in the Ukraine, in our Armenia(Azerbayjan has invaded our border for 500 times ...the smell of war is near too).or anywhere else...peace to us all....

  • Who really knows? In cases like this one, we powerless people could only observe, guess or plot a conspiracy theory in our minds. Most of the time, it's more than what appears on the surface. And worse, it's not always about what we see inside. So who are the power players? The game changers? The pawns? The nuissance? And most of all, the writers, directors and producers? Oh and of course, the audience who pays to get entertained? It's an enormous play greater than Hollywood ever filmed. They say the whole world is like a stage. And we all are the actors in it. I really hope this is all just a stage play where no one gets hurt for real. That after the show we all get to go home, relax and peacefully move on with our lives.
    Whether or not your dreams are true, I hope you'll wake up and that we all will wake up from this nightmare especially those who have been directly affected by this whole ordeal.
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