Listen To News: Polio Outbreak Feared in Syria - 22 October 2013

Discussion Question: A director from WHO referred to the "duck test" in a response about this possible outbreak. Why would he use this expression, and what do you think he meant by it? (The duck test expression goes as follows: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.")

  I suppose this director has intended to say  the polio case in Syria is a real situation, proven fact, only take into account the shown case details. Given that  "duck test" is a expression used to identify a unknown matter by just observing its common characteristics, the WHO director surely has wanted to claim the suspected cases of polio allied to the current situation over there, are  strong evidences of a real outbreak of the disease.

  His comment bases on the  context of the country, that is to say, a war period, with poor sanitation conditions, escape of the health care teams and overcrowding of some regions that led to conclude the situation is noticeably real .

  The arguments presented in the report are underlying facts to have an outbreak of that disease, because wartime, poor sanitary conditions, overcrowding and lack of health assistance when blended, can probably led an outbreaks like this, in any part of the world.

  I would say the director was simply skillful when quoting "duck  test" in his response, because he only joined the "pieces of the puzzle" to come an opinion about the case.

  I hope the medical assistance comes as fast as can in the neediest syrian regions, because there are inocent lives awaiting it for just have a chance of healthy life amid so terrible war scene that Syria is facing nowadays.

Note: If you want, leave me your comment, suggestion or correction to improve my English.  Thanks a million!



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  • Thank you for this factual blog about our situation here in many cities in Syria ,it's really a terrible war scene that my country is facing these days and we still can't see an end to it .

    Best wishes Daniel !

  • Hi Daniel, 

    Yes, I think you've figured out why he used "the duck test" to confirm his concern about this scary situation. My daughter's Girl Guide troop is collecting sweaters to send to Syria this month. It is nice to know we can help out in a small way. 

    Re corrections: Let's see if we can clean up this sentence a little bit. 

    I suppose this director has intended to say the polio case in Syria is a real situation, proven fact, just considering the noticed informations

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