No wonder the word 'refugee' has been announced as children's word of the year. Eighteen million children are being raised in the chaos of war, over a million children have been killed, 6 million children have been disabled, twenty million are homeless, also more than a million children have become separated from their care givers, for the past ten years. ( according to psychology today).

Millions of children and very young people were affected by war. Children faced with physical harm, danger, violence, scared, loss and exploitation. Many children forced to flee their country.

Oxford University press analyzed more than 120, 000 short stories submitted to this year's 500 words writing competition for children under aged 13. It is run by BBC Radio 2 and it found the usage of the word 'refugee' had tripled more than last year. Because children were influenced by the news they watching and hearing.

Who is refugee: A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, political, religious reasons, persecution and natural disaster.

Synonyms for 'refugee': Displaced person, emigrant, evacuee, exile, expatriate, foreigner, castaway, defector, derelict, deserter, escapee, foundling, fugitive, leper, maroon, outcast, prodigal, runaway, expelle, homeless person and stateless person.

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  • Dear AG, Thank you so much for taking your time reading and comment, I appreciate it. I agree with your comment. Lets hope and pray for 'peace' to all the nations. Thank you

  • Dear Hala, Thank you for taking your time reading and comment, I appreciate it. I am so sad to know about those lovely children died in the ocean. The parents must be desperate to take that  journey, such a shame they couldn't make it to shore. May their souls rest in peace. I hope and pray peace for your country. God bless you and protect you! Thank you!

  • Dear Onee, Thank you for taking your time reading and comment. I appreciate it sweet heart. Yes, you are right, lets hope the better future for them.

  • Dear Mary, Thank you for taking your time reading and expressing, I appreciate it.  Yes, you are right When its come with children its hard to link them with sad words is init?. But current situations forced children to use this word so much in their writing. Such a shame.

  • Adaline, Thank you very much for this blog. It expresses your kind soul and your considaration before anything else...

    Well, to explain the word "refugee" there is nothing better than to ask the refugrees themselves. And here is the answer:

    The other thing that I want to say that this situation has no relation with the status of a person, their religion, their nationality, their races... etc. We all can remember those times when Belgian people needed to escape to France in the beginning of the WW2, then when People of Paris needed to escape to South France.. We all can remember when People of Greece came to my country "Syria" before that and during the WW1 to take refugee....  I myself remember when people of Iraq came to Syria to take refugee in 2003... and so on..

    This matter can happen any time, and because of any simple reason...but what determines the real nobility of a nation or a person, is their attitude when they are in the high place... People of Syria were noble and generous enough with all previous events and tests of the history, But unfortunately, seems that very few people and nations who are noble and generous enough to deal with their crisis...

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  • I think the largest number of refugees during 2015-2016 were from my country Syria because of the war here. More than 3700 ones died in the Mediterranean sea, most of them were children! It's really  a sad word for us . Nothing can be harder than leaving your home and place to the unknown world and because of the crazy wars.

    Thank you Adaline Bala  for this information.

    Adaline Bala's Page
    Adaline Bala's Page on MyEnglishClub
  • Dear Adaline,

    If the psychological and emotional effects on children experienced war are very bad,, the future of the world will be a question. They will grow up however. I hope they have a better way and freed from war in time.

    Thank you for sharing about this.
  • 'Refugee' is a very sad word that shouldn't exist, and it's even more sad when it affects children.

    Children's word of the year should be 'happiness', 'love', 'kindness', 'freedom', 'tenderness'... Nice and beautiful words. But we are making a really sad and unfair world and kids are the more innocent victims.

    Thanks for sharing Adaline.

    Adaline Bala's Page
    Adaline Bala's Page on MyEnglishClub
  • Dear Mishaikh, Evangelina & RK, Thank you for reading and  liking the blog. I appreciate it

  • My Dear Evangelina, Thank you for taking your time reading and comment. I appreciate it sweet heart.

    Yes I agree with you children should kept in a safe environment. The psychological and emotional effects on children experienced war is very bad is in it

    Thank you Evangelina.

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