AG's Writing Challenge: Tell A Joke

A very thin man was married to a woman having bulky figure. He was so worried about how he would tackle such a giant wife. He consulted with his closed friend before a day in his (groom's) room. He (friend) pointed to a picture hanging on the wall in which a thin man climbed over an elephant commanding it to a certain direction and said, " you don't need physical strength to control your wife, but to use your brain". He might have a positive message for this groom.The next day, his friend was informed that the groom was hospitalized. He, at once, rushed to the hospital and asked, "what has happened with you?" He said, "in the morning I, as per your advice, climbed over my wife and commanded her to move to my office. He slightly pushed me with shyness and then I am taken here. :(

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  • Do you mean " don't judge a woman by her bulky figure, huh? :D Actually, she didn't trick him back. She did it unintentionally. She used only 10 % strength. Actually I am the author of this joke I know it better than you. :)
  • Don't judge the book by it's cover.

    She looked dull until the man get tricked back. He should have used the feelings. :p

    Thank you for sharing, my dearest bro. :)

  • Ha ha ha! Saba, It means you and this thin man, who comprehended using brain implies using bodily strength, are on the same track Lol.

    Thank you for hilarious comment.
  • Haha...., his wife used her brain :)

    Next time he should think which one to choose? Going to his office on foot or riding on her wife to hospital? :)

  • Thank you, shadow for commenting and liking my blog
  • Very nice & funny. Enjoy to read it. Thanks for sharing dear Just Learner.
  • Lol Luci, if you did so, your relatives would come to you and say,
    "Luci, congratulation! Now you have been widow and free from prison" lol.

    To answer your question is a secret. Sorry I can't explain publicly free of cost :D

    Thank you so much for the comment.
  • Hahaaaa, if I were elephant I would even started jumping on him after he had fallen down from me...ooppppsss... :D well.. I just wonder how he would control her just by using brain in the bedroom :o :D
  • Fr@nk, :) trained elephant wouldn' hit the rider in that way on first day of marriage :). Thank for the comment
  • Shoba, it was not an accident, it was a big clash like bicycle hit the truck lol. In both cases bicycle is damaged. :) Thank you for comment
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