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  • [center]Agression

    There are different reasons why a person may act aggressively towards
    other human beings. The person may act this way because of his culture
    or the way he was brought up in society. The person does not, however,
    act this way based on instinct alone. Aggression is a molded, learned
    behavior. A human being must have both environmental and instinctual
    factors in order to display aggression. Some of a person's natural
    instincts are to desire food, reject certain things, escape from
    danger, fight when challenged, sex desire, care for the young,
    dominate, and to accept inferior status. The combination of instincts
    and environment determines a person's behavior. This is based on the
    theory that everything human beings do would have to be learned from
    other human beings. Aggression must be learned; it is not simply there
    from birth. Rather than being an uncontrollable instinct, a person's
    behavior is something that is taught to him. For example, a newborn
    baby is breathing because it is an involuntary reflex. On the other
    hand, a father may tell his young son to beat up the school bully who
    is picking on him. As a result, the boy is taught to deal with the
    situation by using violence.
    In order for an individual to display aggression, it must be driven by
    an instinct interacting with that person's surroundings. McDougall
    defines the word instinct as "an inherited or innate psycho-physical
    disposition which determines its possessor to perceive, and to pay
    attention to, objects of a certain class, to experience an emotional
    excitement of a particular quality upon perceiving such an object, and
    to act in regard to its particular manner, or, at least, to experience
    an impulse to such action." This definition basically explains that
    people have different reactions for different stimuli. Therefore, an
    individual is prone to act a certain way when he is stimulated to do so
    from his surrounding environment. For example, the Eskimo does not have
    an innate instinct that allows him to survive in his climate. He is
    taught to work with his people in order to survive when he is very
    When people are brought up in a society, they learn certain customs and
    traditions. These customs are usually taught to them because it's part
    of their society's way of life, even though some of the customs may
    seem cruel and repulsive to others. For example, cannibalism is
    abhorrent to us, but in some primitive cultures, to eat an enemy is to
    gain his or her strength. This aggressive behavior was taught to the
    people of this culture and is the reason for its existence. People need
    to have exposure to aggressiveness in society in order to act
    aggressive. For example, there was a tribe in New Guinea, the fentou,
    who were fierce warriors that were always fighting and killing. The
    children of these people learned this hostility from their parents and
    then acted in the same way. A parent's method of child rearing lays the
    foundation for aggression. The child rearing practices themselves are
    the overall design of a particular culture.
    When a group of people are isolated, their behavior does not change
    unless they interact with other people. The Tasaday tribe is an example
    of a group of people who were completely isolated. They showed no signs
    of aggression due to the fact that they had no words for weapon,
    hostility, anger or war. The Tasaday were a food gathering tribe and
    had no use for weapons. The tribe only used knives and other things
    that might be classified as weapons as tools to gather food. They also
    rejected the spear and the bow and arrow because they could not use
    them to gather food. There could not have been anything in their
    genetic makeup that made them act in an aggressive or peaceful manner.
    This was their way of life that was taught from generation to
    generation, and the tribe did what was needed to survive.
    The origin of human aggression lies in factors such as society and
    culture. Aggression is a learned emotion that is built on different
    factors in a person's environment. It is the combination of
    environment, society and culture that creates aggressive behavior. It
    is the person's natural instincts that are the foundation for the
    three. The Tasaday tribe was a peaceful group of people, while the
    Fentou were aggressive warriors. Both of the tribes had the ability for
    aggression and passivity but were driven to one by their environment,
    society and culture.
  • i commet that islam is marcefully to world
  • Islam the perfect religion and best way of life for all ...
  • Assalamu alaikum
    brothers and sisters
    I'm a new member her
    nice to see you
  • In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH)

    Honor or Shame?

    In order to gain knowledge about a faith or religion, being aware of its beliefs and practices is a must. The beliefs of the Shia school of thought speak of knowledge about its origins, reasons, truth, the pillars, and core thoughts. However, its emphasis and recommendations about manners and actions can define one’s life program. There are many traditions in the Shia faith that specifically address moral and practical issues relating to one’s duties and responsibilities. The Shia thoughts and beliefs are a guide for people to reach the reality of this school in discussions of followers of different Islamic sects or even followers of different religions, however morality in the Shiite school of thought is the path for growth, accomplishment and self restraint, and an answer to “what should be done” and “how should one live”.

    Today the Shiite society should pay attention to both matters, as certain problems in Shiite society derive exactly from not paying enough attention to the issues pertaining to faith and morals. However, it is important to note that the manner in which one Shia acts in presenting the Shiite faith to others is a very sensitive matter. Many cases have shown that it is one’s attitudes that create grounds for judging the beliefs and moral upbringing of a family. Today it must be properly presented who a true Shia is, and who can earn the high status of a Shia. Achieving true attributes of a Shia can lead to giant accomplishments. One who gains the attributes and morals of a true Shia will be able to attract others to the Shiite faith. And this is the desire of the Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), and what they have referred to many times. We bring an example from Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH),

    “Be careful about your duty about Allah, and be an adornment of us (Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT)), not a cause of embarrassment for us. Attract all friendships (of people) towards us, and distance bad-thinking (people) from us…” (1)

    The narration mentioned above portrays that one of the most important expectations of Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) from the Shia is to exceed all others in acting morally and be exemplar in the society; and this is to the extent that others are able to pinpoint them as the Shiite of Ali (PBUH) and the infallible Imams (PBUT). And these are those trained under the school of thought of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT).

    An interesting note is that the Imam (PBUH) does not limit Shiite responsibilities to having positive attitudes to faithful people alone, rather he is also including actions towards the enemies as well. In interpreting the following Quranic phrase: “Speak well with people...”(2) he says,

    “….so (it is best for all of you) to greet all pious with an open and welcoming face, and with those who are against you, to act with the intention of attracting them to faith with kindness and soft speech.” (3)

    Let us strive to make politeness and good manners a habit, while having the intention that if one day our attitude may attract others to the love of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), we would have given one of the best gifts to our Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and his ancestors (PBUT).

    Roshd Website offers its condolences to all Muslims, especially you dear friend on the 8th of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the martyrdom of the healing Guide, father of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH).

    Roshd Islamic Shia Website


    1. Tuhaf al-Uqul, p. 487

    2. The Holy Quran, (2:83)

    3. Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, vol. 12, p. 261, Hadith # 14061
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  • Imam Reza[PBUH]

  • The Life of Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (PBUH)


    Imam Ali bin Mousa al-Reza (PBUH), the eighth Imam of Shiites , is of the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his eighth successor. At age 35 he became the leader of the Islamic union. His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids. Finally, he was martyred by Ma’moon (the contemporary Abbasid Caliph) at the age of 55. This article will briefly discuss an overview of his life.

    His father and mother

    His father was Imam Mousa al-Kadhim (PBUH), the seventh Imam. He was martyred by Haroon on 138 (AH). His mother was Najmah.

    His Imamate

    His Imamate was announced repeatedly by his father, grandfathers, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). Especially Imam Kazem (PBUH) mentioned him as the Imam after himself several times. For instance, one of his followers narrates, “One day Imam Kazem (PBUH) came to us, holding his son’s (Ali) hand. We were 60 people. He said:” Do you know me?” I said: “You are our leader.” He said:” Say my name and title.”

    I said:” You are Mouse bin Jafar bin Muhammad. ”He said:” Who is this with me?”

    I said: “Ali bin Mouse bin Jafar.”He said: “So profess that he is my representative during my life and my successor after my death.”4 He is further introduced as the eighth Imam in a saying of Prophet (PBUH&HP) narrated by Jaber. Also, Imam Sadegh (PBUH) told Imam Kazem (PBUH&HP) that the knowledge of Prophet’s (PBUH&HP) progeny is of your sons and he is your successor.

    The scientific aspect of Imam

    When Ma’moon saw the anxiety of people toward Imam considered that his credit among them might discredit his own position among people. One of his plans to discredit Imam instead was through holding debates between Imam and the scholars from allover the world. He was hoping that maybe the scholars would be able to win the debates and defeat Imam in science to question his scientific knowledge. One of the debates goes as follows:

    Ma’moon ordered Fazl ibn Sahl to invite all the philosophers and learned men from all over the world to debate with the Imam. Fazl then invited the Christian scholars, the learned of Jewish scholars, headmasters of Saebin (followers of the prophet Yahya (PBUH)), the great Zoroastrian priests, and other speakers of that time. Ma’moon greeted them and asked them to debate with his cousin (Ma’moon was of descendants of Abbas, the Prophet’s (PBUH&HP) uncle, and so Imam’s cousin) that has come here from Medina. Tomorrow morning Ma’moon held a glorious ceremony and sent a man to Imam Reza (PBUH) to invite him to that ceremony. Imam accepted his invitation and told him: “Do you want to know when Ma’moon will repent of his deed?” He said: “Yes, dear Sir”. Imam said: “When Ma’moon hears my reasons for disproving Jewish from torah, Christians from Bible, followers of Zaboor from Zaboor, Saebin in their language, Fire-worshipers in Farsi, and Romans in their language and sees that I disapprove each of them and they leave aside their beliefs and believe in my words. At that time Ma’moon will know that he is not able to do what he wants and will repent. And there is no power except from Almighty Allah”. Then he went to the Ma’moon’s ceremony. By his entrance, Ma’moon introduced him to the crowd and then said: “I want you to debate with him”. Imam Reza (PBUH) discussed them about their religion through their books. Then he said: “If there is someone amongst you who is against Islam ask me without shame”. Umran Sa’ebi, who was one of the speakers, asked Imam many questions and Imam answered him all one by one and convinced him. After hearing the answers of his questions from Imam, Umran Sa’ebi recited the testimony (Shahadatain) and converted to Islam. The ceremony ended with Imam’s victory and the crowd scattered. The day after, Imam asked to see Umran Sa’ebi and honored him very much. Since then he became one of the missionaries of Islam.

    Raja ibn Zahak, who was ordered by Ma’moon to move Imam from Medina toward Marv, said: “Every city he entered, people came to him from everywhere and asked him their religious questions. In turn, he answered them their questions and quoted many traditions from the prophet (PBUH&HP) and Imam Ali (PBUH). When I came back from that journey, I went to Ma’moon. He asked me about Imam’s behavior during the journey and I told him whatever I saw from him during the journey. Ma’moon said: “Yes, son of Zahak! He is the best, the most learned and the most pious person on the earth”.

    A little from Imam’s wise words

    Imam said:” The friend of everyone is his wisdom the enemy of everyone is his ignorance and silliness.”

    Imam said:” Science and knowledge are like treasures, and the key to them is question, so ask and Allah may bless you, because by this question four groups benefit: 1.The asker 2.The teacher 3.The listener 4.The answerer”

    Imam said:” Liking people and friendship is half of wisdom.”

    Imam said:” There is a piece of advice in everything your eyes see.

    Imam said:” Cleanliness and neatness is of virtues of the prophets.”

    Imam’s martyrdom

    Ma’moon had told one of his servants not to cut his nails, and ordered him to put some poisons in his nails and prepare a pomegranate and pollute it with the poison. The servant obeyed his master and prepared the pomegranate. Ma’moon offered the poisonous pomegranate to Imam. Imam rejected, Ma’moon insisted and threatened Imam that he would kill him if he didn’t eat. Imam ate some pomegranate under obligation. After a few hours the poison polluted Imam’s body and he became ill. The morning of the next day (29th of Safar of year 203 H.G.) Imam Reza (PBUH) was martyred.

    Imam’s burial

    By divine will and power, Imam’s son, Imam Jawad (PBUH) washed his father’s body and said prayer for him. Imam’s body was buried in Mashhad with the accompaniment of many of his Shiites and followers.

    Though centuries pass from the life of Imam Reza (PBUH), his holy shrine is the cause of blessing and honor for the Iranians.
  • Assalamu alaikum wmr wbr.

    My ody widodo, a moslem from INdonesia, bismillah I join on this group may Allah make me to meet good friend.
    MY regard
  • aslam alekom warhmt allah wa brkatoh
    I like this groub and I believe this good idea...
    nice too meet you
    see you
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