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  • Hi Haf

    welcome here.i wish that we together make a hit here so that others have a better attitude toward the true Islam.

    may Allah bless you...
  • Hi Mohammad

    very very nice pic.i love this Holy Shrine as Imam Reza's tomb.
    talking to Imam Reza consoles me a lot.He always helps me a lot throughout my life.
    whenever i go there i feel a strange peace;i feel refreshed when smelling the fresh and sacred air of can hear the sound of angels' wings...
    Imam Reza is a very kind host who loves the ones who come to him...

    thanks for sharing this nice pic.

  • I love this Place!!
    This place Is For Emam Reza[PBUH]
  • salam alaykoum, Im really glad to be a member in this group,to learn more about Islam and to share my ideas with others.Thank you a lot and jazakom lah khayran.Love you all.
  • Asalam A3laicom wa rahmat allah wa barakatoh

    what a nice group>> thanks Jihane 4 giving us such an opportunity

    may alla bless u
  • Hi Jihane
    It is really very constructive group. I happy to be member here. Thanks alot for this great idea.
  • Selam Alejkum
    good Idea
  • Good Group
  • hi my classmates!!
    1)"Islam" means "peace through the submission to God".
    2)"Muslim" means "anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God".
    3)There are six articles of faith in Islam. These are the basic beliefs that one must have in order to be considered a true Muslim. They are belief in: A) the One God. B) all the prophets of God. C) the original scriptures revealed to Prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. D) the angels. E) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter. F) the divine decree (or destiny).
    4)Islam is a complete way of life that governs all facets of life: moral, spiritual, social, political, economical, intellectual, etc.
    5)Allah is not the God of Muslims only. He is the God of all people and all creation. Just because people refer to God using different terms does not mean that they are different gods. Spanish people refer to God as "Dios" and French people refer to God as "Dieu", yet they are all the same God.
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