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Just Relaxing

These two kangaroos were just taking a break. They were friendly and will eat the food right from your palms.
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  • Cute kangoroos. ^_^

  • Yupa, I was lucky to be able to see and touch them. I'm sure you will be able to do the same too. 

  • I wish I could see them in real! Thanks for sharing this picture, Noaslpls! ^_^

  • Tsk tsk tsk AH_TK, you know that they are as gentle as a roaring tiger, and as cuddly as prickly hedgehog. What's to worry about a few kickboxing. :-P

  • werecat, take care they have short arms but they know kickboxing very well 

  • Hehehe ⊱ Mickey ⊰, I think they hide their pouches, just in case people steal them. :-)~~~~~

  • Where are their pouches???


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