Mehedi Hassan's Posts (11)

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The God

Written by Bonoful (A Bengali Short story writer) 

Translated by Mehedi Hassan

A tiger kept attacking a village. People became restless. The cow, the calve and even men were being killed by the tiger. Then, one day, everyone got out of their houses, gathered together and killed the tiger with sticks, spears, lances, and guns. One tiger went but came another. At last, people prayed to God-

God, Please, save us from the tigers.”

The God answered, Okay.

Immediately, Tigers came to the God's court and made a complaint against people, “We are restless due to the torture of human beings. We are always running away from one forest to another. Hunters don’t give us peace. Please, solve the problem.”

The God said, Okay.

Immediately, the mother of Nera pleaded to God, “Oh father, award my son Nera with a beautiful wife. Please, God! I will make offerings of five Paisa to you.”

The God said, Okay.

Harihar Bhattacharya was going to court to file a case against his nephew. He said appealing to God, “I have been worshiping all my life. I have also made my body lean by fasting. I want to give my nephew a good lesson. Please God, be with me.”

The God Said, Okay.

Shushil will seat for an exam. Every day he said to the God, “ Lord, make me pass the exam. Today he said to God, “If you get me the scholarship, for the sake of you, I will spend five Taka.

The God said, Okay.

Haren Purakayastho wanted to be the chairman of District Board. He requested God through a priest named “Kali”, “I want eleven votes!” The priest, taking a big amount of honorarium, made the God restless with his erroneously pronounced Sanskrit mantra.

The God said, Okay, Okay.

Farmers said with their hands raised above, “Deity, Make the rain falling.”

The God said, Okay.

A mother of a sick child appealed to God, “It’s my only child, Please, Lord, don’t take him away from me.”

The God said, Okay.

Aunt Khenti of neighboring house said as to women, “Hey God, she is a very haughty woman. Wearing various kinds of new ornaments, she used to underestimate everyone. By making her child sick, you have done a good job, you kind-hearted. Give the woman a proper lesson.”

The God said, Okay.

A philosopher said, “Hi God, I want to understand you.”

The God said, Okay.

Cries came from Chiana, “Save us from Japanese.”

The God said, Okay.

A young writer from Bangladesh pleaded to God, “No editor publish my write-ups. I want these to be published in Probasi, a literary magazine. Tell Ramananda babu to be kind to me.

The God said, Okay.

When the God got a moment free, he said to Brahma, sitting next to him, “Is there pure mustard oil in your house?”

Brahma said, “Yeas. Why?”

The God said, “I need it. Would you like to give me a little?

Brahma said with a smile on his face, “of course. Why not?”

Mustered oil came from Brahma's house. Immediately, having taken a little into his nose, the God fell deep asleep.

He hasn’t woke up yet.

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Tania went into a cosmetics shop in the new market area in order to buy some tips. She was dressed in sky color jeans and a stripe shimmy. She sensibly started to choose some from a great deal of different color and shape of the tips with her finicky eyes. It kept her busy quite a long time. If she was not a stunning beauty and youthfulness, the shop owner must have been irritated by the time. And it is well known that every young girl spend rather much time to choose their cosmetic things, but Tania really exceeded every other girl of her age in spending time of selecting some tips. Anyway, in spite of the girl’s striking attractiveness, just as the shop owner was on the verge of getting irritated, the girl showed the tips selected by her and asked for the price. No sooner the shop owner told her the price than without a moment’s hesitation, she brought out a purse from the vanity bag hanged from her shoulder and then briskly drew out two hundred taka notes from the purse and passed on to the shop owner. As he put the money in his cash-box and searched for the change, she smoothly gathered the packets of tips and cautiously put in her vanity bag as if these things were very precious. Then she received the change and did exactly opposite as she had done at the time of giving the money to the shop owner. The shop owner articulated some smooth words to her so that she would come back in his shop whenever some cosmetic things needed to buy. Tania gave her consent by smiling sweetly and departed from the shop swiftly. She walked for some time and found herself just out of the market on a busy road flowing alongside the market, where many rickshaw had been standing waiting for passengers. She energetically mounted on a rickshaw that was just before her without making any bargain with the rickshaw–puller and directed him in an affable voice where to go.


Tania waked up from her sleep next fine morning at quarter past ten o’clock. After spending a moment in some idle movements on her bed, she at one attempt picked up the upper part of her body, and as a result the posture of lying down transformed into seated up. Then she headed up to the edge of the couch using her lower part of the body as the reptiles crawl in web form touching the ground. After two or three attempts, her hips reached the brim, and her feet touched the floor gently. There was a table by the head side of the bed with an empty glass and a jug half full of water upon it. She bent down over the table and poured out the water into the glass from the jug until the water almost reached to the rim of the glass. Then she left the room with her face down, rubbing the eyes with the back of her both fists and in some minutes returned to the room with some slices of lemon holding in her right hand. She, standing at the table and looking at the glass, squashed the slices one after another with her finger and the lemon juice fell in drops on the surface of the water into the glass. The gray colored drops of the lemon juice, just after falling down, dissolved into the water, and before long the colorless water gradually got gray colored but much lighter than the lemon juice. When something dark is mixed with something transparent, the former one is destined to lose its darkness. The more the quantity of the later, the more the former loses its density. Anyway, the girl finished the water of the glass at one gulp and then entered the attached bathroom so as to take a wash.

In the following afternoon, Tania and her friend Liza were seen on a rickshaw running to TSC area where she used to come often to join with some of her friends in order to have a jolly conversation with them. As they walked on to their accustomed place just after leaving the rickshaw, a boy, dressed in T-shirt and jeans, utterly unknown, rushed straightly to them calling out in a mirthful tone, “Wow! It’s beautiful, splendid, superb, marvelous, wonderful, magnificent, glorious, and outstanding. I just can’t believe my own eyes!”    

At the complimentary words of the boy, Tania was so much amazed and at the same time so delighted that she couldn’t even think how to respond. She looked at Liza and they exchanged their silent looks. They both didn’t realize to which thing the boy got crazy and acclaimed in such a cheerful way, whether it was her clothing, hair style, bangles, her eyes, her nose or her lips.

After pronouncing these words in one breath, the boy gave a slight pause for a small breath and said, “There are two tips on your forehead, aren’t? Small one is upon the big one, huh?

She admitted that and thanked him for his praising comments. The right way, she turned her face about and made a gesture to move, for in such a short time these words seemed to her too heavy to bear though they were complementary.

But the boy was persistent and being indifference so as to their unwillingness to heed him any longer, said in an obstinate tone, “I have been following it for a while. How can you manage it? The colors of the two tips exactly match with your clothing’s. The upper one is with your scarf and the lower one is with your jerkin.  

Though she had been delighted subconsciously by the praising words, but now she felt disturbed beyond her patience and considered the boy as a vulgar. Therefore, she wanted to avoid the boy and said in a cordial tone, trying to suppress her disturbances felt in her mind, “Okay, thanks again. We are in a hurry; we have to go now, for some of our friends are awaiting us. Buy.”

Thus they got rid of the crazy boy.”    

When Tania reached the assemblage, everybody present there also commended her tip in a pretty laudatory tone. She felt comfortably pleased by the extolling of her friends about the tip, since, unlike the boy they were close to her and even their words were not so crazy and didn’t flooded her as that of the boy. As a result, she was more frolic and delightful to them than usually she used to be. The happiness grown up in her heart boasted her to fly high above into the sky, but it was not possible for her, for unlike the fairy she had no wings on her back to fly. But her mind could fly without the help of wings, so that she let her mind fly wherever it wished to go. Time passed by in jolly conversation, chattering, blabbering, and taking some cup of tea with her friends, and eventually the afternoon rolled into the evening.

At length, she came back her room at 10 pm in very jovial mood and with a smile hanging from her lower lips. She put her vanity bag into a wardrobe and then changed her clothes, murmuring Tagore song. Now she was in a T-shirt and trousers. She walked to the dressing table, seated herself on the stool, looked at her face in the mirror and caught sight of her tip. The smile which had been clinging from her lips now spread all over her face and then nested into her eyes. As she smoothly caressed with her finger the middle of her forehead, where the tip had been placed, she recollected the praising words of others particularly that of the boy. Now she felt that the time had erased the disturbance produced from praising words of the boy from her mind, whereas strengthened the happiness originated from the same thing. She forcibly tapped the tip against her forehead few times using the top of her index finger in order that the tip would kept sticking on the forehead for a long time.  

A few moments later, standing opposite the looking glass in the bathroom, she again looked at her face, accumulated her whole attention to the tip and recurred the same thing what she had done some minutes before sitting on a stool at the dressing table. And this time her eyes were more luminous than before. Afterwards, she turned the knob of the tap with her pencil like finger, and in no time the water flowed from the mouth of the tap on the basin in gush; she put her two palms together into the stream of the water in a shape the devout Muslim form at the time of their prayer of begging their desired things from the Allah. Presently, the hollow place between palms become full with the cool water. She slowly brought up her two palms with the water close to her face and then pressed on her face under her eyebrows in a way, lest the water should touch the skin about the tip and as a result the glue of the tip should get weaken. She smoothly touched her forehead with her sloppy hand a few times, carefully avoiding the place where the tip had been laid since afternoon. She took a towel suspended from the hanger and pressed it gently against her whole face to sop the water up, carefully evading to rub.

For the next ten days the tip had been rested on the same place. She was so amused by the praising words of others to the tip that she couldn’t even think of removing it for a single second. She wished she could have kept it on her forehead all over her life.

However, lately her friends started to suggest that she should have changed this tip with a new one. They opted as a quotation that it doesn’t look decent wearing the same thing every day however beautiful it is.

One day, towards evening when she and Liza was in a rickshaw running along a busy road, at one point of their conversation the later one told the former one in a bitter tone, “You have been wearing the same tip for ten days! Have you gone mad about this tip? Such matter aren’t expected from you, when you are familiar as a discreet girl to us. Oh, it’s just boring. And moreover, in the meantime, it has lost its color and vividness. Now it needs changing to a new one. Don’t you have other tips? If not, then tell me, and I will buy you some. Oh please change it immediately, I can’t stand it anymore. As Liza articulated these words, her face became gradually sulky.  


All the way home, the harsh words of Liza rang in her mind so boisterously, and she tried to throw away the resounding words from her mind but couldn’t succeed at all. When she had reached her room, she looked at her face in the mirror of the dressing table seated on the stool and took a sharp view of the tip and, for the first time in ten days, it really looked worn out. Then, as she touched it with her index and middle finger, the bitter words of her friends articulated recently entered her ear like melted lead and took shelter in her mind. At those words, just as she thought of eradicating the tip, felt in her heart a fondness to the tip that had steadily grown up owing to wearing it nonstop for ten days. Her fondness to the tip and the bitter words of her friends took each other as their dreadful foe, came to a place between heart and mind and in no time involved themselves into a terrible fight. The fight went on and with time became more ferocious, which made her whole body shake and consequently exhausted. For long they continued their riot, but no one thrived. But at one point in the fight, due to an unknown reason the bitter words of her friends started growing stronger and on the other hand, her fondness to the tip weaker and accordingly at length the latter got defeated brutally. The consequence of the fight made her come to a conclusion that she should have removed the tip from her forehead. She tried to enter the thumb’s nail into the place between the tip and skin so as to pinch it and then in a pulling to eliminate it. She failed to remove it because he couldn’t even succeed to enter the thumb’s nail.  

At first, she thought that since the tip had been stuck for a long time, the gum became long lasting than before. So he kept on trying to eradicate the tip from her forehead by pinching and pulling it from different sides. But as before, he failed to enter her nail under the tip in every attempt. Failure make her crazy and at the same time hopeless, and she without any consciousness started to rub the tip with her index finger vertically and horizontally for a few minutes. Just after finishing the action, she perceived well that she had made a great mistake. Because of the pressure of the rubbing, the bond between the tip and the skin became more firm. Anyway, mistake pushed her to the awareness, and she mused over the things for a time. All of a sudden it appeared in her mind that the water and soap might come as a great help.  


She stooped over the basin and splashed the cool water on her face for some time. She took the tube of face wash in her left hand from the shelf and pressed at the neck of the tube with her index and thumb, and presently, a blob of face wash poured out on the top of another index finger. She dabbed the blob of face wash around the brim of the tip very smoothly and after some seconds splashed the water over the forehead and thought that the face wash must have weakened the gum of the tip. At the thought, she tried to pinch the tip from the upper side and in no time it seemed to her that instead of dampening the gum, the water and the face wash together had strengthened it more.  


She came out of the bathroom feeling more depressed than earlier and seated herself on the stool at the dressing table. She kept gazing at the tip maliciously for a while, took a bunch of keys and selected the strongest and sharpest one and held it in her right hand firmly. As she looked sharply into the mirror, pushed the tip at the brim with the key at first very slowly and then gradually reinforced the pressure until she felt some light pain on it. She became startled at the peculiar incident. Whatsoever, it couldn’t be true; it was totally absurd and afar from any assumption. No creature in the world can feel the pain on something that is not the part of its own body or not included in its own nervous system. She came to a resolution that it had been the skin just under the tip where she felt the pain. She again shoved the tip with the key not to check whether she felt pain or not in the tip because she was sure about that owing her past experience but to remove it. However, this time also she felt pain in the tip more distinctly than before. Like everybody else, this sort of weird matter was totally beyond her imagination. She had never experienced such a queer thing or never heard this kind of things happened to others in her whole life. Although she had felt pain certainly, her instinct as a creature of the world and her lifelong experience made obstacle to believe the incident of feeling pain in something that wasn’t included her own nervous system. Which one was to trust, whether it was her present feeling or her past experience? Now she fell into the bottomless pit of indecisiveness. In order to get rid of the doubt, she came to a conclusion to examine carefully with her whole attention if she really felt pain in the tip or not. Or it was better to say that she wished to prove that the pain that she had felt at the tip had been just nothing but an illusion. She scratched on the tip very smoothly with the sharp point of the key and then on the barren skin of her forehead. She felt the same sort of pain i both places. Then she lightly touched both places with the key. The result was the same, she felt even the touch of the key on the tip as she felt on the barren skin. She didn’t know what could be the answer to this riddle. She mused over the enigma for some time and couldn’t hope to get any clue to uncoil it. Since there was not even any expectation of getting any answer to the riddle, so that it became a great burden upon her. And in order to make herself free from this riddle, she very smoothly came to an easy answer to the riddle that somehow the tip became the part of her own body and absorbed into her own nervous system. And in no time this answer raised another riddle that how anything could be a part of the body of a creature from outside without going through metabolism. And this matter didn’t seem to her at all scientific. She searched also for the answer of the later riddle within her mind. After some moment like everybody else she ceased to pursue for the answer since she had realized well that she wouldn’t be able to find any however she tried. Therefore, in order to get her mind appeased, she thought it as an accident of the nature or a miracle and blamed her misfortune and her foolishness of wearing it for a long time and thus giving it a chance of becoming a part of her own body.     


Having thought that something got stuck with her, and which would remain for the rest of her life, her heart throbbed violently, and she felt suffocated and fully lost. She couldn’t help herself supposing the tip as a great load upon her head or walls of stone around her in a circle. She gradually lowered face and then placed on her open palms, and it seemed that getting so heavy, the tip had pulled down her face. After sometime, she stood up with her face still downward and holding it strongly with her two hands and started to move afoot to and fro about the room. All of a sudden she kneeled down and shouted, but no sound released from her throat, but just only her face looked like someone who was shouting with her whole might. She dragged herself laboriously to the stool and dropped herself on it. Straightway, she let her head fall on the dressing table with her hands suspended from the shoulders to the floor. In a moment she fell into a deep sleep.                              


Just as dawn waked up from the night, Tania turned her head up and felt it so heavy as though it was made of stone and opened her eyelids arduously. She touched the tip already absorbed into her nervous system and noticed that it was no more protruded but fully leveled with her delicate skin. And it appeared to her as soft as her skin. She discerned that it was no longer a bit of the tip, but only painted over the skin. Now she understood well that there was no way to separate the tip painted skin of her forehead without cutting it away. Having mused over the incidents happened before, she became afraid that if she didn’t cut the tip out now, with time it would penetrate her skull, attach to her brain and in the near future it would change her mentality and cognition. As a result, she must have become the ultimate slave of this tip for the reminder of her life. In order get rid of the slavery of this tip, she would have to sacrifice her own life. She would be bound to choose one thing between two: death or slavery. At this thought, she came to a stern decision to cut the tip away, which had converted itself into the skin.


She lowered herself, opened a drawer of the dressing table and took out a cutter. She stretched the blade out of the cutter by pressing the button down with her thumb. She looked acutely in the mirror, carefully take the blade very close to the tip painted area and pressed the sharp point on her skin. Straightway, a drop of blood issued and then trickle down on her face, and her whole face manifested the sign of fierce pain which she got in consequence of the stroke of the sharpen point of the cutter. But the ache of her heart, which was more tremendous than that made her compelled to continue the process of cutting the tip painted skin away. In the meantime the blood flowed incessantly from the place where she was stabbing the cutter and rolled down on the face in torrents. In some seconds, she finished the task of cutting her skin around the tip painted area in a circle. As she gazed into the mirror at the injured place on her forehead, put down the box cutter on the dressing table softly. She made her mind ready to face the dangerous part of the ordeal. As a result, her body become strict and manifest a stern determination. Her right hand reached the injured place and in no time pinched the skin already cut around in a circle, she pinched the tip at the time of removing it from her forehead and gave a great hauling with her whole might. A few seconds later a shouting expression was visible on her face like the face of the mother at the time of giving birth a child but like before her lips issued not a single sound. After that, she placed separated tip painted skin smeared with blood before her eyes and cast a cruel look at it.  


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At night, on a busy highway of Dhaka city a lot of buses with many passengers inside of it and cars with a few people were running up and down to their destinies. All of a sudden, a bus shoved off at the back side of another bus not very hard, because the bus driver could press the brake tightly in proper time, otherwise a deadly accident could have happened. The cause of the incident was that the engine of the bus ahead had stopped unexpectedly without giving any kind of anticipation, therefore the driver had had nothing to do with it. The crash between two buses made the both buses shook off, that some passengers on the both buses more or less got hurt not severely, and particularly the passengers who were sitting or standing at the back side of the bus ahead got more hurt than others. 


Just as the incident occurred, the passengers of the two buses started hollering. At first, the Passengers of the both buses tried to blame the driver of the bus, which had taken the active role in the case. But after a while the passengers of the bus behind, when they heard the bus ahead of them had stopped abruptly itself, begun to blame the driver of the bus ahead. Accordingly, the passengers on the two buses started to blame the driver of the other bus and they felt sympathy the driver of the bus of which they were passengers. The passenger who had been standing or sitting at the back side of the bus ahead, getting more furious than others, in order to get out of the bus and then to attack the other bus that caused them to get hurt started hastening along the narrow passage between two rows of seats inside the bus.


The bus behind veered its track and without any trouble crossed the bus ahead for it was standing still as the engine of the bus was not getting started in spite of trying repeatedly, then came ahead leaving the other bus behind. The passenger of the bus that now ahead saw out of the window some people coming toward their bus in very frantic mood, running and abusing the bus driver.

The passenger of the bus easily understood that people who were running to them, no one but the passengers of another bus. In no time the passenger of the bus got angry with these people. So everyone who was seated on the bus stood up instantaneously from their seat in agitation and who was standing started to move ahead. In the meantime, people who had been running held the rod at the door of the bus firmly with their hand as to make the bus stop then get into it. The driver of the bus now ahead was bound to stop the bus to save the people from getting down on the highway which could have been the cause of dire consequence. As soon as the bus stopped, they got on the footboard of the bus now ahead. Some very agitated passenger of the bus who had already reached at the gate engaged themselves with this person in mayhem. At one point the passenger of the bus succeeded in knocking down other people on the highway, and then they also get down on the highway and started beating them.

Noticing the matter, the passenger of another bus left behind get out of the bus rushed to the bus in groups, in attacking moods. Having perceived this matter well the all of the passengers of the bus now ahead also got out of the bus and rushed to them who were coming furiously. Thus the two groups of agitated people encroach into other group as in the wars between the soldiers of two countries in ancient time and became one massive group and started rioting. As the two groups of people were not in two kinds of uniform, unlike the soldiers of the two countries in the battlefield so that it was almost impossible for people to identify men, whether they belonged to their own group or not, resulting they beat the man with their hand whom they got nearby. Thus fighting continued for some time.

Suddenly, one man who was already severely wounded by some crazy men of the crowd in order to free himself from the frantic mob started to run across the road. He was so afraid of the mob and so busy in running that he hadn’t the even the slightest chance of noticing a bus that was coming with its full speed. As a result, when he was in the middle of the road knocked down as the bus hit him with its whole might. But the driver of the bus was able to press the brake tightly before the man were trespassed by the wheels of the bus. No sooner they crazy flock heard the sound of the crash stopped fighting with each other and in a moment become a mob of very sympathetic people. Then a man pronounced that the man who had been knocked down belonged to the throng. At these words, feeling the man as their own guy, instantaneously the mob hurried to the place the injured man was lying down unconscious before the stopped bus as to rescue and take him to hospital and to take vengeance to the bus.

Having reached near the place, the mob divided into two groups: one with more sympathetic people and the other with more crazy people. The group of kind people was smaller than the other. Anyway, some men who were ahead lifted the body of the injured man stained with blood with their arms caringly and others stood around in a circle. At the moment, everybody present there were lamenting. And they seemed to be family members of the man. Some other people by themselves made a private car stopped with their hand signal. In spite the owner of the private car was not consented, the injured man was placed on a back seat of two the private car with two men of the people who first had reached for the man, the bloody head was on the one man’s lap and the legs were on the other man’s lap. Many people very close to the car were trying to get on the private car jolting with each other, but at last only three people succeeded in getting on and in no time announced to the people who were still bumping to get on not to enter because there was no room left for even one and closed the door. The people inside and outside of the cars, tears gathered in their eyes and was about to roll down on their checks. They seemed to be close relatives of the wounded man. The people inside of the car bid the driver in choking voice with sobbing to go nearby hospital as fast as he could go. The owner of the private car had been obliged to be seated beside the driver with his sulky face.  

Well, another group of people feeling vengeance in their heart got crazier than before started to smash the glass of the windows and windscreen of the bus using brickbats, which had hit the man of their throng. After a while, as a result, as before, they involved themselves ultimately in a riot with the passenger on the bus.   


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Wildly, but in silence

A Bangladeshi expatriate boy came out of a nightclub in Moscow city before the session came to an end. He was dressed with a winter jacket, jeans pants, a woolen cap and a pair of gloves for the temperature of the night was -04 degree Celsius and it was snowing incessantly all over the place. After having walked some way along a lane connecting the club and a highway, which was full of frost, he came nearer the highway on which there were neither buses nor cars but now and then a few taxi cabs running up and down. Suddenly, he noticed obscurely a figure beside a lamppost on the footpath of the highway before him. He took his mobile phone out of his pocket and cast his eyes on the screen to see the time. The time was 3 o’clock. Then he continued to walk ahead. After passing some distance, when he was very near the footpath, he caught sight of a girl covered with winter clothes puffing cigarette standing in silence. In a moment, perceiving someone approaching, the girl turned her face to him and smiled intentionally and assuredly. She seemed to have got the thing finally for which she had been waiting for long in the very cold night. In return, the expatriate boy also smiled to her and hoping in mind that the girl might call him stood on the footpath not really far from her and also for taking a taxi to home since according to the governmental rule the subway trains keep their services off from 1am to 6 am.

After standing a moment, she heard the girl’s loud voice calling him as he had wished a moment before. Turning about, he comes to the girl and scrutinized her appearance. The girl was of white color and though rather fatty but robust in the form of the body. Her face was not colored unlike the girls at the streets of the Bangladeshi city at night.
The girl initiated the conversation followed below. Issuing some rings of smoke from her mouth, she said jovially “Hey friend, how are you? Where have you come from, just now? The boy said, pointing his hand to the direction of the nightclub, “Oh, I am fine and I just have come out of the night club.” The girl continued, “why did you go there, to dance with Russian hot girls, buy them drinks, make affair and then to screw them, huh? Oh, I feel sorry for you that you couldn’t manage even one. Well, I am also Russian and if you feel enough temptation to me then you can take me to your room only for two thousand rubles. Because of that money, you will get rid of the tedious job of making love affair with me. You know, as to make love affair with me or any other girl you have to spend ten times more than the money I require to get fucked by you without any kind of personal affair. Well, as in love affairs firstly mental intercourse and then physical, as well you have to give me the money first, then have sex since money alone fill the space of mental intercourse. Moreover, another cause of giving me the money is that in this case it is enough that you feel sexual attraction to me, whereas If I have temptation to you or not is not a matter. And in every case I will regard you as though I was very much attracted to you. When I take money from boys I perform the same whether they are of good looking or bad looking.

The boy took a cigarette from her, lighted it up, issued a great deal of smoke and said in inebriated tone since he was much intoxicated with cheap vodka, “Oh, yeah, making love affair with girls and then keeping it alive is really a burdensome job and it cost lots of money and time in any corner of the world. The girls are all the same as in our country as well in Russia. As I don’t know the tactics of getting laid with girls in short time as well don’t have enough time and money to spend with them as to continue a love affair. So I know, I am bound to pay a little in order to go bed with them. Anyway, though you rather fatty, but you seemed so sexy to me. But the problem is I can’t bear the expense you have demanded.”
The girl became grave and said, “Your grieve touch me in the deepest part of my heart, and I become sympathized with you also. So I am ready to go with you for one thousand and five hundred rubles. Five hundred is discounted for you.”

The boy took off a glove and said in lustful tone as he started caressing the girl’s cheeks with his naked hand, “I feel great attraction to you very much, fatty girl. You know, in Bangladesh, big is beautiful. As to screw you, I wish eagerly to take you with me for tonight, but I am sorry I don’t have that money even with your concession.
The girl said, letting the boy’s hand move over her face, “Well, just tell me, as the price of getting fucked by you without any kind of love affair, and being totally indifferent to your countenance, how much I can obtain from you.”

The boy said, laughing mockingly and trying his hand to advance to her massive boobs under the jacket, “I have only one hundred and fifty rubles though not in cash, but in bank card, and for that money I will frig you wildly but in silence. If you agree, then come with me. As I have to provide you the money first, therefore, now, I must go to a bank booth, take the cash and then pay you. Now, just tell me, there is any bank around. And if there is, whether it is open or already closed? If any bank is open nearby, tell me the direction of the bank.”

The boy scarcely pronounced the last sentence, on his face, he felt a great stroke of a strong fist without gloves as his own hand was, which has just started to play with her big tits. Before the time he had recovered, got another one greater than before, and then begun to get kicked to the lower parts of his body. These blows and kicks the boy acquired so repeatedly that he reflected three or four muscle men together started boxing, thumping and kicking on his whole body, mainly on his face. But for sure, it was the girl alone because there was no one around but the girl. At last he experienced a massive kick with a heavy boot upon his testicles and in no time losing his bodily balance, finally he fall down on the ground covered with rime. Nevertheless, the boy couldn’t dispose of getting kicked, thumped, and punched. Just as the boy was knocked down, the girl seated herself on his breast and again started boxing thumping wildly on his face already severely wounded. The girl kept her too restless beating him that there was no opportunity of issuing a single word from her mouth.

The expatriate boy had wanted to say from the first, “please forgive me, I am sorry for what I have done and said to you. I am really sorry, and entreat you leave me please. If you continue more I will be dead by the time. I have already got lesson too much to say and do anything like that to girls ever in my life.” But his mouth was so occupied in getting blows and bangs that he also didn’t get any chance to articulate these appellation.
So everything had been happening wildly, but in silence.

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In my childhood, we, siblings along with my mother, aunties and cousins (maternal) went grandpa’s house one time in every year to pass our annual vacation after our school final examination had come to an end. In those days, we needed at least eight hours to reach the house from our house since there was no bridge over Jomuna River and our and aunties’ houses were quite far away from the one side of the river whereas my grandpa’s house were situated on the other side of it, in a district town. So firstly we had to go some way by bus and then crossed the river by naval ship and it required more time than today and finally some way by rickshaw. We passed our time there with great pleasure since there was no need to study, no pressure to go school, no burden to attend any private tutor, no obligation to do home task; but just only playing in the fields and roaming around and inside of the house with siblings, cousins and the children of the same age of neighboring houses. At the end of the vacation my father as well as my uncles in law came to bring us back to our houses.


However, once, when I was in my grandpa’s house, I beware of two seedlings of the Belly flower tree beside a big one just had emerged from the earth each of them with a very small stem and only three green leaves in the small yard of the house.  In some days the two seedlings of Belly flower grown up seven inches with more foliage. They appeared to me as two daughters, and a fatherhood emerged from my heart for them. At times, being seated very close to them, I started passing time and playing with them. I softly touched their delicate, glossy stems and green, small leaves with my hands as if I caressed two human Childs adorably. On some days, I got very fond of them. I watered them three times in a day in order that they could grow up well and also made a fence around them with jute sticks lest the hens would peck with their sharpen beaks on the green foliage of the saplings. Whenever I looked at them adorable, I thought that in return they smiled to me, the very moment my heart filled to brim with great amusement.

One day, when the time of going back home came very near, I said to my mother in a doleful tone that I wished to take the seedlings with me to our house. My mother said irritatingly, “What need of you these seedlings. In our house there is no place to implant seedlings of any flower since in summer there will start harvesting and a lot of paddy plants will be gathered in our courtyard. Therefore, we will be bound to uproot them.” I said in a mournful tune, “No, no, what need to uproot them for nothing! You know, only two small seedlings of Belly can’t do much harm of reaped paddy plants for they will take scarcely place and our courtyard is quite big. I will implant them so close to my room so that they won’t make any trouble to threshing of crops and drying of hay.” Then my mother agreed reluctantly and said, “Okay, try to make your maternal uncle consented about taking saplings, but remember that wherever you implant them in our courtyard, they are destined to be short lived.” Leaving the arguing with mother I went straight to my maternal uncle and let him know about my longing. He said in a mocking tone, “If you wish, you can take them, but I consider you will not be able to keep them alive in your house, I will give it to you providing you save it.”  In return I said stubbornly swelling my breast some inches, “I take an oath that I will save them at any cost and when you go to our house after the upcoming summer you must see them swamped with a great deal of little, white flowers.”


At first, I removed some soil from around the root of a seedling with a chisel very carefully lest any part of the roots would not tear at the time of taking it from earth, and after that I took it out from the earth very caringly as a midwife delivers a child from its mother's womb. Then I stuck some muck made before around the root in a ball shape as a midwife wrap a newborn baby with some dried cloths to save it from cold. Then covered the ball of muck with the root inside of it with a piece of polythene and then tied the polyethylene using a thin piece of rope lest the muck should fall apart. After finishing with the one, I did the same with the other. Then I entered both of them in a shopping bag. All the time on my way home I was holding the shopping bag with my own hand, and didn’t leave it anyplace even for once.   

It was already dark, when we reached our house. So my mother said to me, “no need to implant them tonight, in case you may get cold, so it’s better to leave them for tomorrow morning. I watched them in a dim light of a kerosene lamp (there was no electricity in our village in those times) that they had become very tired and weary due to the long journey and not taking enough food and water for a whole day. I thought in mind that they did need implanting at once otherwise they would fall in the lap of death before the day would break. It seemed to me more important to restore them into life than keeping away myself from getting cold. So disobeying my mother's advice, that very moment, I along with my siblings made two pretty deep holes very near to our room with a crowbar and put some dried up cow dungs into the holes since it was very available in our house as their nutritious food and finally implant them. Then we poured fresh water upon them as if we made them a bath and then to their roots as if we made them drink. In this work, thinking in mind that we had accomplished well our first duty to save their life, we felt very happy. Now I took sworn in my heart that I would try with heart and soul to keep them alive against any trouble. On that night I saw a dream that I, accompanied by my younger brother and sister was wandering through a massive garden full of Belly flower trees flooded with many small, white beautiful flowers under the broad blue sky.

Next morning, we made two strong fences unconnectedly around them almost up to their sizes with bamboo sticks lest the hens and goats of our and neighboring houses could smack and eat the foliage and the mild brunches. I watered and took care of them every day as at my grandpa’s (maternal) house. Sometimes, being seated on a chair near them, I studied my textbook. However, day by day they had grown up with quite many branches and numerous green leaves. One day I saw some buds appear on the top of the stems of the trees, of which image has never been erased from my heart. Closing my eyes, in my imagination, I can see it still now before me. However, the buds gradually bloomed into flowers. Being seated on my knees beside them and taking my nose very close to them, I took some long breaths repeatedly. At once my heart, brain and also my whole body filled up with the sweet fragrance of the flowers. With the fragrance of the flowers in my body I played in the fields, roaming with my siblings and friends, took lessons from my teachers at school and at home and dreamed sweet dreams. Thus time continued passing in a great delight.

One day, at the approaching of the summer, coming home from school in the afternoon, I perceived that the two trees with their appearing buds, blooming flowers, glossy branches, and delicate stems had vanished totally. Even there was no sign of them left. The whole yard was coated smoothly with a mixture of mud and cow dungs for having made it ready as to thresh crops. I felt that someone stabbed into my breast with a sharp mouthed spear and blood started shading from my heart incessantly.                



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A personal journey to love

My high school that situated in a country town was a boys’ school, because of that we hardly saw girls adjacent. And there was also a girls’ school not very far from ours. Often the teaching period the girls’ school came to an end before the proper time, or sometimes at our tiffin period. This was a great opportunity for us to look at the girls of the girls’ school through our classroom-window, while going back to their houses along the earthen road going beside our school. This was our only enjoyment in tedious classes and we waited ardently for them to come. But sometimes having overwhelmed us with distress, they came after our classes had been over.

However, after I had passed HSC examination, I got admission in a college nearby our former school, which was combined for both boys and girls. For the first time, we had the good luck to enjoy their beauty thoroughly and for a long time with ease. Sometimes, we were astonished to see the girls sitting beside us. Many girls of our class were well-formed and shaped and looked beautiful. But there was a girl more handsome, blonde and striking than others, and even she was the most attractive girl of the whole country town. Many boys of our class became admirers of her and in return she was very friendly with each of them and never showed any kind of ruthless manners. However, in six or seven days, I perceived well that I had fallen in love with Kate desperately, and no one of her follower was crazier to her than me. I and everyone else who loved her in silence was fortunate to see her whenever wish during the teaching period of our college because she came to the college every day and attended almost every class. She enjoyed the madness of her admirers, particularly mine. However, enjoying her stunning beauty appeared to me with a burden, since I was not accustomed to amuse myself with the lectures of the teachers frequently. Nevertheless, I was bound to be present in every class to see her beautiful face. Therefore, I used to attend the class, though I couldn’t concentrate my mind to the teachers due to my unaccustomedness of listening the monotonous lecture in the class and my enchanted mind by her beauty.  

My home was in a village two miles away from our college and every day I came to the college riding bicycle like other boys who also lived in the villages around the college. Apart from us, the students who lived in this country town would come to the college riding rickshaw driven by rickshaw puller. This difference between two groups of students made two kinds of social status. We were in low status and they who lived in the country town were in high status. Kate had lived from since her birth in this town for her father was a teacher of Bengali literature of our college. So I and Kate were from different social ranks: low and high. The love affair between me and Kate was not possible, since she would not have sexually attracted to me, because on my face, whole body and conduct a rusticity was stuck. This rusticity drove her away from me.


Consequently, I couldn’t even dream of telling her about my feelings. I apprehend surely that she would not engage with me, and I was right about that. Though I hadn’t revealed the emotional state of my mind to her, in short time she could realize it by noticing the feelings of my heart to her graved in my eyes so deeply. Now I have to discern that she had really one pair of acute eyes. However, In return I saw in her eyes that she refused me. Notwithstanding, I didn’t restrain myself from loving her. As if I was a planet in a solar system where she herself was the sun placed in the center of it and I was bound to orbit her owing to a great love force like gravitational force in the real solar system.  

She also had fallen in love with a boy named Gabriel from high social status and of good looking. Sometimes I saw her having a conversation in a grave mood with the boy in a secluded place of our college corridor. At the time of walking along the corridor to my class, whenever I came close her in this state, having been sympathetic to me, she paused to talk to him and called me in a gesture very near to her. She would try to talk to me with a smiling face and almost every time taking out of her purse, gave me some chocolates. Though I was reluctant to take those chocolates, but since I was totally capitulated to her, so I couldn’t restrain myself from what she bade to do. I pondered, alas! What a farce! Instead of love I got chocolates!  I became angry, though had not the slightest courage to uncover it before her, but screamed inside and my body shook as the buildings at the time of earthquake in high Richter scale.   

One day while walking on the road beside Thana health complex, I saw them together upon a rickshaw directing to a village. Later, I heard from a classmate that they had gone to the house of their mutual friend to date. Thus they continued to make love with each-other and everybody of our class knew about it. After some days, I heard from some classmates that the boy had ignored her because there was a rumor that she had had a sex scandal in her childhood. She felt torment of having been refused from the boy. I had nothing to do, but just felt sorry for her. Then the boy offered love to a girl from another college, but lived in the same town and also had studied in the girls’ school of that country town. This girl agreed with him, and they continued to make love without registration, they got married at last and then with registration. I won’t tell about it anymore because this thing has not any effect on this story.  

However, after the break-up of their love affair, having forgotten the social difference between me and her, I thought that now there came a chance of making love with her. But in my distress, I realized by noticing her attitude to me that she was too rigid to involve with me as a lover and didn’t feel even the slightest attraction to me. Nevertheless, my feelings for her was the same, which had got dominion over me. I didn’t see no way to surpass it and even hadn’t courage to combat against it. So I left myself to my fatal fate, which couldn’t be avoided. As before, still now almost every day in my college life when at class I always squinted to her appealing countenance without hearing any word of my teachers. I also continued to try to sit beside her too.

One day during class hour, I was looking at her sitting on a bench just behind her. No sooner felt my looks with sixth sense, she turned her face to me and gazing into my eyes, said, “Do you feel any urge to say something, okay then just tell me what is it, I am ready to hear you.” There was something very dangerous in her expression and I got afraid. In prompt I told her, “No, no, nothing, please concentrate to your teacher please.” Then taking her face to my ear, she whispered, for the teacher was in serious mood lecturing, “So why have you looked at me for long, tell me what you have in your mind.  When you keep on looking at me for a long time with your mouth wide open, you know I feel humiliated.” However, from then on I didn’t dare to look at her for long.  

Every day, after the class has been finished in the afternoon, I went back to my home with an aching heart for I would not be able to see her stunning face till tomorrow class time. Every moment when not beside her, only one sentence whirled in my brain “when I am going to see her? When I will have got the chance to be near her again?”

Notwithstanding, time had passed away. We came very near to our HSC examination. Because of the images of Kate in various gestures in my mind all the time and sometimes these images having linked with each other, like movie reels moved continually before my eyes, and I saw her on the pages of books as we watch the images of characters of the film on the screen of Cineplex, I couldn’t concentrate my mind on study. What I would have become of me for my mind was still scattered!  Sometimes I thought I lost my studious mind forever and wouldn’t be able to revive it again. Though I knew that if I couldn’t have passed the examination, my life would have been collapsed and the hope of my family member about me also would have been ruined totally. So that I tried and tried to concentrate my mind on study but failed repeatedly. The time of the examination was approaching towards me as if a northwester was coming so furiously.

One day I was wandering lonely on the college campus. Suddenly I met with a friend, who asked me to go with him to another friend’s house to take some notes from him. I agreed and we set off. The friend, whose house we went, told us that he had studied a great deal as a preparation of upcoming examination. At this word, I become envious of him because as a student, he was not better than me. Well, this envy to him conducted my mind to concentrate on study. No sooner I got envious, I left his house. I remember of going home like a bird flying and my mind was throbbing tumultuously. After reaching my home, I entered straight my study room and started getting prepared for the imminent examination. The more I read, the more deleted the images of Kate which had been bothering me for a long time. After one week I perceived that the images of Kate became too few in quantity and too weak in quality to disturb me horribly. However, there was no hope to pass the examination because only forty days were left before the examination. Nevertheless, I studied heart and soul forty days continuously almost twelve hours in a day. In those days I didn’t go outside of home for a single day. However, finally I passed the examination in the first division, this was even beyond my imagination. Kate, whom I had fallen in love with, couldn’t pass the examination as well as others, who each of them of high social status. Everyone who passed the examination in the first division or the second division was the students from villages with low social status.  

Just after the examination, we some classmates came to Dhaka to get admission in varsity, medical and engineering college admission coaching centers. We, four friends- me with low social status and three others of high social status- rented an apartment in Merul Badda at Dhaka to live through a friend lived there with his family. Kate also came to Dhaka and rented some rooms of a ladies hostel with some other girls of our college. In the meantime, Kate had made a love affair with Adam, who had helped us for having rented an apartment. This boy thought that he had some right to the apartment we rented as without his help we couldn’t have managed the apartment. So Adam started to come to our apartment accompanied by Kate to date. They used to go into a room that I shared with a friend and closing the door, passed a long time dating. At that time in another room we four friends would have a conversation sitting on the bed.

One day when they were in our room dating, we heard a hard knock at the main door of the apartment. Generally, there used to be no knock like that at our door. So, we got suspicious if the guardians of Adam came. With time the knock was becoming louder and louder and this was very unusual. Then we came to a conclusion that it must have been someone among his guardians. When someone was knocking at the door, whoever it was we were bound to open the door unless they were dacoits. We were sure that it was not dacoits by our common sense that in open daylight in Dhaka city, dacoits would not dare to do their job. So I went to the door and the moment I opened it his mother and maternal uncle rushed into the apartment. They tried to enter the room at which the couples were dating. But the door was closed from inside. So they started to knock at the door like mad and at the same time calling his son by his name. “Adam, Adam, I am your mother. Just open the door.” But no one in the room seemed to listen and the door was closed as before. After a long time had passed away, the door got opened. Followed by them, we entered the room too and saw Adam sitting on the floor with his head downward but didn’t see Kate. His mother was somehow informed that her son had been dating with a girl here. So at first not seeing her in the room, she searched for her and found out her behind the door. She looked at her fixedly for some time. Then she, Adam’s mother comes to him and holding tightly on the collar of his shirt, dragged him out of the room then the apartment followed by her younger brother. His guardians didn’t like him to make love with a girl who had sexual scandal. However, Kate sobbed for a long time in the room alone. Then she went to her living place.


Next year I got admission in the University of Dhaka, as for the first time I had failed to get admission in any varsity. After passing the HSC examination for the second time Kate got admission in Eden girls’ College. After my classes had come to an end at the University of Dhaka, I would go to her college gate and wait for her. After six months, I happened to see her at last. She was crossing the college gate covered with a hijab. I noticed that she got chubbier. I shouted to her by her name. She was more or less astonished at having seen me. “Hey, what are you doing here, crazy boy?” she said to me smiling. “I was waiting for you,” was my brief answer. Why, what you wished me to do? She said. “Just only for once, give me an opportunity to be seated beside you for one moment,” I implored her. She said, “Oh, sorry, I am in a hurry. But you can leave me your phone number, I will contact with you later and I may go to your campus tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Okay, bye for now, see you later.”

She kept her promise by coming to my campus and meeting with me. I was not satisfied fully, because I wanted to be alone with her. This was not possible because she came accompanied by a girl of her college. When she was parting off, I beseeched her to give me phone calls in the future, so that I could keep her in touch. Saying, “I will try.” She set off. But she didn’t phone me.


Two years after this, one day at noon, I was going by foot along the road by the arts faculty of our campus to the bus stand so as to go home. Just as I reached in front of the second gate of the arts faculty, I heard a vivid sound of a girl’s giggling. At the moment, I recognized the giggling. She was sitting on the staircase on the second gate beside a couple who were making love with each other. Instead of going to the bus stand I went to Modhur canteen followed by her. We, sitting at a table, took tea. Then she asked me to conduct her to the couple. The luck was in favor of me. Gone to the second gate of the arts faculty, we noticed that they had already left the place. Then we strolled only side by side, but not hand in hand through the campus for some time. Later, she told me that she had long for to walk holding my hand. She was hungry and me too, so we went to a restaurant in chankharpul adjacent campus boundary. We had our lunch there. Afterwards, she had to go back to her hostel. And I came back to my hostel in order to lend some money since my bus fare had been totally consumed due to lunch.

I didn’t have a chance to meet with her until two years or so when her father had died in a deadly road accident. The day was the second day of Ramadan Eid. That day at night I met a college friend, while wandering on the market place. He said to me that Kate’s father had a severe motorcycle accident and he didn’t even know if he was alive or not. As said before, Kate’s father was our college teacher in Bengali department. At this word, I phoned Kate’s younger brother in order to know how the physical condition of his father was. He told me that his father was no longer alive and would be buried in half an hour. Resolving in mind that I should go to attend his funeral, I asked him to tell me their exact country house address.

Well, after finishing with him, I asked a village friend over the phone to set out the moment cut the phone call to the market place. After he had come, I told him about the grim consequence of our teacher and now what I wished to do. Her country house was adjoining Ghatail cantonment area. In order to reach their house, we would have to go some way by bus to Ghatail bus stand and some way by rickshaw to their home according to the direction of Kate’s younger brother. So we kept ourselves waiting for the bus which would go via Ghatail bus stand. As the day was the second day of Ramadan EID, there were a few bus on the road, and every bus was Dhaka-bound. And Ghatail bus stand was in the opposite direction of Dhaka from that place. We waited for a long time and then at last came a bus that would go far away via Ghatail, and the bus was reserved for groom passengers of a nuptial ceremony. Well, we made the bus stopped with the signal of the hand and requested the conductor to let us get in because we would have to join a funeral. At this word, he let us get on the bus as in our social conscience everyone is bound to help them who wish to go a funeral.


Getting out of the bus in Ghatail bus stand, from which we would have to get on rickshaw in order to reach their home, we saw a few rickshaw standing at the junction of highway and subway. We rented a rickshaw with the fare three times more because of the religious festival. The rickshaw puller knew the directing of their house because her paternal uncle was familiar with people around due to his leading position in local politics. After we had passed a long way along an uneven earthen path riding in a rickshaw, at last we reached at their house. There was a marriage gate adorned charmingly in front of their house. That day was scheduled to be the day of Gaye Holud (pre-preparation of marriage ceremony of our society). However, she was not to get married to her lover named Adam, because this boy also under the pressure of his guardian abandoned her because of the rumor of her sexual scandal. However, at noon, her father was going to a market to buy some things riding on a motorcycle driven by his niece. The motorcycle along with them collided with a highway bus and was trespassed by the massive wheel of the bus. As a consequence, died on the spot.

Some men were strolling in the backyard of the house. One of them came to us and said, “Who are you? And where have you come from?” we responded, “We are the students of the late man and Kate’s class-mate. We have come from a distant place to attend the funeral.” The man said, “Oh, the funeral finished just only five minutes ago.” I said, “Okay, then tell her that her two friends have come to attend the funeral and now wish to talk with her.” The man entered the house and after a moment coming back to us, said, “She is having her meal for a whole day with others, and after that she will come to you. Just as the man pronounced his last sentence, I saw Kate coming to us in a newly bought yellow colored Shari. She came to us from the middle of her dinner and we saw under the electric light dimly the remnant of food stuck to her right hand. She said something in a very low voice about her father and his death. And plead us to forgive him if he, when was alive, would have made some mistake and offended us by his any action or word. As she was speaking, I was totally mute, but my companion tried to console in her mourning plight with some solace words.  

Her marriage ceremony was supposed to be held on the next day. But due to the death of his father, the scheduled date of her marriage lingered some days. After one week she got married with his supposed groom, who had a chartered account degree and was a job holder of a multinational company.


When she was pregnant with her first child, I managed to get her phone number through a college friend. On getting her phone number, I told her over the phone, “Hey how are you? I haven’t seen you for many days.” She said with her accustomed giggling from other side of the phone, “you are a liar, you saw me only some months ago when you went to my country house.” I said, “I went there not to see you, but to attend your father’s funeral.” “No, I don’t believe you, you must have gone there to see me.” I didn’t know whether she was right or not as to that matter. Some days after I had talked with her over the phone, one day she asked me not to phone her any longer. So I deleted her phone number from my phone book and thus I lost her from my connection for many days.


Just some days ago, I was chatting with a college friend, with whom newly connected and who was  very close to me, through Facebook massage option, suddenly he asked me if I had any connection with Kate or not. I typed, “No,” and at this word, he asked me whether I wished to contact with her. I asked him how it was possible for I didn’t have any option through which I can contact with her. Then he sent me her Facebook account link. At the moment I sent her a friend request with a short message and my phone no. The next day she phoned me. In a few days, she told me almost all about her present and past life; her break-up with her lover, newborn-children, husband, sorrow, sickness, grief, pleasure and a great deal of other things I can’t mention here. And she tried to claim that she also had fallen in love with me, as I didn’t offer love to her and I had a betrothal, so she didn’t take attempt to make a love affair with me. And she also said that it was my fault that I couldn’t convince her. She also told me why I didn’t send match-maker to her parents. If I had offered my love to her or sent match-maker to her parents than her life would not have been ruined like that. And after break-up with her boyfriend, she, as her words, had searched me like mad but hadn’t succeeded in finding me. If he had found me she would have got married me and lived happily with me ever after.   







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In exchange


Once, accompanied by a friend, I went to a brothel situated on the outskirts of a city, not for using the girls who live there, but only to see their half-naked body. Well, we came into  the brothel and the girls dashed to us saying, “pray, come to my room, I will let you fuck me well only for fifty taka; fucking me, you will get more pleasure” We didn’t agree with them because we were there just to enjoy their beauty not for fucking them. Leaving them behind, we continued to walk ahead along a lane through the brothel to search for more beautiful and younger girls.


Then we happened to come to another lane where there were a few girls not in the mood of selling their body and was totally indifferent to us. No one was half naked there, but everybody was fully dressed. Some girls kept busy themselves with their household works, one was buying pinheads from a stationary store by the lane, some were chatting over the phone, maybe with their boyfriends in a pleasant tone, and some girls were having a conversation and laughing in humor with each other sitting on the ground in a circle. We fell into distress of not seeing more beautiful and younger girls half naked.


Suddenly, a girl came out of a room and asked very politely to come near her.  Generally, the prostitutes don’t behave politely with the people who come to them to enjoy their bodies. I was amazed to feel her politeness to us. However, when we were close to her, she told me, “The electric light bulb of my room has been fused, so it needs changing with new one. And due to my shortness in height, I can’t reach the socket. As you are taller than me, please, vaia, do me the task. In order to solve the problem, we entered the room which was too dark to see things clearly though it was noon and the sky was blue. After my friend had turned on the torchlight of his mobile phone, the darkness of the room became lighter. Then mounting on a chair, in a moment I changed the electric light bulb very easily.


When I was coming out of the room, the girl gave us a lot of thanks in honeyed voice. After a small pause, like thunder in the blue sky, she started to abuse my friend in a harsh tone. I wondered what happened in a moment that the girl after being so kind to us and also getting some service from us, got very angry with us. In a perplex mood, I looked back and saw my friend just crossing the threshold of the room. The girl continued to use bad language to him. My friend told her,” hey, floozy, what I have done to you?” “You motherfucker,” retorted the girl, “Don’t you know what you have done to me? Hey caddish, why you punch on my boobs with your nasty hand?”


“You, sluts, may know well that every service has some price, since you sell your body for money,” He said her in a mocking voice, “My friend has done you a task and so in exchange I caress your delicate boobs. So the case is dismissed. Now just stop your mouth or else I will make another blow on your huge tits for using rough language on me.”                        


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One day in the evening, I was wandering with some of my friends along the earthen road beside the narrow river flowing near our overpopulated village. Suddenly, we heard a riotous noise coming from another part of our village. No sooner heard the noise, we rushed to the place. After we had reached there, we saw a crowd in very agitation with tree branches, bamboo sticks and various kinds of handmade arms in their hands. We assumed owing the words of the people and their mood that there had been a riot between a group of people from our village and another group of people from a neighboring village. However, there were more people gathered in one of the houses and we entered the house to investigate the matter well. Some people rushed to us and said, “We have confined a boy from the neighboring village while fighting. Now just tell us what to do with the boy for some very crazy boys of our village are trying to cudgel him. If he dies due to a hard beating, just imagine what would become of us!” “Okay, let’s go to the confined boy,” I said, “Initially, I will talk with him and then decide what to do.”


Just as we started to go to the room where the boy was confined, a beautiful girl of the house, who was familiar with the people of our village as a girl of easy virtue stood in front of me spreading her two arms and said, “I have an objection, firstly you have to solve it, then you would be allowed to involve yourself with another matter.” She was frantic and her body was shaking from head to toe while talking to me and a rigidity very severe was stuck on her smooth face. I was more or less astonished by her audacity. No girl of our village had dared not talk to me like that before. After restraining myself, I told her, “okay, I am ready to hear you, just tell me what your allegation is.” I saw under the light of an electric bulb that a shyness came over her face and made her white check red colored. She gradually lowered her face and holding tightly in my one arm with her delicate hand, dragged me aside. Then she looked at my eyes fixedly and said, “Nazrul (a mischievous boy of our village) beaten me brutally as I was trying to stop our people from rioting. You must give punishment Nazrul first.” I befallen in hesitation and wondered why Nazrul had beaten her for they both were from the same village, and the riot had been against another village. I thought about the affair profoundly without asking the girl any further question. Then I understood what she had tried to mean by beating her brutally. And suddenly, I remembered some odd incidents had occurred during the time of our freedom fight. Some pretender freedom fighters raped and made sexual harassment of the girls of our own country when our whole country were fighting heart and soul against a raider country. I lowered my head in shame under the dim light of an electric bulb and felt tears gathering in my eyes. I saluted her in my mind because of her brave attitude and rebellion and the moment I understood the affair clearly I left the place followed by my friends to search for Nazrul.

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The girl with curved nose


Once upon a time, I had been fallen in love with a girl who had curved nose. I was proud about her, thinking that apart from her there was no girl in the whole world who had curved nose. The curving of her nose caused me a great attraction to her.   


Having left me in the ocean of grief, she got married to the boy, one of my friends, whom she loved. Since they have been married a long time have passed away. However, two months ago, I came with a chance of meeting her. Her husband was very sick to get admission in a hospital. I, accompanied by a friend, went to the hospital cabin rented by them really to see her, but pretending to console her sick husband, also my college friend, in his plight. When I entered the cabin, she was in the bathroom showering herself. Having perceived she was not in the room, I felt distress because I thought if not today, I would not get any further chance to see her in near future.


As I was talking, sitting upon a chair, with her husband lying down on the patient bed and her father in law and mother in law sitting upon a sofa, she suddenly came out of the bathroom and addressed me, “Hi, how are you?” saying “fine,” I squinted at her face. In my great astonishment, I noticed that her nose were no longer curved and perceived that the attraction to her almost totally erased from my heart.


Some days later, I shared the matter with a friend. She told me that perhaps the girl had her nose done some medical treatment or operation to get it straight. I couldn’t believe it completely and felt the matter so much obscure. So I decided to inquire her some photographs taken long ago or when I had been fallen in love with her. Now the question was where I would get her photographs of those days. Suddenly, through a friend I came to know that she had a Facebook account. Then I searched for her account in the online and very easily got it. Fortunately, there were some of her photographs of those days in her profile. I scrutinized those photographs very carefully, but I couldn’t find her nose curved in any of those photographs. In every photograph her nose was as straight as was on the day I last saw her in the hospital.                 



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One + One = One + One

You ask me whether I love you or not. In fact, it is very hard to imprison my emotions and thoughts to you inside a specific term, all of which are so impetuous, impish, stubborn, vivid, restless, vibrant, and mighty that as soon as they are confined, smashing down the term, would spread around lightening like the squib, which blast after going some distance towards the sky.


Why am I talking to you with so much complexity? Why don’t in easy way? How I could! If the emotions come out combining from my mind, and grow up gnarling with each other, and the thoughts, being caught with a naughty boy’s hand, get tangled, whereas even though I want them to be meek, then the essence, being poured down on the earth, would be absorbed in a moment as the water dispense from a wet cloth while two men by holding two corners keep contorting.   


Yes, I am well informed of that affair, still I come because I can’t help myself coming. When I talk to you, and look at you; the disgrace, the regret, the humidity, the tiredness, the discontent, the torpidity, the impatience, and the depression, all of which resides within me start to fall down as yellow old leaves drop from a tree branch in the winter season. Afterwards, I started to be pleasant like the tree, at which green foliage has grown up in the spring. Sometimes, it would seem that I lie down like the snail and oyster at the bottom of the pond consisting compassion instead of water, and then I grow up like lily flowers. All the sloth and drowsiness of the world gather up in my eyes as they accumulate in the eyes of the pedestrian sitting in the shadow of a tree at noon of the hot summer, who has come by foot from very far. At length, your breath, having lifted me up, make me move upon the surface of the pond of smoothness along with the web.


Usually, my emotions and thoughts to you keep me alive. If, one day, all of my emotions and power of thinking are totally erased and all of the limbs of my body are inactive; nevertheless, I can only feel my hungry for food and desire for you, I will understand so well that I am living with my heart's content.


Being white cloud, you fill up my broad sky of loneliness. At the moment of lying down on the hope of getting sleep at night, I feel your presence so brilliantly as though I have got hallucination. In the moment of walking along the footpath of busy highway, I can see you clearly walking with me shoulder to shoulder while your lips and tongue are whispering in my ears. As I travel on a bus in the city or to home, you get on the bus in a hurry from any bus stops, then making the passenger standing very close to me move aside, you come so near to me. When I read a book, you spread your words upon white pages of the book between the gaps of the black words printed upon the page.


After a lot of senseless wandering on the flat land, when I become ineffective, then we two set off to the mountain. Having reached at the bottom of the mountain, we start to mount up without the help of any instruments and so swiftly that the expertise mountaineers of the Sherpa would tremble in fear. Just as we reached at the top, which is entered into the vast cloud like a sharpen faced bamboo cane, we shout as tremendously as if we, in our inside, having broken into pieces, are crackling like the puffed rice on the very hot sand, and then get out through our lips parted like the sparks made by the impinge between a rotating disk and a rod both of them made of iron.   


Sometimes, ignoring the busyness, alienation, and monotony of the metropolitan life, you and I go to the ocean, then start diving into the web of the sea, which come repeatedly to the shore making uproar and lifting up their hood like the wild viperous snakes. Meanwhile, our physical strength came to its last level. At that moment, the ocean draws our weak and tired body to the deep with the help of the tide as in childhood, we children would draw each other while one sitting on the outer covering of a nut tree. In the comparison of our pace, the difference between clear blue sky and the same colored ocean keep diminishing. Then, gradually, blue become gray, and we get asleep at the top of the sky and at the same time also at the bottom of the ocean. After a lot of time has passed, we awake from our profound unconsciousness due to the chattering of birds, the crying of crickets, and the hissing of the wind. After awakening from the deep sleep, we apprehend that we are lying down on the shore of the isolated island covered with wild nature.


Every day at the approach of the evening, when the sun begins to incline to its night time adobe, we start running, like the rebel boy and the girl, along the narrow path through a condensed paddy field. When our leg become weak owing to weariness, we come to stand still. Then, holding our essence with both of our hands, we unroll it to the horizon as the adorer offer oblation to the God. Then, after a sudden oblivion, we comprehend that our bodies have become as thin, fresh and delicate as paddy plants. The wind from the north make us sway, and we fall upon each other, sometimes on the left, and sometimes on the right as well as backward and forward. Then we keep on being erect and falling.


In my shabby room, around which there is no tree, in the moment of my drowsiness, I envisage me as a hollow balloon, and you are entering into it in the disguise of the wind consisting oxygen; therefore I appear to swell up in my own form. As soon as I try to imprison you inside me, you go out as speedily as though the wind goes out through a tiny hole of a swelled balloon. At once, I apprehend that I am lying down upon my bed like the dead skin of the snake, and my whole body is shivering because of acute pain, and some void is pressuring against my heart constantly.  


At a snail’s pace on the way to sleep, I perceive that you, being thick mist,   surround me in your own form, and I am descended down slowly. After that, in trying to ascend as soon as I consider to touch you, someone tells me in my ear whispering that you aren’t even at the furthest spot from me. You have past that spot already.


You know, every moment of accompanying with you, our conversation continues, at which there is no subject to be left. As I talk to you, you look at my face. But, sometimes, you make me stop and start to express your emotions and thoughts as in a way as though the wild-beast, recently imprisoned in a zoo, being free, tend to move forward at the top of his speed. In the meantime, door and window of my ear start to be open so that your emotions can enter into another time and space without any trouble; such as: having entered enter into any wormholes of a big black-hole, a living man could reach into such a time when even our universe didn’t exist or just after the big bang or a space thousands of light years far off one side of the wormhole or a very different galaxy, from where the light haven’t reached yet.    


Then I cast both of my eyes upon your face. Dancing of your eyeball, squinting upward and downward slightly, suddenly endeavor to look at the very distant place through crowd of man, stopping to talk due to unknown thinking; then after little pause, again starting to talk, quivering of your lips like the lorry which is running on a rough road, widening and constraining of your eyebrows, kilting and then slacking of the skin between of your two eyes, rolling of the disk of smile upon your face, and sometimes, approaching and vanishing of some signs of the disturbance on your face as the mice move upon the floor at night, and after vanishing all of the emotions, a still web struck on your face like the motionless web of the desert when there is no wind. Everything above described I feel before my eyes and at the same time within my mind.


Our conversation, you know, is not only between you and me, but between me and myself also. You enter into me in your own form with the essence of mine. We unite ourselves in order to give birth to you and me. We are the work of art of our combined endeavor, persuasion and diligence. After we have mixed up with each other in obsession, we keep creating ourselves. Then we, new born, stand up side by side, and sometimes divide from each other, and sometimes wage a battle between us.


You know so well that the people around talk with each other about me that I live very lonely life, don’t want to come out of my room; almost every moment I am indisposed to the whole world, and I have no company with friend, even I don’t have a girlfriend. In a jolly conversation, instead of taking participation, I become indifferent, and the other doesn’t perceive whether I am presence or not. Accidently, if I am in a circle of known people, in the fear of chatting and not, I insert myself into me like the snail when it feels the existence of man very near to it. I keep distance from almost every kind of social program. Nevertheless, just see, if they feel only one moment of our conjugation life, then they will be surprised to see our vividness and flying in the sky like a couple of the sparrow. They also could understand that even though I am as motionless as the tranquil surface of the deep water, but in very deep where even the sunlight can’t reach we are flashing like a supernova.                                                             


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The sound of Suppressed Laughter

There was a narrow dried up river passing by an over- populated village, and beside it there was also an asphalt road. In a winter morning, a teenage boy was pulling by gently paddling a bakery-van along the road through thick mist.  


Having come nearer grocery shop beside the asphalt road, the boy stopped paddling. At once, the wailing tone of the shopkeeper came into his ears through the muffler tied around his head. Since he couldn’t find out what they are talking about, only by feeling the emotion of the voice he just understood that the shop- keeper had been talking about something of his great grief with one of his friends.  


Just as the bakery-van slowed down at having reached in front of the shop, the teenage boy applied the full brake and got down from the seat. After that, the boy peered in the inside of the shop, for checking which things had been remained and which hadn’t been. Then, he started to understand the words that were outflowing from the tang of the shopkeeper like falling of the dew drops. How the shopkeeper had got lost in the business of poultry that was being described by the hopeless tone of the shopkeeper. The boy, while listening, opened the trunk of the van and started taking the goods out of it squinting to look at the faces of the both of them.


The desire of getting sympathy got stuck in the eyes of the shopkeeper like the hovering flakes of the dry face. Anyone could have easily understood the pretense of showing sympathy of the friend in a moment but the shopkeeper didn’t. While the shopkeeper talking, the friend was pronouncing in a manner the words of sympathy ish! Hay hay! That it would have seemed, he was lubricating the petroleum jelly very gently over the dry face of the shopkeeper with his delicate hand. Just as deleted the helplessness due to the sympathetic words of the friend that had got stuck on the face of the shopkeeper, the tint of fervidity started getting stronger and the tear began gathering in his eyes, and in proportion, the hopelessness of the shopkeeper started growing up in a rate that the friend being more sympathetic began to state, “no need to worry about it, twelve trouble thirteen solution, every action of the god is for good, then start it again, this shop is running well also, everything will be right by the time.” So that these words could heal the wound of being lost two lakh Taka in the poultry business.

The shopkeeper was so much busy in having a conversation with his friend about the grief to suspect the presence of the boy taking the bakery goods out of the trunk. Then, the friend, having informed the shopkeeper about the presence of the boy, stood up to go. As if being aware about the disturbance of the shopkeeper’s work, the friend wanted to go, after the busyness of the shopkeeper, the friend would come to show more compassion. Then, the friend being further close to the shopkeeper started stroking gently on the thick jacket as he told some more kind word. While going, he looked back at the face of the shopkeeper repeatedly and didn’t forget to utter some words of hope.


The shopkeeper looked at the van-puller affectingly in disturbance. In mind, he blamed the boy for making the friend leaving. But, there was another strong reason of leaving him, which was nearly impossible to understand for the shopkeeper who had been getting sympathy. However, now, it was the shopkeeper’s turn to take the bakery goods. Afterwards, the van-puller started pulling the bakery-van to another grocery shop cum tea stall.  


As soon as came closer to another shop, the boy heard a sound of suppressed laughter. One part of the shop was kept open and another part was closed. When the van-puller stood in front of the open part along with his bakery van, he watched that the friend of that shopkeeper and this shopkeeper was puffing cigarettes with great pleasure and while the sound of the laughter was becoming louder, they whispered to each other restraining the laughter, “please, calm down, calm down, they would hear us, the shop is not very far from this place.” So often, the shopkeeper, lessening the loudness of the laughter, was telling in disguise of the shopkeeper’s wailing tone little by little the words that he had listened a moment before, so that the topic wouldn’t come to an end swiftly; and he could enjoy it gradually. In the sad, misty winter morning the topic is as sweet as the juice of the date palm! Just as pronounced one word, the loud laughter of the friend that surpassed the talking, was arousing the laughter within this shopkeeper. Lessening the sound of a loud laughter, pronouncing some words of the shopkeeper, again the loud laughter, again suppressing the laughter, again pronouncing the cautioning words, sometimes the deep puffing of the of cigarettes and then the huge emission of the smoke through the parted lips.


The boy, in bewilderment, was standing up in front of the open part of the grocery shop cum tea stall. By this time, the friend suspecting someone, looked back and watched the embarrassed face of the boy. In a moment, the face and the lips of the friend hovered down like a seedling stooped down under the acute sunbeam of the hot summer. In the pretense of emergency work, the friend stood up from the bench. Then, this shopkeeper by reading the face of the boy could understand the matter a little. But, neither boy nor this shopkeeper understood that how the friend had gone out, in a blinking of an eye. As if, being vapor the friend had vanished in the mist!                           


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