Daniel's Posts (148)

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Writing Chalenge: Invent a Word

Englishsick / adjective / ˈɪŋglɪʃˈsɪk

describes how melacholic someone is, because it's been missing to speak English with other for a long time, whether native or foreigner speaker.

Example: I don't speak English since I finished highschool. But, at the end of next year I will let my englishsick side go. I'll go back to Canada!


Englishsickness / noun / ˈɪŋglɪʃˈsɪknɪs

 describes the state of missing of speaking English with someone or a group of people for a long time.

Example: Even though, a few countries have English as one of their official languages, the local population doesn't seem show up signals of englishsickness.


Englishsickly / adverb / ˈɪŋglɪʃˈˈsɪkli

describes an action made with a sensation of missing of speaking English with someone or group of people for a long time.

Example: He stammered to me that he teaches englishsickly Portuguese to that old Englishmen. 

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It's a Question of Contractions

  Hello readers, sometimes you can feel puzzled where you should use contractions or not use . Trying to make clear a bit of this issue I want to show  you some facts about contractions.

  Let's begin talking about what a contraction really is. It can be defined as a shortened combination of two or more words. Generally use for saving space in communication. They're expressed by apostrophes in writing. Examples? You have a number of them. Even a few I didn't know they existed. Just take a look at this list:Wikipedia: List of English Contractions

  Contractions are present to the English language for long. They date back from the Old English period, something around 450 AD - 1150 AD. They were brought by Angles and Saxons to England. Their Germanic languages introduced shortened forms like "nis" (= is not), "ne waes" (= wasn't), "wolde" (= wouldn't) and "ne haefde" (didn't have).

  Middle English period (1150 AD - 1450 AD) saw flourish negative contractions like " ne were" ( = weren't), "noot" (= knows not), "thilke" ( = the same) among others. More on contraction's history here

  Apart from the historical trajectory of contractions, what remains uncertain among a few students is when to use contractions in a proper way.

  Let's consider the command is to keep in mind the word "discretion". You have to know what communicative situation you are, for adequating the use of this kind of resource, according to some of the best sources of English teaching.

  If you're writing a formal style text,for example, an essay in school, college, graduate school or a business letter at your work isn't reccomended to use contractions. It's rule and must be followed if you want to go well in the end.

  But, on the other hand, if you're writing an informal style, like a dialogue or a post for your close friends, for instance, it's necessary to use them. Here,  one more contraction's page for you to check how they're alive in English: List O' Common Contractions 

  At the end of my post, I just want to make a logical observation about the no use of contractions rule. If English have contractions since its historic origins, why discard them in formal styles? Maybe, it can be an outdated or ignorant rule which should be reviewed. That's just my opinion! What yours? What do you think about the no contractions rule in the English language? Tell me below in the comment's section.


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What Sucess is For Me

  It's a good and uneasy question to answer at same time. But, let's try to scratch the surface of amplitude the term can lead.

  For me, sucess it's not something we can measure through a restricted view. It includes a bunch of topics, situations and circumstances we find every day in our lives.

  Sucess depends on several factors at a certain moment of your life. You can't  say you have a sucessful life just because you won a promotion at your workplace. This is just a victory amidst battlefield that life is. And victories are sometimes ephemeral events.

  On one hand sucess involves estability in health, money, professional,  loving and familiar relationships. I believe this is the selfish-human and why not capitalist side of the term sucess. It represents so well that image everything's coming up roses in somebody's life.

  On the other hand, sucess mean deeper and meaningful things. Here, sucess relates to crucial elements like the privilege to be alive, be able to breath, have food on your table, have a house to shelter when it's too cold or hot outside, have a family to take care of you when you're sick for example. It's a more emotive side of sucess I'd say.

  So, I see sucess as a thing with levels of importance. You can have a worldly sucess but not have the inner sucess. The internal sucess is more important than the external sucess. Because, if you have the more important in your life, the internal or meaningful sucess, the rest is just a matter of time. Good outcomes will come to you when you're not waiting for them.

  Sucess is not permanent as some can think, but something that has a deadline. We're not made to experience only the ups from a static position. We need to cross what life proposed us. Facing challenges,hurdles and difficulties taking lessom form them is really a part of the real concept of sucess.

 Proposal for you

  Have your say about what sucess really mean to you, dropping a few lines in the comment's section or writing a post entitled "What Sucess is for Me". I'd appreciate to know how you'd define it.


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   Hello dear readers, have you ever felt you're being inneficient in your  routine tasks? I have. Thinking of that, I decided to share with all of you some quick tips on how to become a more productive person.

  The first issue is concentrated on how you deal with your To-Do List. Are you get used to overload it? Forget it! You shoudn't overvalue your abilities. How about trying the 1-3-5  rule or Anti-To-Do List techniques if you couldn't finished your list of goals? What  really counts is to set realistic goals in a To-Do List. So, next time don't overload your mind and routine with too much things to accomplish. Because this kind of list doesn't work for everyone the same way. Building your own list in an achievable way is the right path.

  Social networks also play their "roles" when it comes to run out of our time of productivity. Try to set aside a bit of your connection's time in them. They reduces the quantity of tasks in real world. After all,even if you spend much time far from them, they'll still be there waiting for you to log in. Furthermore, Internet itself is providing us every day with new technologies in apps for better time control on these virtual environments.

  More than five browser's tabs open there? Know it will  slow your work down, and maybe can cause an Internet crashing and/or slowness in your computer's data processing. So, it's advisable to have only few tabs open at a time.

  Checking constantly your e-mail brings damages for your productive time as well, since you'll spend time on inbox, especially if you have to answer many contacts. It's worth using an app for ensuring that important messages will appear later on. Alternatively, you can  try to block out a certain amount of time to check your e-mail messages without doing that while working.

  Don't forget to have a seven to nine hour sleep night . Sucessful people don't sacrifice a resting night on behalf of productivity at all. Sleep deprivation becomes you less productive over time. So, better stay tuned when your body give signals of weariness and asks for a bedtime.

  This post was based on: 5 Bad Habits Sucessful People Ditched Long Ago

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Why Blogging in a Community is Better than Blogging Alone

  For me blogging alone is barren. You have no comments, corrections, suggestions, ideas, discussing. After all, your writing production is  static. Community is like a paradise in a dry desert for who likes to make the most of all advantages of blogging.

  Community blogging makes you enlarge your idea's range or just choose what to write  by inspiring in other member's blogs. When you're in an active group, you start noticing what readers like and what they don't and how you can explore better the topic which you are willing to write about. So, you  know what path to follow next posts because you have a feedback of paritcipants.

  Community can also boosts your motivation to carry on writing when you feel demotivated to write. That's one of the coolest aspects of being part of an active community in my view. I love when some members propose creative writing challenges as here on MyEC.

   The potencial friendship that can emerge in a blog post after a comment makes you not only known among members but also can bring you external language practice benefits. That expresses through conversations in chats. You can contact the closest members to you for brushing up  skills or learn new things by voice or writing.

  Critics and sugestions can make you develop more and more as blogger. Just put in practice  what was sent to you and see what happens next. Your blog experience will really evolve. Active and committed communities can teach valuable  lessons for their bloggers.

  Corrections are also one of the advantages of being part in a community. Maybe you'll never be alone in your doubts. Just ask and probably you will have your questions answered.

   Comments for me, are the most important reward for bloggers. Blogs are made to be read. They prove you are being read and sometimes corrected. So, isn't it that bad to be in a community, is it?

  So, let's take advantage of these cool benefits we have in communities for blogging together here.


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Writing Challenge: Bloggers Unite

Why Blogging is Useful for English Learners

  It's reality that blogging is a fantastic way to improve your English skills. You'll only recognise that until you really live a blogger's live. Blogging has the power to develop skills, vocabulary, creativity, writing style besides the normal results like better spelling,comprehension of grammar rules and language support for readers.

  It all starts with a rising increasing of vocabulary, since you'll be reading lots of texts so that you have solid fundaments about topic which you intend to write in your posts.

  Along time, you'll also develop an unique way of writing, what I call writing style. This aspect, just reading can provides you with. In this moment, you inspire in other's  styles and blend all the styles absorbed into one when writing.

  Even though creativity not always is born with us, you can make  the art of being creative blossom in you by practicing very often the lessons that reading taught you. It's time to " get down to work"! That's what I carry on doing when I write, and it has been working well so far. I always think previously, what's the best way to write about something when I have a good idea by making drafts.

  When you notice, months, years passed by and you have collected a considerable amount of skills for your life. I consider this benefit one of the most valuable for who blogs.

  The foreseen outcomes of blogging are well-known: improved spelling and better usage of grammar. One of my difficulties was the Present Perfect  tense and I came to understand it by writing posts on and on.

  I'd also  say through blogging you can make good relationships with readers, which can become lasting friendships. Moreover friends can help you out with phonectics and fluency.

  Pronunciation is not out of the blogging benefit's list. How about to record your voice reading what you wrote? It's awesome to be able to record your voice to follow your writing. It makes your pronunciation gains confidence.

  So, as you can see, benefits aren't missing when it comes to blogging. Just remember the firs step is the more important: get started!

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Writing Challenge: Bloggers Unite

It's All About the Comments

  This is a noteworthy feature if you're in the blogosphere. Who don't want to be read and assessed when writing a blog post? I suppose most of us keep this in mind. I  refer not only the grammatical assessment, but also the critical view of the blog's topic by other members. We need other pointviews in order to enrich or solidify our world view. For me a good blog is a blog with a bunch of comments.

  Comments mean a post was read, understood and mainly was criticised, not in the bad sense, but, in the sense it conveyed any message for readers in a way they can agree, disagree with it, totally or partly, showing their reasons for.

  If you disable comments of your post, maybe, it can sound like for others you had unpleasing experiences with people's comments or you felt so sure of what you wrote that you don't need any intrusions through comments in your post.

  I always try to look on the bright side: Bad and good comments work for us to select what commentors have or not have a real reason to be getting at us. It's like a opportunity for showing our arguments are solid in a respectful way. This way, we build up a healthy and growing comment's community. This is really important!

  So, I encourage you and all members, including me too, to start commenting increasingly more. As fas I notice, some members posts need to be more commented even if they aren't well-written or structured. Maybe our comments can make a  newcoming blogger feel at ease when writing in English. And I know that very well !

  When I started writing here on MyEC, comments played a huge role in my motivation for writing my posts more and more. Each comment in my first posts was like a big challenge won, because, I felt people were really willing to read and assess my writing.

  Today, I also owe much of my sucess in English to the comments of  attentive and supportive members.

  After all, comments are multifaceted tools. We can help, motivate, correct, suggest, agree or disagree with someone.

  By the way, comments here!

See you,



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The Origin of Blogs and blogging

  Dear readers, moving forward our timeline about the roots of blogs and blogging, that was narrated in the first part of my blog, let's proceed talking about next period which a new paradigm arrives in the blog world.

  Blogging come into a time that could be called in my viewpoint "Update Era". It all started when the newspaper Charlotte Observer sent a team of journalists to cover the hurricane Bonnie. Editors of this newspaper observing their competitors would have advantage over their journalists as for publishing fast fresh material about hurricane, decided to set up a blog. So, they began to update Bonnie's blog with photos and informations about its path and damage, what caused Charlotte's Observer page reach high rates of views.

  From early 2000's the blogosphere has experienced a growth period, featured by the rising of several important platforms that you and I maybe use currently. Initially, it saw crop up political and in-depth topic blogs.Political consultants, news organizations used blogs as vehicles for spreading their editorial opinion and so reaching out more and more readers and viewers. What started with Movable Type, evolved for other platforms like Typepad, Wordpress, Audioblogger. 2003 was the year of Google create the AdSense service, which allowed users to make money through your blogging work. Study of 2005 estimated over 32 million of Americans have already read blogs. The blogs definitely went mainstream.

  What comes next is the rise of microblogs and tumblogs. it's great example of this kind Twitter, Tumblr and Posterous. What these services provided with us were: the blogging service linked to a social network experience at the same time.

  Tumblr, released in 2007, allows users to blog in several formats as well as repost content to other users inside own network. Posterous, born in 2008, let users not  only set up a blog via email, but also update it by email too.

  The future of blogging is innovative. Audience awaits new methods of acess, research and sharing of its content. That's the real scenario for blogs: evolution! Maybe, blogs as we know today, can dissapear, making room for a tool where the new technologies are integrated in just one place.

  What won't disappear for sure is the wish of bloggers of sharing what they wish with the world!

  See you guys!

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The Origin of Blogs and Blogging

    Hello dear readers, when teacher Tara proposed for members of EC community to write about blogging, first, it sounded like an incredible oportunity to know deeper this incredible tool! One which bloggers keep in contact oftentimes or even everyday.  Second, I thought about a meaningful topic which I could talk here. After all, blogs are so popular today, that is almost impossible not to have only one topic related, which it wasn't previously explored. After some time of research and uncertainties about my choice, I considered talk about the origins of this tool.Why not? I explain. Thanks to the historic unfoldings, we have the privilege to have this facility available in our hands clicks-away. Follow me in this history to deepen a bit more your skills of blogs and blogging.

   The word "blog" comes from the word "Weblog" or "web log", which conveys the idea of a website wherein its entries are displayed in reverse chronological sequence, although is written in chronological one. The covered topic can be as distinguished as  you can imagine. It can contribute for its content besides owner, users or external website/ blog.

   The most primitive form of blog is credited for Links.net, by Justin Hall in 1994. At that time, Justin attended Swarthmore College in USA, and his work wasn't recognised as a "blog". He himself saw his work as a personal page only. The page was a place just for his thoughts, but, in a way, could change how everybody could share their ideas on the Web.

   In 1997, people start using websites as personal pages more and more, while the word "weblog" came to light for the first time, being attributed to Jorn Barger in his blog Robot Wisdom.

   In 1999, the programmer Peter Merholz shortened "Weblog" for "blog". That time, creating and mainly keeping a blog was an activity for few, since, the blog's updates were manual, most of them linked from a home page or archive and so, hard to handle. If you want a customizable option you should have some technical background. This way, options for begginers were still missing.

   Also that period, blog platforms got started to be developed. It was the online diarie's era! What can be emphasized relating to this epoch is in two words:privacy and simplicity. Blogs didn't promote your content outside their own environment, so,you couldn't share your posts on social networks, for example. Users, most technology experts, only could alter settings like colour standards or unimportant layout features. Thus, blogging was made in a certain way, privatively, once, just people that knew your adress could find your blog, and, simply, because significant setting changings were  exception. Xanga, LiveJournal and Blogger services are between some of the blog platforms of this time.

   The blogging skyline of previous period started to change when bloggers get interested in fresh content, the content which was better in quality. They felt the need to get out of their reduced "little world" of contacts in search of new stuff.

   Do you want to know what follows? Then, I'll tell you  in the second part of my blog "The origin of Blogs and Blogging". I hope your have the same enthusiasm to read it! Coming soon!

Goodbye for now,


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Writing Prompt : Should

Writing Prompt ~ Should

Dear Troy,

This week I'm setting off for my long-awaited holidays . You should come here early this Thursday. Remember you should do that because grandma is too old and feels lonely. She misses you and all other grandsons when she's alone for just a moment. As a nice grandson, you should return her care so that she carries on considering you as one of the most loyal grandsons. You should respect all her experience as well as follow her advice. She's very wise in her thoughts! I should leave grandma's house at 12:00 PM, since my flight is scheduled for 1:00 PM. You know, cautious passengers come at least one hour before flight takes off. If I lost this flight I should have no other oportunity to travel within 4 months, because my work schedule will be filled up.  If I were you, I should take care so good of grandma while I'm away. She's getting sick every day with so much loneliness. I ask you to come so that she shouldn't forget you still loves her deep inside.

Cheers from your cousin,


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Writing Prompt ~ Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Radio host: Thank you for taking your time to be with us on this night here on Musicfun Radio. Have you been playing electronic music since Electric Festival Contest on July 2014?

Dj: Good evening for all listeners! In fact, I've been playing electronic music since my 12 years, when my dad gave as a birthday gift a Dj equipment.

Radio Host: What have you been listening on your ipod before getting in our studio today?

Dj: Great question! I try to listen to many styles and study their styles. This  has really been enriching my work as a Dj for 2 years, times when this Ipod has been under my control.

Radio Host: What countries have you been looking forward to visit in your carrer?

Dj: You know, I don't know if you noticed my record on ipod, but, I have been singing in Spanish on it. Maybe I want to play in Ibiza. That's it! I'd like to know this so-called Spain.

Radio host: Have you been receiving a positive feedback from you followers?

Dj: Always I open a show for a talented big Dj I feel my audience on social networks increase so high. Have you been hearing my mobile phone soaring as you interviewed me? All the followers on my Twitter account are asking to come up with more of my last night show, which I opened for a big electronic label.

Radio host: Have you been releasing your 2 EP's by Elektro Recordings for 2 years, right?

Dj: That's right! I usually say I found Elektro and Elektro found me. The managers and staff have been supporting me unconditionally since the beginning. No complaints!

Radio host: That's it ladies and gentleman for now. If you're interested, come and grab your free ticket for a Dj Clark Snow show this night at Musicfun headquarters in London. Bye!

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Writing Prompt ~ Believe Vs. Belief

Dear Mack,

I heard from your cousin you finally found your soulmate in California. I can't believe you'll move to another side of the planet after years of swearing not to leave behind your homeland.You're a funny guy! Do you remember when you told me that you believed  your dream girl was right here in Slovakia? I think your belief had changed drastically since that time. Don't matter if it did. Me, Mathew and Andrew will keep in touch with you even miles away. That's why exist chatrooms on the Web for good friends to talk. I believe we can get together on April 2016 in California so that you can show us all attractions in America. Let me tell you a bit about Mathew and Andrew's love life details while you're away. Mathew believed that his soulmate was in another country, therefore, his current girlfriend was a neighbour of him. Andrew found his eternal love through Web and she's German, but, lives here. As for me, I'm single, but, I want to say that I believe somewhere out there, is a girl who believes that I will find her.

Call me soon,


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Writing Prompt: Subjunctive Mood

To: anthony@familymail.com

From: jessy@familymail.com

Subject: Your well-being

Hi dear Anthony,

This morning I visited the Henry's doctor office. He asked me that you not get out of home, because you probaly got a strong flu and the weather is a bit cold. He also told me it is highy advisable that you separate your personal items from the common use, so that you can't contaminate them with flu virus. I have a medical recommendation's list for you. It's essential that you take seriously it. After all, it's your health that it's at stake. Doctor and me made a proposal so that you spend at least 15 days far from work. I wish you weren't sick, because I miss you cousin here at our store.


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Writing Chalenge: My Eponym

Writing Challenge ~ My Eponym

My Eponym


Meaning: the aptitude to feel familiar with the British accent even when you're not a native speaker.

For example:

1. Even though Rob was born and lived many years in Brazil, he always felt a danbritanisation, when talking to your English father;

2. Mary travelled the world in search of a special boyfriend, who is an authentic Londoner. Now, she's struggling to develop her danbritanisation.

Origin: Daniel is a self-taught English student, blogger and enthusiast for British accent. He spends his free-time mimicking this particular accent by listening, recording and comparing his voice with real spoken English of Britain. He loves to do that. He also enjoys watching British series and learn typical expressions as well as local culture. When he listen to someone talking in English, he funnily try to identify if it's from Britain or not . He hopes to share one day his voice with world through his danbritanisation.

Quick Quiz

Which of the following is an example of britdanisation?

a. a colleague of you that says: "I don't have to do with foreign languages"

b. I even understand another languages, but, when it comes accents I can't feel totally comfortable.

c. To really learn a language I like to pay attention the way native speakers sound, because I feel closer to them.

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Writing Prompt ~ Collocations with Save

To: undregraduatefraternity@united.com

From: landlordcharles@rentals.com

Subject: Condominium Rules Reminder

Hi guys from undergraduate's fraternity,

I'm writing to you all soon after the condominium monthly gathering due to a few complains I'm receiving from other tenants. You know, we decided unanimously for saving electricity we'd have to finish our activities one hour earlier two days a week at the very least. I regret to say you aren't complying with this rule. You really need to save energy if you want to stay here for longer time. I suggest you to save last five last year bills into a disk and hand me in so that I can store in my office when you need to recover them for any purpose. This way, my duties get easier towards you. I want to remember you as well, my boss told me  the condominium needs to save money because water and electricity is raising up frighteningly. So, all the tenants, including you, will have to pay a bit more for these services in their homes if they weren't able to save them. In our garages,you will have to save space when parking their cars, since our condominium is receiving new tenants. Next time you come in my room, I'll save a few seats for having a particular conversation with you about some details of our condominium's rules changings. I hope I haven't been annoying, but, I just wanted to save yourselves the trouble. Moreover, I want to warn you I'm saving time in my work doing all the activities 2 hours earlier, like watering the garden and tidy up the pool. That's why you can't find me at 6 PM, time which all my condominium services are finished.

See you Wednesday.


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Writing Challenge: Fairy Tale Awards

Writing Challenge ~ Fairy Tale Awards

Category: Best Dressed / Puss in Boots

First of all, thank you all the gentleman of this great Academy for my nomination . I know I'm an irresistible charming cat! But apart from my sweet feline nature I want to tell you it's a huge privilege to be here in front of such a beautiful audience. You're incredible guys! All my clothes are just a success because of your support towards me. Hat, sword, cloak and the famous boots would be nothing without you. You really make me shine! In fact, my taste for elegance was born with me. But I still remember my dear mom cat reinforcing anxiously that: "Son always try to be elegant, because the first impresssion is what sticks". She was so careful with me this aspect that I've nothing to complain about.

Time passed by and my elegance only increased. I wear just the best French brands for cats. In fact, I go shopping on the Champs-Élysées street in Paris. Oh, I love that street! It should be featured as one of the biggest wonders of modern world for fashioned cats. All the stylists are my close friends and design special collections for me every year. That's life dear audience! What can I do? Just acknowledging the brilliant work of everyone aroud me!

To finish my acceptance speech I want you to know some of my feline colleagues can be suffering maltreatment right now in the hands of their owners. So, my message for you is to say no for feline maltreatment. You know, we, cats, are independent creatures by nature and we don't bear to be mistreated. After all, studies suggest we see humans not like owners but as partners. Thank you again for all the Academy team for seeing me as a possible nominee. I know I am a stylish cat!

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 Hello everyone, this time I want to talk to you about some Russian " rules" when it comes to what not to DO or SAY, if you will go to there or intend to go. Here they go:

Don't be an empty-handed person

   Russians are corteous regarding receiving visitors in their houses. They prepare delicious dinners, with delicacies and the best dishes of Russian kitchen. So, the least you can do when coming a Russian host house  of yours is bring anything, simple things really, like a box of chocolates or flowers.

Never use shoes in a Russian house

   In general, Russian houses are full of rugs,  expensive Persian rugs. They have the custom to take off their street shoes when coming at their houses. This custom is explained by some reasons:because they walk through dusty streets and  because that is a tradition which goes on for centuries. So, take off imediately your shoes at a Russian home.

 Never tell jokes about the parents

   Very correct politically, Russians don't enjoy anybody tell jokes about somebody's mother or father. But, you can try to tell  jokes called " anyekdot" (uh-neek-doht), which are based on ethnicity, appearance or gender stereotype.

 Don't say " Na Zdorov'ye" when toast with your host

  " Na Zdorov'ye" (= nuh zdah-rhov'-ee) is used when somedody thank them for a good meal, and can be translated as "for health" in English. The problem is Russians use a more complex, greeting at table, something like " Za druzhbu myezhdu narodami!" ( To friendship between nations!). You can count on a generic toast used at russian tables " Za vas!" ( zuh vahs - To you!).

At first, always try to refuse something offered

  Russians always insist to offer something for your guests. In fact, they don't want to get rid of something valueless they don't want anymore. They just want to be nice for their hosts. Just accept something if you really feel you need it. Because if you accept everything they offer to you, it looks like you were plundering their home's objects.Moreover, if you take something offered to you, always try to offer something in return. It's polite, it's good!

Be dressed up most of time

Russians like to wear fashionably most of ocassions. Women plays a big role in this aspect. Even in a casual walk women wear high heels and a fabulous dress. The reason is that they say they live just once and they want to feel the best. Going to dinner parties, restaurants and theathers  are a few occassions which you'll have to dress up. So, put your best clothes on and go without fearing of making a faux paus.

Going dutch is not taken kindly

This particular subject is where Russians are different from most of Europeans. If you ask a girl out for eating out, don't hope she will pay for her meal. Of course, if you ask her to pay, this probably will be the last time you'll see her in front of you.  So, just ask somebody out if you really afford the bill.

Stand up and offer your seat

In public transportion, it's a duty to give away your seat on a bus or tub for an elderly. If you don't do this, most of people around will be staring at you scared. In Russia, respect to elderly people is taken seriously. It's also good to offer your seat for young ladies, but, this action is optional, even though is fairly polite.

No way burp!

Burps aren't tolerated in Russian lands. It's a clear sign of impoliteness. But, on the other hand, if your burp is unavoidable, don't apologise, drawing a huge attention to you. It's worse! Try to blame on  a nearby dog or whatever other noise that happened at the moment.

Women shouldn't carry weighty stuffs

It's a well-known rule that being gentle with women is nice. In Russia is not different. If you see a women with lots of heavy cartoons come at her and try to help her out. Women are physically weaker than men. So, the sensible men are welcomed.



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Writing Prompt: Collocations with Do

Writing Prompt ~ Collocations with Do

To: jennyclark@connected.com

From: jackgibs@connected.com

Subject: Let's tidy up it honey!


Our little  house needs to be tied up as soon as possible. It has been about two weeks since we've done  the housework. Today, I promised you to do my best to clean it before you come. But, unfortunately, I have to go out towards my office where a customer awaits me to do a great business. You know, I need to do everything for my customers, because I promised to my boss to do well in the company selling's rank  along this year. Last year, company's profit did badly. We can divide the house works between you and me so that it doesn't get heavy for none of us. Maybe you prefer to do the laundry and do the shopping . I can do the dishes and do the cooking. I hope you can get home early, since aunt Veronika will arrive from Russia this afternoon bringing our new pet. Maybe we'll have to do some extra work. If you want  you can do your hair and do your nails because time is completely enough to do that before aunt Veronika arrives. I'm considering do some physical exercise around the park near to our home before working. I woke up feeling a bit queasy today! But, please do me a favour to go to the Gibson's grocery store and  buy some apples and make a delicious pie for dinner.

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Travelling on your own is more exciting

It is said that travelling is an investment in yourself. In fact, it should be! Just think over that when you travel it's like you try to shape your desires to find imaginary, unknown and exotic and so, being able to reach your personal fulfillment. At the end of your travel time, you reach to the pleasing conclusion you grew up inwardly more than you could have planned. But, if you travel according  to someone else's plan, like a tourism company, are you really free for visiting all the places you intended to ? For sure, you aren't! That's why travelling alone is the best option if you really want to have a rewarding travel.

Travellig alone provides you draw your own route without being stuck a company's schedule for each attraction. You have freedom to know the places in a way just you could. You spend enough time in your destination, admiring that famous point you probably saw in a magazine or web page photo for example. Following this perspective, your travel becomes a sighseeing of dreams.

Another importain issue is the time flexibility. Who doesn't want to relax while travelling? People also want just stop and contemplate something for some time in a trip. Sleeping and waking up the time you prefer also takes part in a dream travel, because travelling is not only fun but also theraphy. Any travel has to have its relaxing time. If you'll go travelling with an agency there's a huge probability you won't have that kind of time. Every minute and second is filled with something and travel run the risk to get you tired.

Maybe economy is one of the main reasons people choose to travel on their own. Notice that when you travel through a package, air tickets, hotels and food aren't the cheaper because tourism companies try to keep the highest quality possible. So, you end up paying a higher price for everything when there's same quality options for a lower price. So, planning well a travel can  make you save much.

As it was said, travelling on your own has promising advantages over travelling with an agency, but, it should be highlighted to enjoy all these advantages it's needded you search for the cheaper in advance, when it comes to air tickets,hotels and food and outline all you want to visit in your destination. So, the travel get comfortable and free of bad surprises for you.

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Writing Prompt ~ British Vs. American Spelling

Example (AmE)

To: luci@e-message.com

From: daniel@e-message.com

Subject: Study travel opportunity

Hi Luci,

I'm writing to you because I'd like to ask if you want to follow me in a free travel  I won across some English-speaking countries. The whole travel will take around 7 months. It is really worth to go. One chance in a million! We are assured to visit some universities in Australia, Canada, UK, Ireland and USA in order to improve our English. I hope you take your driver's license because it get easier for us to get around the institutions in each country. Fueling car with gas is in my charge. Moreover, I'm bad at putting cars in parking lots. So, I prefer you to drive. Don't worry if you think we won't have fun in all these countries , because we'll have enough time to know bars, theaters and famous public buildings. You just have to send your reply to the Esl students' travel agency, zip code 004456-77 at 162 Madison Street until next month, telling you're my guest. Awaiting your answer.

Warm regards,


Example (BrE)

To: daniel@e-message.com

From: luci@e-message.com

Subject: Study travel opportunity

Hi Daniel,

First of all, I'm very glad you have won such an amazing travel like that. For sure, it's an unmissable opportunity! So, before I make a decision I need to look over my work schedule to check if  I can take a few months off from my job. Just give me two weeks to make up my mind. As to driving, I think it's better we use tube in all the cities because it's faster and more economic, although I'm good at put my vehicle in car parks. Moreover, my driving licence need to be updated and petrol is expensive nowadays. Of course, I  also want to have fun when travelling, but if I go I want to make the most of my travel, going deep in my English studies with native teachers. On the other hand, it's a great idea to know pubs, theathers and public buildings. This way,we know better a people's culture. By Saturday next week I'll send my answer to the postcode you informed me. See you!

So grateful!


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