Adaline Bala's Posts (74)

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Mummy and Me

My name is Max. I am two years old. I am living with my mummy Michelle, in London. My mummy is a teacher and she is lovely. She looked after me very well. Weather its rain or snow my mummy takes me out every day before she goes to work. Because I was little rude to other dogs, my mummy takes me early in the morning before the other dogs go to the park.

I love park it's my favorite place. I run around but check in on mummy, when she calls me. I am a good boy when it's just me and my mummy. When I am tired I run and jump on mummy then go near the exit and mummy finds this funny and laughs.

After my morning walk mummy makes yummy omelet for me. Today mummy is using my left over birthday beef, grated cheese, 3 eggs and butter. Mummy uses butter instead of oil in the pan, because she thinks it's healthier. Mummy uses 3 eggs, because I am a fussy dog who don't like dog food and mummy worries about keeping my weight up because I was once very very skinny.

Mummy doesn't like me waiting in the kitchen when she's cooking, So I wait in the hall way and pop my head round every now and then to spy on my omelet. Mummy know will be very hungry after all that running around at the park and I eat all my omelet up but that's not enough for me now. I also want what mummy's eating.

I celebrated my second birthday yesterday. My mummy bought me a cake, a pound beef and a teddy. Aunt Adaline visited me yesterday and she told my mummy she is going to write some thing about me. Because she likes to read when aunt noaslpls writing about her lovely cats. I like to finish my story with a lovely quotes my mummy got in her room, 'Who ever said diamonds are a girl's best friend never owned a dog'.

Dear friends, Thank you so much for taking your precious time and reading. I appreciate that. Please share your valuable opinions. Thank you.

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Speechless /ˈspiːtʃləs/

Speechless means unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or some strong emotion.

When some one says that he or she is 'speechless', means he or she cannot find words to express his or her feelings at that moment.

Why we are speechless some times

Some times when we ,surprised, upset, angry or cannot think of any thing to say, we are speechless.

Other words for speechless

Thunderstruck, flabbergasted, astonished, astounded, amazed, dumbstruck, wordless, gobsmacked, dazed, dumb, silent, aghast, aphonic, buttoned up, clammed up, close-mouthed, cool, cool as cucumber, dumbfounded, inarticulate, mute, reserved, shocked, taciturn, tight-liped, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, unflappable, voiceless are some of the other words for speechless.

Example sentences:

I am speechless. I can't believe it

He was speechless with rage

The news left all of us speechless

Helena was speechless with indignation

They all speechless, This is some thing they did not expect to happen

You left me speechless

When you fall in love you should be speechless, because words cant express Love

I was listening to Dilan's singing, I was speechless

When they announced the winners Stuart gone speechless

Dear friends, Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you experienced any speechless moments in your life. I appreciate that.

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Origins of B.C and A.D dates

Parents life will change after they had their child. We can say before the child and after the child. But the only child split the, 'history' in to two parts is, 'Jesus'. History writers start to use the terms AD and BC after Jesus. There is no one who has been the central focus of human history like 'Jesus Christ'.

What is the meaning of AD and BC?

A.D is an abbreviation for 'Anno Domini'. It is a Latin word, which means 'in the year of the Lord'. B.C is an abbreviation for 'Before Christ'. B.C and A.D are commonly used to count the years in history. Jesus Christ's birth is used as a starting point to count the years before and after. Our calendar is based on the birth of Jesus.

What is the modern term for B.C and A.D?

The modern term B.C.E. or 'before the common Era' is the same as B.C. and C.E or 'common Era' is the same as A.D ( year of the Lord).

I was try to write a Christmas message. This things came in to my mind. The greatest person who has ever and will ever live, is 'Jesus Christ!'

Dear Friends, Thank you so much for reading.

Wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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I was watching Christmas movies, some of the movies got the scene which is kissing under the mistletoe. I wonder why? So I try to read about it.

What is Mistletoe and where does it grow?

Mistletoe is the common name for most obligate hemiparasitic plants in the order Santalales. Mistletoes attach to and penetrate the branches of a tree or shrub by a structure called haustorium through which they absorb water and nutrients from the host plant (wikipedia). It's native to Great Britain and much of Europe. Over the years the term has been used in different part of the world. Nowadays mistletoe that grows on willow and apple trees in garden centres.

Mistletoe Beliefs

Mistletoe plants took a huge place in the holy occasion of Christmas. It's used to decorate churches and home during winter season. Millions of Americans and Europeans hang a sprig of mistletoe in their doorways. This plant is believed to drive evil away, and its presumed to possess magical powers. This plants believed to bring health and luck and it's also called 'all-heal-plant'. Mistletoe considered to be a symbol of 'love, fertility and romance'. There are lots of superstitions but the popular one is, the Greek tradition of 'kissing under the mistletoe'.

Why people kissing under the mistletoe?

People kissing under the mistletoe, because they believe to have good luck, happiness and long married life. In ancient days its also considered as a promise to marry.

Mistletoe also known as 'celtic-All-heal', Celtic Druids living in the first century A.D. viewed it as a symbol of vivacity since it remained green while other plants were bare during winter. Mistletoe considered a plant that increase life and fertility.

It's a bad luck to take down the mistletoe after the Christmas immediately. It should be kept intact the whole year.

Birds can eat Mistletoe berries, but they are highly toxic to humans.


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My word of the year 2016 is going to be 'kind'. Proverbs 3:3 says, Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.

I try my best to be kind to those around me, all the time, I hope to continue the same this New year too.

Before I make my New year goal I must admit I wasn't kind to myself at all. Self kindness leads to huge satisfaction in life. So this New year I am going to find a time for myself, now and then treat myself , respect myself, remind me my good qualities and lift up myself, Chase my dreams, Stop trying hard to be perfect and accept the way I am.

Thank you Tara for all your encouragement. Wishing you to find success and satisfaction at your new job. Good Luck! God bless you!

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Advent Calendar

Advent is derived from the Latin word 'adventus'. The word 'advent' means, the 'coming' or 'arrival'. Advent is the arrival of a notable person or thing.

The liturgical period proceeding Christmas beginning in western churches on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and in mid- November in Eastern churches. Simply a period of time before Christmas, making preparation for the coming of Christ. During Advent, Christians across the world prepare for the celebration of the arrival of the Lord into the world through the birth of his son Jesus Christ. The beginning of Advent is the day people get their Christmas spirit. People planned for their Christmas menu, gifts wrapped, carols sung, Christmas cards are send to loved ones, houses and Christmas tree decorated.

Advent calendar

An advent calendar is a poster or card with twenty four small doors, one to be opened each day from December first. The origin of the advent calendar can be found from 19th century. In the early years it was made by hand work. little pictures were hang up in Christian people's houses one for each day in December. Some families draw chalk strokes on the door, one per day until Christmas Eve. The Austrian Landesmuseum is giving the year 1903 as the year of the first printed Advent calendar. In 1904 an Advent calendar was inserted in the newspaper 'Neus Tagblatt Stuttgart'. As a gift for their readers.

Nowadays varieties of Advent calendar in the market. Children all over the world clamouring for them as December approached. Some of the calendar printed with lovely Bible verses appropriate to the Advent period.

Christmas means 'Joy'. Understanding the real meaning of this Joy is important. God coming to us to share our humanity. This joy can be experienced by all members of the family, what ever their age, what ever their level of spirituality.

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I was watching a You Tube video about children scared of their own shadow, suddenly this word came in to my mind, 'Shadowphobia'. That means some one scared of their own shadow. I am not sure is there any word for it already,

You can watch that video here:

Shadow|noun | '/ʃadəʊ/| ,Plural noun: Shadows – 'A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface'

I rang the door bell, I could see the shadow behind the curtains.

Trees cast long shadows in the park

Phobia|noun|'/fəʊbɪə/|,Plural noun: Phobias – 'An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to some thing'

Lena had a phobia about spider

She suffered from a phobia about snakes

Shadowphobia| ʃadəʊfəʊbɪə| : Tia never go out in bright sunny days, due to 'shadowphobia'

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Bornfire Night & Deepavali

In Britain, people getting ready to celebrate 'Bonfire nigh't or 'Guy Fawkes night' on November 5th . Indians around the world getting ready to celebrate Deepavali in November11th. Fire works play a significant role in both of the festivals.

What is Bonfire Night?

Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603. After that King James I came in to power. In 1605 there was an attempt to blow up the Houses of parliament, and its led by a man called 'Guy Fawkes'. It is called 'Gun powder plot'. Guy(Guido) Fawkes and his fellow men put 36 barrels of gun powder in cellars under the Houses of Parliament in London. One member from that group send a letter to his best friend who worked in the parliament and warn him to stay away on November 5th. The letter got in to King's supporters hand and the plot was rumbled. The people been arrested, tortured and prosecuted including Guy Fawkes. The Gunpowder plot was about religion. At that time England was a protestant country and the plotters were Catholics. On November 5th 1605 bonfires were set alight to celebrate the safety of the King and the parliament. Since then people celebrated November 5th as Bonfire night and effigies of Guy Fawkes place on the fire too. Nowadays fire work displays takes place across the London.

What is Deepavali?

'Deepavali'(Diwali) or 'The Festival of lights' is an ancient Hindu festival which is celebrated in Autumn. It signifies the victory over darkness or good over evil. It is the biggest and brightest festival of India.

The history behind Deepavali: The triumvirate( Trimurti) consists of three Gods. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu has appeared in various incarnations nine times on this earth. Lord Vishnu in his eight incarnation as 'Krishna', destroyed the demon 'Narakasura', who was causing unhappiness amongst the people of the world and also imprisoned daughters of saints. Lord Krishna had to fight with the five-headed monster who guarded the demon's home. A day before Deepavali Lord Krishna killed Narakasura and released the jailed daughters and restored the precious earnings of Mother Goddess Aditi. This is one of the story behind Deepavali. It is celebrated by Indians through out the world. Deepavali is predominated by colourful display of lights, sweets and bursting fire crackers.

Although it is two different continent, two different festivals and two different religions. People like to celebrate good over bad.

Dear friends, Thank you so much for taking your time reading. I appreciate that. Some of you may be celebrate one of this festivals or you got similar ones in your country. Please share your thoughts, and how you celebrate. Thank you!

Happy Bonfire night! & Happy Deepavali

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On October 31st people celebrate Halloween. That's the only night of the year we think about ghosts and witches are working.

The History behind Halloween

In 835. AD, the Roman Catholic Church made a decision to honour all the saints. So they decided November 1st is a holiday, and honour for all the saints. Another name for All Saints day is 'All Hallows'. So the festival began from the eve of the All Saint's day, the last night of October. Halloween come from 'All Hallow Eve', the eve All Hallows day.


When we talk about Halloween we should mention about Celts. From 750 BC to 12th BC Celts were the most powerful people in Central and Northern Europe. They were many groups of Celts speaking a vaguely common language. They believed that evil spirit came with the long hours of dark winter. So they start to built bonfires to scared them away. The fires of Halloween may be the influenced from Celts.

Halloween Customs in England

In Lancashire, 'lighting the witches' is a famous custom. If the candles burned steadily, they believe they are safe, but if the witches blew them out its bad.

In North of England people celebrate 'Nut-crack night'. Plenty of newly harvested Pecans, chesnuts and filberts are collected and people sit around the fire and eat them. Nowadays its related to Halloween

'Snap Apple Night' and 'apple bobbing' is also link with Halloween in England. A large basin filled with water and apples. We have to catch an apple with our teeth with out using our arms or apples were suspended on a string, and we have to try to bite it with out using our arms.

Some superstitions

  • On Halloween day journeys should be finished before sunset
  • Travellers carried a piece of bread crossed with salt( Holy bread), believed keep them safe
  • Girls put Hazelnuts in the fire, (each one symbolize one of her suiters) and they say 'If you love me, pop and fly; If you hate me burn and die'.
  • If you want to drive away evil spirits, you need to ring the bell
  • Peel an apple and make sure the peeling comes off in one long and then throw it over your shoulder. The shape its lands is going to be the initial of your beloved.
  • Never go for hunting on Halloween you may be hurt some evil
  • If you place an apple under your pillow, you can dream your future husband
  • The person born on Halloween completely protected by evil ( hurray!)

Carve Pumpkins

The British says the name 'Jack-o-lantern' origin from 17th century and it means 'the man with the lantern'. ( Night watchman). In 1800 people link with home made 'turnip lantern'.

Irish immigrants took this custom of carving the lanterns to America.

Halloween dressing up

Celts dressed up for Samhain festival, with white costumes and blackened their faces to trick evil spirits. Around 11th century, the church adapted in to their 'souling', then it turn in to 'trick or treat'. Children were go to door-to-door and ask for cakes in exchange for praying for the souls of their loved ones. Children dressed up as Angels, demons and also saints. The cross marked on top of the cakes, when they eaten they believe the soul freed from purgatory.

Although Halloween got a beautiful history behind it, I believed recent years it turn in to a big business. In UK this years predicted Halloween sale is well over £400 million. Is it worth it?

Dear friends, Today I get the chance to read about Halloween and I love to share some of the things I find it interesting. Thank you so much for reading. Please share your valuable thoughts. I appreciate that.

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Sugar is a simple, edible, crystalline carbohydrate. The main types of sugar are Sucrose, glucose, maltose, Lactose and fructose. Common table sugar is typically Sucrose which is extracted from cane or beets. The word sugar come from the Arabic word 'Sukkar', which came from the Sanskrit word ' Sharkara'. Sugar in several language have the same etymology. For example, azucar in Spanish, Sucre in French, Zucker in German and Seker in Turkish.

History of Sugar

People from Polynesian Islands of the pacific used sugar over 5, 000 years ago. They discovered that the stalks of the giant grass contained sweet tasting liquid. They used in the preparation of food. Then Sugar was taken to the coastal ares of India. From there its spread to Persia, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Rhodes, Cyprus, Morocco, Tunisia, Southern Spain and Syria. In 1493 Christopher Columbus took sugar to Caribbean Island and Santa Domingo.

Different types of sugar

Granulated: All purpose sugar for general use ( table sugar)

Caster: Small grains ensure smooth blending to give even textures in cake and other baked foods.

Icing: Milled sugar to give a fine powder. This provides texture icings and butter creams. It is useful for decorating the cakes.

Demerara: A brown colour sugar with larger grains providing crunch and flavour. It is ideal for

use in the biscuits and crumbles

Does eating Sugar harm teeth?

Yes, It can. Our mouth is full of bacteria that combines with small particles of food we ate and saliva to form a sticky film known as plaque. When we consume food and drink which contains high carbohydrates (sugary food and drink), the bacteria in plaque turn the carbohydrates in to energy they need, producing acid at the same time. If the plaque is allowed to build up, the acid can begin to break down the outer surface of our tooth and it can enter and damage the soft part of the tooth. If we do not regularly brush our teeth and clean it properly we are at a higher risk of tooth decay. Those who got young children, make sure encourage them to brush their teeth and may be once in a week parents can brush their teeth too.

Does Sugar cause diabetes?

Food is a big part of our daily living and it can affect both our health and happiness too. There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1 diabetes the insulin producing cell in the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system. It's not related to the sugar we eat. How ever the researches shows eating too many calories including those from sugar can make people over weight and being overweight increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Because Type 2 diabetes is linked to high levels of sugar in the blood, people always assume eating too much sugar is the cause of diabetes. Other factors for Type 2 diabetes are genetics ( family history of diabetes) increasing age and ethnicity. We can see some of the over weight people they never develop diabetes, but healthy weight people does. Healthy balanced diet and regular physical activity can reduced the risk of gaining diabetes.

How much added sugar should I have?

1 gram sugar contains 4 calories. Women should consume no more than 100 calories from added sugar per day and men 150 calories per day. ( American heart foundation).

One can of soft drinks contains 5 to 7 spoon of sugar, a mango contains 3.2 spoons of sugar, tomatoes contains 0.7 grams of sugar per 100 grams. It s good to monitor our sugar intake. To bring down the daily added sugar make sure read the labels of food carefully and cook your own food.

Eating healthy is important to every one especially children. Encourage children to eat healthy and parents if you want to treat your children treat them with healthy fruits and snacks.

some proverbs with sugar

You can't expect both ends of a sugar cane to be as sweet 

Rebukes ought not to have a grain more of a salt than of sugar

Even sugar itself may spoil a good dish

Where there is sugar, there are bound to ants

Sugared words generally prove bitter

A mother in law made of sugar, still tastes bitter

If you can't give any sugar then speak sweetly

Dear friends, Thank you for reading. Please leave your valuable thoughts and opinions. Take care and eat healthy!

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Fire safety

Fire Safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire. Fire Safety measures include those that are intended to prevent ignition of an uncontrolled fire.

Did you know?

Half of the home fires are caused by cooking accidents.

Some started by candles.

people dies from a fire caused by a cigarette.

Faulty electric appliances, wiring and overloaded sockets cause fires in many home.

Fit smoke alarm

Fit smoke alarms on every level of your home If its available. Test the batteries in your smoke alarm every week and change them every year.

How to cook safely

Never leave children alone in the kitchen when you cooking

If you wants to leave the kitchen please take extra care. Take pans off the heat or turn them down to avoid risk.

Make sure your pans handles don’t stick out, because there is a chance of get knocked off the stove

Take care if you are wearing loose clothes or sarees. It can easily catch fire.

Keep your tea towels away from the cooker and nob

keep your matches and lighters safe, because children love to use them

Always check your cooker and oven after you finished cooking

Take care when you cook with hot oil. If the oil starts to smoke, turn off the heat and leave it to cool

If a pan catches fire turn off the heat if you can , never throw water over it

check toasters are clean and keep them away from curtains

Keep the oven, hob in good working order. Build up fat can cause fire


It's not only electrical faults that starts fire. Human error is often to blame.

Check the condition of your wiring

check your sockets regularly

Turn off the electric equipment you are not using

Check flexible cables like kettles and other appliances before you plug in

check the current rating of an electrical adaptor before you plug appliances in


Never smoke in bed

Use a proper ash tray

Don't leave a lit cigarette or pipe lying around, they can easily fall over and start fire


Make sure candles are keep away from materials may catch fire

If you want to leave the room, put candles down

Use a snuffer or a spoon to put out candles

Children shouldn’t be left alone with candles

Keep pets away from candles

How to escape

Make sure your exits are kept clear.

If you can't escape through your main door think of a second route like your window

What to do

Call for emergency services ( UK999 or 112)

Keep calm and act quickly

Don't waste time investigating and rescuing valuables. You are precious than your things

If you can't get out, keep every one in to a room with a window and take phone with you for call emergency services

put bedding around the bottom of the door to block out the smoke

If you are on the ground or first floor you may be able to escape through window

Use bedding to cushion your fall and lower your self and don't jump from high

If your clothes got fire, don't run around and make it worse

Lie down, roll around and it makes it harder for the fire to spread

Smoother the flames with a heavy material

We teach children to STOP, DROP, ROLL!

Dear friends, hope this gives you little awareness of fire safety. Share your thoughts and opinions. Please stay safe!

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What is safeguarding

Safeguarding is protecting vulnerable adults and children from abuse or neglect. Safeguarding is making sure people are supported and get good access to health care and stay well and happy in their lives and get equal rights. It might be difficult to accept. But any one can be hurt, put at risk of harm or abused, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity.

What is abuse

Abuse is a violation of an individual's human and civil rights by another person or persons. It's an attempt to control the behaviour of another person and is a misuse of power which uses the bonds of intimacy, trust and dependency to make the victim more vulnerable. Abuse can be Physical, Sexual, verbal, Financial, Emotional or Psychological, discriminatory,Isolation and neglect.


Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with a person. Physical abuse may include pushing, hitting, shoving, slapping, kicking, throwing, punching, spitting, pinching, hair pulling, chocking, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions, using or threatening to use a weapon.


Verbal abuse is an abusive behaviour involving the use of the language. It is criticizing, name calling, put downs threatening and also blaming. Verbal abuse can affect the individual's positive emotional development.


Financial abuse occurs when a person not allowed to have money or any control over money. It can be running up large debts in the person's name or selling their possessions with out permission, steals money, makes to pay for other people's things, take things belongs to a person.

Emotional / Psychological

Emotional abuse is the ongoing emotional maltreatment or emotional neglect of a child or a vulnerable adult. It's also called as psychological abuse. Though emotional abuse doesn't leave physical scars, it can have a huge impact on people's confidence and self- esteem. Few examples of this abuse include insulting an individual's family or friends, ridiculing the persons beliefs, race or religion, using constant put downs, threatening suicide if leave, keeping as a prisoner in home, threatening to take the children if leave.


Discriminatory abuse is when some one treated unfairly because they are different. This can include unfair or less favourable treatment due to a person’s race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexuality, appearance or cultural background.


Isolation is Limiting the individual's out side involvement. Isolating from the people we love, limiting our actions. The abuser may block the victims friends and family and access to use a vehicle, or telephone services in the home


Neglect is a passive form of abuse in which perpetrator is responsible to provide care for a person who is unable to care for himself or herself but fails to provide adequate care. Neglect occurs when a child or vulnerable adult doesn't have adequate food, housing, clothes, medical care or supervision


The person who is responsible for the abuse is often well known to the person who is been abused or mistreated. They could be Spouse or partners, other family members, neighbours, friends, acquaintances, local residents, strangers, health care workers and also some one who is provide service for the person.

Every body has the right to be safe no matter who they are and what are their circumstances. Never feel embarrassed about highlighting abuse and do not be afraid to complain about abuse. We are all responsible for the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We must ensure that we are doing all we can to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

Dear friends, The reason I wrote this blog is, friend of mine was in a abusive relationship for many years. She got three beautiful children with the abuser and financially depend on that person.  It stopped her from ending that relationship. But after many years of abuse she decided to leave that person. Now she looks much happier and working full time. No one there to control her and tell her what to do and where to go. Her face is clean with out any bruise. I always worried about her, now I am happy for her because she made a wise decision to leave that abuser.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share your valuable opinions, Much appreciated.

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