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  • Thank you for taking your time reading and comment Beethoven. I appreciate that.

  • Adaline, so nice to read for you again(:
  • Dear Hurieh, Thank you so much for reading and comment. I appreciate that,

  • What a terrifying tale! It sent a shiver up and down my spine. Thank you very much or sharing.

  • Dear Elen, Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate that.  Is it scary?

  • Aww. Sweet heart Onee, Thank you . Yes I will be strong.

  • Dear Dara Gino, Thank you for reading and comment. I appreciate that. Some people scared to go to funerals is in it

  • Neer nalavar Adaline Bala. I like to go to the graves and ask God to forgive the dead, but if I hear or see anything, I just run fast.

  • Oh My God! I would faint if this happened to me!

    Nice terrifying blog Adaline!

  • :D Don't be afraid, Adaline. It was just a dream.... ;)

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