Bornfire Night & Deepavali

In Britain, people getting ready to celebrate 'Bonfire nigh't or 'Guy Fawkes night' on November 5th . Indians around the world getting ready to celebrate Deepavali in November11th. Fire works play a significant role in both of the festivals.

What is Bonfire Night?

Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603. After that King James I came in to power. In 1605 there was an attempt to blow up the Houses of parliament, and its led by a man called 'Guy Fawkes'. It is called 'Gun powder plot'. Guy(Guido) Fawkes and his fellow men put 36 barrels of gun powder in cellars under the Houses of Parliament in London. One member from that group send a letter to his best friend who worked in the parliament and warn him to stay away on November 5th. The letter got in to King's supporters hand and the plot was rumbled. The people been arrested, tortured and prosecuted including Guy Fawkes. The Gunpowder plot was about religion. At that time England was a protestant country and the plotters were Catholics. On November 5th 1605 bonfires were set alight to celebrate the safety of the King and the parliament. Since then people celebrated November 5th as Bonfire night and effigies of Guy Fawkes place on the fire too. Nowadays fire work displays takes place across the London.

What is Deepavali?

'Deepavali'(Diwali) or 'The Festival of lights' is an ancient Hindu festival which is celebrated in Autumn. It signifies the victory over darkness or good over evil. It is the biggest and brightest festival of India.

The history behind Deepavali: The triumvirate( Trimurti) consists of three Gods. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu has appeared in various incarnations nine times on this earth. Lord Vishnu in his eight incarnation as 'Krishna', destroyed the demon 'Narakasura', who was causing unhappiness amongst the people of the world and also imprisoned daughters of saints. Lord Krishna had to fight with the five-headed monster who guarded the demon's home. A day before Deepavali Lord Krishna killed Narakasura and released the jailed daughters and restored the precious earnings of Mother Goddess Aditi. This is one of the story behind Deepavali. It is celebrated by Indians through out the world. Deepavali is predominated by colourful display of lights, sweets and bursting fire crackers.

Although it is two different continent, two different festivals and two different religions. People like to celebrate good over bad.

Dear friends, Thank you so much for taking your time reading. I appreciate that. Some of you may be celebrate one of this festivals or you got similar ones in your country. Please share your thoughts, and how you celebrate. Thank you!

Happy Bonfire night! & Happy Deepavali

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  • Dear ELF Noor &Onee Chan, Thank you so much for liking the blog. I appreciate that.

  • Dear Travaler, Thank you for reading liking the blog. I appreciate that.

    Yes. true, Indians light lamps, candles and fire crackers as part of their Deepavali celebration is in it.

  • India looks stunning on the day of diwali... :D

  • Dear Elen, Good to know you got similar custom. Thank you for taking your time reading and comment. I appreciate that.

  • Dear Dara Gino, Thank you so much. for reading and comment. I appreciate that.

  • Dear oOo-Maya-oOo, Thank you so much

  • Dear Adaline, we also have a custom with fire but for a christian reason. Anyway there are similar customs around the world! Thank you for this nice blog!

  • Akomomoda Adaline Bala! Nigal ko walary nanny. I like that sone, Hari Rama Hari Krishna! 

  • Advance happy diwali to you Adeline!
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