A friend of mine introduced to me the series. At first I am not interested to read it, because it was not the genre that I normally read. However, the first book - The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan changed my view. 

This story revolved around a teenage boy who discovered that he was a half-blood; a kid born between Greek's God and human. It follows his adventures when he was trying to save the world from being destroyed between the warring wars between various Greek Gods.

Even if you're not too familiar with all those many characters of the Greek Gods, this books is very easy to read and follow.

Please click here to read the e-book of this first series. Tell me what do you think about the book. 

Enjoy reading.

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    • TEAM JACOB??????? Are you getting confuse between Percy and Vampire thingy? You know that there's no a single bone of vampire in the Percy books, right?  :-P \(*_O)?

    • there is =P  you better re-read it again noas..  (^_^)?

    • \(*_O)/ Who's that guy who betrayed Percy and tried to kill him a few times? 

    • thats LUKE son of Hermes

    • Perhaps you shud introduce us =P
    • Hmm.. Fizzy ... I think this friend of mine is a bit shy girl. She seldom comes into MyEC. :-P

  • Oops such an intresting book :) I always wanted to read a book about a myth of greec :D But tell me I will be familliar with the myth and Gods with reading this book ?

    • Sima, the author will explain each Greek God character, so you will definitely understand which Greek God is associated with which character.

  • I have downloaded this one and trying to keep my passion on to read it. Anyway after i have read for its first chapter, this book is quite tempting, with its popular and easy reading writing style and familiar wordings. Just wait for some moment for my next comment, anyway good job noas.

    • Hi Daylight. I am glad you found this book interesting too. I can't wait for your comment on the book.

      Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read it :)

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