Ignorance By Milan Kundera

You Know guys ,I had a bad feeling when I wanted to write this discussion and I wanted to say again I have read a book maybe 4 years ago ,So these days I have not read a new book Except Quran in Persian at my job not at home and not with focus !!!!!!!!!!Besides I have feeling to review all books that I have read before because we do not read book just say I have read it ,So before I was not like that also but I think I need to review and remember what I read to feel them again !

I told you these all to speak about a book that I read and when I saw the brief of it in internet and specially critic and book review I got like this O_o sorry means surprised that why I just read the books and did not focus on them or maybe that time I just could understand  like that :D Why I said these all? :D nothing !

The story is about Irene is a Czech émigré who has spent 20 years in Paris since the crushing of the Prague spring in 1968, alternating between waking nostalgia and the fearful "emigration-dream" of finding herself back in her native land. With the collapse of communism in 1989, she bows to pressure from French friends to embark on the "great return", the romantic voyage "home", only to rediscover that she had left partly to escape her over bearing mother. "The implacable forces of history that had attacked her freedom had set her free."

When I read this book ,I have had feeling such that when she come back to her motherland ,She found herself like a strange . All attitude ,all manner and  mores .Just like that she did not belong to there and she wanna find a way for escape  but she know that this is the land that she really belong to ..And you know the writer did best to transfer the sad feeling of people who emigrate and after years they find their self not belong to anywhere ..

So I am going to read it again and another book of this great Writer :)"

Hope you choose this book and enjoy reading :)"

You can find this book HERE

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