All Discussions (213)

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How many mistakes..??

Many years ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer. To conbat this and rays acheivement, teechers were adviced to start at the very begining, at the yungest age. Once they had managed to

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a legend in your country?

according to the legend,the vietnamese are desccendants of the dragon,and was when the monarchyas established,it become the symbol of the kingLegend has it that the dragon Lord Lac Long Quan marrried fairy AuCo,and their unon gave birth to100 childre

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What is your A,B,C life

Hello friends,We all know the alphabet. Here, I'm going to offer some words for three letters A,B,C. That is my A,B,C of the life.Accepte differencesBe KindCount your BlessingWhat is your own? Would you like to continou to the end? Share your Alphabe

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Devil, Angel...Death?

I used to see drawings to the death in his cloak and the weeder in his hand and a winged angel as a littel child and a halo above his head.The devil is always red with hornes and a goat shape .Where do these symbols come from?

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