All Discussions (455)

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Funny StorieS!

 Once there was a rich man who had a mango tree in his courtyard. All was going well, but he was disturbed by some local kids who would sneak into his courtyard at night and eat his mangoes from the tree.

After some careful thought, he came up with a

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48 Replies

TOEFL Sample

Hi there.

Hope you all my friends are fine and doing quit well.I was checking out some English learning sites that in one of them relating to the TOEFL test,found a sample that thought it may be useful for you too. So I decided to share it with you. I

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10 Replies

Please answer! (2)

Select the word that does not go with each adjective.


1. Luxurious:

a. sofa              b. hotel              c. camera              d. bedroom


2. Critical:

a. condition              b. moment              c. stage              d. illness


3. Optimisti

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27 Replies

Mah Asal


Do you watch Mahasal program in channel 3 before azan time in this ramadan month?

Let's talk about it!

I rarely watch TV,but I have seen some of its Series!

I didnot watch the session which had been about Ameneh Bahrami,but It had many sounds that I th

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77 Replies

Solve or Dissolve?!

Hi, dear friends.
Please answer this question:

Which of the following words go with solve and which ones go with dissolve?
(Maybe they can go with both of them)

A problem
A tablet
A puzzle
A mystery
Powdered soup

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11 Replies