" The Little Prince " Chapter 8

I soon learned to know this flower better. On the little prince's planet the flowers had always been very simple. They had only one ring of petals; they took up no room at all;they were a trouble to nobody. One morning they would appear in thegrass, and by night they would have faded peacefully away. But one day,from a seed blown from no one knew where, a new flower had come up; andthe little prince had watched very closely over this small sprout whichwas not like any other small sprouts on his planet. It might, you see,have been a new kind of baobab.

The shrub soon stopped growing, and began to get ready to produce a flower. The little prince, who was present at the first appearance of a huge bud, felt at once that somesort of miraculous apparition must emerge from it. But the flower wasnot satisfied to complete the preparations for her beauty in the shelterof her green chamber. She chose her colors with the greatest care. Shedressed herself slowly. She adjusted her petals one by one. She did notwish to go out into the world all rumpled, like the field poppies. Itwas only in the full radiance of her beauty that she wished to appear.Oh, yes! She was a coquettish creature! And her mysterious adornmentlasted for days and days.

Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed herself.

And, after working with all this painstaking precision, she yawned and said:

"Ah! I am scarcely awake. I beg that you will excuse me. My petals are still all disarranged . . ."

But the little prince could not restrain his admiration:

"Oh! How beautiful you are!"

"Am I not?" the flower responded, sweetly. "And I was born at the same moment as the sun . . ."

The little prince could guess easily enough that she was not any too modest--but how moving--and exciting--she was!

"I think it is time for breakfast," she added an instant later. "If you would have the kindness to think of my needs--"

And the little prince, completely abashed, went to look for a sprinkling-can of fresh water. So, he tended the flower.

So, too, she began very quickly to torment him with her vanity--which was, if the truth be known, a little difficult to deal with. One day, for instance, when she was speaking ofher four thorns, she said to the little prince:

"Let the tigers come with their claws!"

"There are no tigers on my planet," the little prince objected. "And, anyway, tigers do not eat weeds."

"I am not a weed," the flower replied, sweetly.

"Please excuse me . . ."

"I am not at all afraid of tigers," she went on, "but I have a horror of drafts. I suppose you wouldn't have a screen for me?"

"A horror of drafts--that is bad luck, for a plant," remarked the little prince, and added to himself, "This flower is a very complex creature . . ."

"At night I want you to put me under a glass globe. It is very cold where you live. In the place I came from--"

But she interrupted herself at that point. She had come in the form of a seed. She could not have known anything of any other worlds. Embarassed over having let herself becaught on the verge of such a na�ve untruth, she coughed two or threetimes, in order to put the little prince in the wrong.

"The screen?"

"I was just going to look for it when you spoke to me . . ."

Then she forced her cough a little more so that he should suffer from remorse just the same.

So the little prince, in spite of all the good will that was inseparable from his love, had soon come to doubt her. He had taken seriously words which were without importance,and it made him very unhappy.

"I ought not to have listened to her," he confided to me one day. "One never ought to listen to the flowers. One should simply look at them and breathe their fragrance.Mine perfumed all my planet. But I did not know how to take pleasure inall her grace. This tale of claws, which disturbed me so much, shouldonly have filled my heart with tenderness and pity."

And he continued his confidences:

"The fact is that I did not know how to understand anything! I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I ought never tohave run away from her . . . I ought to have guessed all the affectionthat lay behind her poor little strategems. Flowers are so inconsistent!But I was too young to know how to love her . . ."



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    • I guess we are so much in love with the Little Prince, dear Sahar..I have also many pleasant memories in this group, especially on this discussion. Now, that I am reading this again, it becomes more clearer to me on what Darius says in my inquiries to him in our little discussions. I now more appreciating the meaning of every line of the story and what Darius is trying to convey to me on his words. 

      I am slow learner. I have to chew it, slowly and carefully before I could taste it's real flavor. And now for the second time around, it tastes even sweeter. I'm sure I'd ask for more...:)



  • Hi my dear Sahar...it's another post again from me. I hope you won't grown tired of my voice..:)
    But I still awaiting for you and Darius..but I'm not pushing....I'm figuring, even if we have posted the same chapter, it's still good. It's good thing to have a different versions of narration, isn't it?

    • Dear Mayumee

      The only thing that is inviting me to EC these days is our lovely "little prince" which you are carrying it out it in its best way.

      I like following it so much, not only it is useful for practicing listening but also it reminds me so nice memories in our group.

      And having your fluent narration is a pleasure for me. I've downloaded all of them.

      Please go on, it's helping me to be alive here.


      I'm still listening to this part…

      Your feeling is appeared more in this part.

  • Dear Darius,
    I think the animation of this story has been made & IRIB has broadcasted it be4,about 20 years ago,undertitle of "mosafer kocholo"!
    Am I right ?
    it remembers me that animation !
  • Dear Mayumi
    Grown-ups are really strange.They usually at the most of supplication are pushing back. They don't know its reason. They want but they are pretending they don't . They don't want but they are pretending they want.We are talking about children and grown-ups there is no relation to gender .I've read a magnificent book" Later fruits of the earth " which is written by Andrey Gide a French writer He's written there :
    " I wish excitements make you drunk but you should know if it can't , it means you are not hungry enough "
    It is only children who have known how can show their real feelings ans their emotions too.Others are saying something but they are thinking about something else in their minds.Our hearts need to be polished . Those are covered by a layer of dust. Those are not able to reflect well and all things that they are reflecting is reflection of dusts .
    Think about that Mayumi .it is not important "who I am". The most important thing could be "how my heart is shiny" with out thinking about age, gender , nationality,appearance and so on.

    mayumi garcia said:
    Hi Darius!

    How are you?

    Let me guess. The flower that is being refer here is the "women". I've come up with this thought because flower as a creatures are very complex one as women have a very complex emotions..And women also sometimes tend to demand a constant attention and care for them..It's just my guess , but maybe this symbolical thing has another deeper meaning on this story, hasn't it?

    "I ought to have judged by deeds and not by

    This line is my favorite on this chapter. We should judged others with their deeds and not the words that come from their mouths because sometimes words can deceived us but deeds could testify what they really are...

    thank you once again!
    • Our hearts need to be polished . Those are covered by a layer of dust. Those are not able to reflect well and all things that they are reflecting is reflection of dusts .
      Think about that Mayumi .it is not important "who I am". The most important thing could be "how my heart is shiny" with out thinking about age, gender , nationality,appearance and so on.

      These words from Darius I could never forget!

      VEry admiring words...And it really shows in his deeds in what ideals he believed in..

    • Great words!

      I was listening to his "My Way" when I read your comment, dear Mayu.

      And it made me thoughtful about the relation between them...

      It said to me:

      "Just follow your way then you can achieve that shiny heart which is without any dust."

  • Hi Darius!

    How are you?

    Let me guess. The flower that is being refer here is the "women". I've come up with this thought because flower as a creatures are very complex one as women have a very complex emotions..And women also sometimes tend to demand a constant attention and care for them..It's just my guess , but maybe this symbolical thing has another deeper meaning on this story, hasn't it?

    "I ought to have judged by deeds and not by

    This line is my favorite on this chapter. We should judged others with their deeds and not the words that come from their mouths because sometimes words can deceived us but deeds could testify what they really are...

    thank you once again!
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