" The little prince " Chapter 11

The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man.

"Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a visit from an admirer!" he exclaimed from afar, when he first saw the little prince coming.

For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.

"Good morning," said the little prince. "That is a queer hat you are wearing."

"It is a hat for salutes," the conceited man replied. "It is to raise in salute when people acclaim me. Unfortunately, nobody at all ever passes this way."

"Yes?" said the little prince, who did not understand what the conceited man was talking about.

"Clap your hands, one against the other," the conceited man now directed him.

The little prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute.

"This is more entertaining than the visit to the king," the little prince said to himself. And he began again to clap his hands, one against the other. The conceited man againraised his hat in salute.

After five minutes of this exercise the little prince grew tired of the game's monotony.

"And what should one do to make the hat come down?" he asked.

But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise.

"Do you really admire me very much?" he demanded of the little prince.

"What does that mean--'admire'?"

"To admire means that you regard me as the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest, and the most intelligent man on this planet."

"But you are the only man on your planet!"

"Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same."

"I admire you," said the little prince, shrugging his shoulders slightly, "but what is there in that to interest you so much?"

And the little prince went away.

"The grown-ups are certainly very odd," he said to himself, as he continued on his journey.


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  • Hi dear Sahar, :)

    • Oh!

      Thanks dear Mayumee!

      Now, I have a new nice one to listen to while I'm writing.

      I'm going to water my flowers again :)

      They are full of blessing…




      I've listened to it several times.

      Well done dear!

      I've checked some of those words that I didn't know before with dictionary and I've found that you are pronouncing all of words in its best form.

      There is a big fresh spirit in your voice in all of your words whatever you read fast or slowly which has a message of happiness, the thing that we are searching for everywhere.


  • It's ridiculous to be so naive !
    what 's the use of being admired ? Of course we wouldnt deny the longing 4 be acclaimed,but it shouldnt overshadowes our lives.It shouldnt transforms into a motivation 4 our movement .
    It seems so tricky.we should be careful !
  • Hi Dear Mayumi
    Based on one of our recent conversations ,we as living creature are exceptions.Considering ourselves as focal points is undeniable. it would be completely natural to think about our safety and healthy not only about ourselves but also our family , relatives,friends and so on as well as other living things are doing that. It is a kind of natural selfishness.We need it to be safe an alive and we are trying to keep it.
    But it is only one stage of those six stages that we've talked about .Most of the time we've stop ourselves in this stage and drown in the dept of our selfishness. It makes us as conceited people who are not able to think about anything else of own selves. They look at all other men as admirers.They never think about that as a step for next steps.

    Once a day a writer found one of his friends and started to tell about himself nonstop. after about two hours he said " Oh sorry all time I was speaking about myself. let's talk about you ... Have you ever read my last book ?!!!!!!"

    It's our life !!!

    mayumi garcia said:
    Hi My DEar Darius,

    For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.

    Honestly, I tend to be like the conceited man sometimes but most of that times, I didn't notice it..until with a careful thinking after I did those things...From time to time I need to remind myself not to be like that...I want to develop a humility to myself..After all we can't really boast anything...because all that we have is only borrowed from HIM, the Creator of all things so how can we boast in anything...we really shouldn't, should we Darius?

  • Hi My DEar Darius,

    For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.

    Honestly, I tend to be like the conceited man sometimes but most of that times, I didn't notice it..until with a careful thinking after I did those things...From time to time I need to remind myself not to be like that...I want to develop a humility to myself..After all we can't really boast anything...because all that we have is only borrowed from HIM, the Creator of all things so how can we boast in anything...we really shouldn't, should we Darius?

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