What do Muslims believe in?

يؤمن المسلمون بأن جمال الكون، ونظامه البديع يدلان على وجود خالق عظيم لهMuslims believe that the beauty of the universe & its superb order is a proof of the existence of a mighty creator.يؤمن المسلمون بأن عظمة السماء والأرض تدل على عظمة الخالق لهاMuslims believe that the greatness of heaven & earth is a proof of its creator mightiness (greatness).يؤمن المسلمون بأن انتظام حياة المخلوقات الحية وتناسقها مع غير الحية تدل على أن الخالق إله واحد لا شريك لهMuslims believe that the uniformity (order) of living beings & their coordination with the non-living beings is a proof that the creator is one God who has no partner.يؤمن المسلمون بوحدانية الإله؛ لأن وجود أكثر من إله يجعل الحياة غير منتظمة وغير متناسقة فتكون النتيجة فساد الكونMuslims believe in the Oneness of God; because the existence of more than one God will result in an unorganized & uncoordinated life that will deform the whole universe.يؤمن المسلمون بوحدانية الله ، وأنه المالك للخلق ؛ لأنه لو كان هناك إلهاً آخر لفسدت الحياة نتيجة محاولة كل منهما الاستعلاء على الآخرMuslims believe in Allah's Oneness & that he is the owner of his creation, because if there was another god, life would be ruined as a result of their attempt to over come one another.يؤمن المسلمون بأن المدبر لجميع الموجودات العلوية والسفلية هو الله الواحد الأحد؛ لذلك نحس بانتظامها وتوازنهاMuslims believe that the director of all heavenly & earthly creations is Allah; the One and Only. That is why we sense their organization & balance.لو سقطت علبة الألوان ( صدفةً ) على ورقة بيضاء، فهل سترسم بالصدفة خريطة ملونة ودقيقة للعالم ؟! فكيف بكون عظيم يتكون بطريق الصدفة ؟!If a box of colors filled (accidently) on a plane, white paper, would a colorful, accurate map of the world be ( accidently) painted?!Thus, how could such a mighty universe be found coincidently?!يؤمن المسلمون بأن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، وأنه في السماءMuslims believe that there is no god but Allah & that he has no partner and that he is in heavens.يؤمن المسلمون بأن الله خلق الإنسان لهدف محدد هو عبادة اللهMuslims believe that Allah has created humans for a specific purpose; to worship him.إيمان المسلم بالله ومعرفة الهدف من وجوده في الدنيا يجعله يعيش مطمئن النفس وسعيدا في الحياةMuslims' faith in God & their knowledge of the purpose of their existence make them live a tranquil & happy life.يؤمن المسلمون بأن الرسل جاءوا بما يثبت صدقهم من:سلامة عقولهم، وحسن أخلاقهم، والمعجزات الخارقة، وعدالة مناهجهم، وتحقيقها لأمن الإنسان وكرامته ، ومناسبتها لفطرتهMuslims believe that the prophets' sanity, morals, miracles & the fairness of their laws that suited humans nature and provided peace & dignity for them is a proof of their honesty

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  • This is my own opinion muslim believe that Allah is the god of this universe and from Allah and to Allah all moslem or human being will comeback.
    Who agree with me?
  • I do agree
  • Good Topic you have choose. Many things i am believing on it, i think if Muslims do not believe on it. he might be not a Muslim.
    1:- ALLAH is one. There is no one except ALLAH (GOD) and MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) is his last messenger.
    2:- He/She must be strong believe on ANGELS (فرشتے) that, ANGELS are his creatures
    3:- He/She must be believe on all HOLLY BOOKS, that is (ZABOOR, ANGEEL, TOURAIT and QURAN E PAK) these all books are from Allah Pak.
    4:- Believe on all Messengers.
    5:- Believe on Judgment day.
    6:- Every things happens with the permission of ALLAH (GOD).
    If any one believes on above things he is called Muslim. I do strong believe that all Muslims believe on above points.
  • thanks Fahad
    pretty words*__^
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