Superlative Adjectives

Some students do not use ajectives, adverbs, and nouns properly. To solve this problem they can consult the dictionary which contains explanations about the words either they are verbs, nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. These words I call them "vareity in writing" that increases the meaning of a simple sentence if we use them properly. For example, last week I asked a Linguist about the possibility of using superlative adjective from the word monkey. He answered me yes we can and gave me these two derivations "the monkier or the monkiest from monkey". I was happy with the answer. So, today I am going to use the Arabic proverb about the monkey in English, which says"Keep your monkey otherwise you will get the monkiest". This proverb can be used daily to express the meaning of keeping old things, governments, friends, cars, houses, wives husbands, jobs, etc,. This proverb works as a warning against unstudied changes in life. For example, if you have an old good car keep it do not change it because you do not know about the coming car. I advice the students of English to use this proverb when they want to change their cars, majors, wives, husbands, houses, schools, and jobs. So this proverb means keep the old things if you are not sure that the new ones will be better than the old ones. However, if we use adjectives and adverbs our writing will be more rich and meaningful. For example, "the school put several new measures that seem better than the old ones which hindered the students to acheive high scores in sports. What is your opinion? Please write down your comments. Thank you.

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  • Really I didn't know there are such monkier and monkiest.

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