
  • Thanks hayah for your participation in the discussion.
  • Dear ELF Noor,

    When like become love, no one can deny the feeling, but face it. Looking at the context, we just be careful. ^^

    Re-translated "Love starts from jolification and end up with seriousness" Imam Ibnu Hazm

  • no i don't think so.. praising means likeness , likeness is totally different from love.. differentiation b/w love and like is just like sky and earth.

  • I appreciate and thank you all for your participation in the discussion.

  • Wow, wow, wow................Is it really Onee.

    Hey thanks for such a comprehensive elaboration of the view point.

    • Yes, it's me. But I won't easily get melted by the praise of a man who often praise the beauty to many girls. It's not really worth, but a bit encouragement. I'm used to

  • Physically, they were different. But to see the aim and impact, I agree with Eva. 

    Let me make a sample: HE praises HER.

    Praise is not the fact but opinion. It's absolutely true. There must be many reasons for praising the beauty, not ability or something else as you want to discuss here clearly. HE may praise HER to get her attention, to just let her know, or to tell her implicitly that HE like/love HER (giving signal), or whatever.

    SHE, she could only say thanks, feel happy, feel encouraged, or feel the like/love.

    What will happen if HE praises HER many times? In context when the two are met, just two. SHE could be hurt in case he has a sensitive heart, though HIS praises is pure. The worst thing could be happen here, HE can't deny the love that suddenly born or maybe HE meant to. SHE could possible do this, to make HE loves HER. Then, IF HE already have a couple, cheating is only possible here.

    I just want to say.....

    "Guys, be careful to praise the beauty. You could do once or twice in common way at the proper time, IF you just want to praise only. The only one or two :P you should praise and concern to much is your couple." The point your mouth! ops. Watch our mouth! :))

    Here, I talk in REAL world. Thanks.

  • Thanks a lot Luci for your participation in discussions. You elaborated very comprehensively.

  • I as a woman can praise beauty of other women and it doesn't mean I am in love with them /ehm i m not lesbian :) - that's one point of view BUT ...if I praise a man how he looks like I logically think I must like him but not love him.. one think is appearance another thing is character... so I can praise a man for his look but on the contrarery I can feel disgusted by his character, which also means I can hardly love him.. ufff now I m totally lost in it :D hope I had at least one point here..
  • Very appropriate setareh. Thanks.

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