How can people be so cruel?

"Humanity"It seems this word will loose its existence in every dictionary. How can people be so cruel. Every morning we are watching news that someone is beheaded,shot with no reason. I am not understanding what people are searching for and why? 

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    • I do not know a lot about Ukraine...

      But what I saw in Ukraine was definitely a coup by pro-west extremists...

      And your Government has come to power by that coup...

      How can Russia let the US and it's allies come to her borders...

      The USA can't stand any independent country like Russia, China and Iran...

      That's why the west is trying to isolate us with any available means...

      Sanctions, Media propaganda, building military bases near our borders, destroying our allies and so on ...

      Look at Syria... Why it's been attacked...? Nothing but it's Alliance with Iran and the resistance...

      The USA do not have the gut to attack IRAN directly so she attacks our allies to make us weak...

      Does Iran really want war or US...?


      Can you see the USA's military bases around my country...?

      That's what USA want's to do with Russia too...

      Look at your country... it was one of Russians' Friends but now it's gonna be a military base for NATO...

      You seem to be just their tool to treat Russia...

      The world has been changed...

      New Super Powers are Rising...

      And the west is not the center of the world anymore...

      They cannot dictate us anymore and do not have the power to do it too...

    • In the name of God...

      Yes Iran is fighting against ISIL (ISIS) and whatever you call it...

      Let me give you some news on this issue:
      Link: Iran helps other countries fight terror: IRGC cmdr.
      Link: Iraq president calls for Iran's help in anti-terror fight
      Link: Iran rushed to Iraq help against ISIL before US: Ja'afari
      Link: Iran to spare no effort to support Iraq: Iran Cmdr.
      Link: Iranian volunteer combatant killed in Iraq
      Link: Iran has marked a 40-km red zone inside Iraqi border

      This a fact (actually a real fact on the ground) that Iran is the only country who is really helping Syria and Iraq against Terrorists...
      No realistic human can ignore this...

      Iranian General, Ghasem Soleimani with Peshmerga forces in Iraq.

      Yes we have death penalty in Iran...
      But most of them happen in prisons...
      And it's not for frightening people like Saudi Arabia...
      Actually it shows the people that Police is doing its best in fighting with criminals such as murderers and drug traffickers...

      Here the most important fact is that the USA has created, funded, supported the so-called ISIL to destroy and weaken the Middle East countries...

      The USA want's our resources and we will not go down...
      Till we're alive... we will stand...

    • But the USA fights also against ISIL. They bombing theirs positions. The US helps to FSA(Free Syrian Army) in Syria , but does not help ISIL. Osama bin Laden was enemy of Saudi, and ISIS related to Al-Qaeda.

  • Hi Sam!

    People commuting these crimes are neither humans nor animals, if we call them animals, we insult animals, but the important question is that who bring these criminals together and organize them into a brutal army equipped with high-tech weaponry?!!!!!

    • In the name of God...

      For (so-called) ISIL, (so-called) ISIS, (so-called) IS, AL-Qaeda, Boko-Haram ,Taleban, Mojahedin and so on...

      The United states of America is organizing such criminals to do their proxy war in the ME... (the ME stands for "the Middle East")

      And their Good Friend (puppet) Saudi Family is funding these so-called animals with their USDs from their oil rich lands... (USDs stands for USA's Dollars)

      Oh... America... Wake up...!

      I do not know what's in your mind on this issue but I sincerely recommend you to Watch the following Doc... If your seeking the Truth...

      Link: Watch InFocus Programme on PressTV

    • Wikipedia says that "The legal system of Saudi Arabia is based on Sharia". What's the problem? Is it only that Saudi are friends of USA?

    • Hi...
      Did you watch The doc I have linked above...?
      You must know that Sharia is just a word that means "Law"...
      And this Law differs in different countries...

      I want to answer your Question by the page "Sharia"...
      As you can see on the map Iran and Saudi Arabia are both shown by purple color...

      According to Wikipedia, Purple color shows "Countries where sharia applies in full, covering personal status issues as well as criminal proceedings."
      But the reality is not just a color...
      Arabia's Sharia differs from Iranians' Sharia...
      Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia is so harsh...
      They easily behead people like sheep as what ISIL (terrorists) does in Iraq and Syria...
      Actually The Saudi monarchy and ISIL are following the same line... Wahhabi ... Something like Zionism...
      Just think about it... {public beheading}...

      You can read more here:

      But in Iran... It's so different...
      The worst punishment in Iran is Hanging...
      This is mostly just for murderers and drug traffickers...
      In fact sentence to death is not common in Iran...
      Did you know that 90% of world's drugs being produced in Afghanistan (Iran's neighbor)...?
      So giving a sentence to death for drug traffickers is logical...
      And for a Murderer... According to Islam if you kill a human you have killed all the society...!
      So... Tit for Tat...

      Saudi Arabia is one of the harshest countries...
      There is no human rights there...
      There is no respect to humanity there...

      Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world as the country routinely imprisons and executes dozens of people labelled as "enemies of the kingdom".

      You can read more here:

      In Saudi Arabia a Woman cannot be even a human...

      Look at this:

      Things women in Saudi Arabia can't do:
      1.Go anywhere without a male chaperone
      2.Drive a car
      3.Vote in elections
      4.Go for a swim
      5.Try on clothes when shopping

      You can read more here:

      You be the judge...!

      But in Iran...
      Women are so free...
      Somebody may say Iran is not a free country for women... So I must tell that he is absolutely wrong...
      The only thing that some people say on this issue is Hijab or covering...
      Why should women cover themselves outside of home...?
      Because Islam says women are humans too and they must have the right to be And to be looked at as a human...
      I ask you a Question as a boy...?
      If you are talking to a half naked girl...
      Do you still look at her just as a human...?
      Will you be still a human or a male...?
      I'm not talking about acting...
      I'm talking about your thoughts about her at that time...

      Just think about it...

      As you can see Saudi Arabia is one of the worst countries for lots of reasons...
      While the West (The biggest Human Rights pretender) especially USA is supporting this anti-humanity anti-women regime...
      And at the same time they condemn Iranians for hanging criminals such as drug traffickers and murderers...
      You must know that in some US states they still execute criminals by hanging, Poison or even Hot seat (the electric chair)...

      You be the judge...!

    • Yes I know that Iran is more democratic than Saudi Arabia. But here we discuss about ISIS. How I know, Iran fights against ISIS. Is it true? 

      Yes the USA have the dead penalty, but Iran also have it and ,what is more, have public executions.

  • Ignorance...!

  • That's why a fair and good education is so important in every country.
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