We live in a very competitive society nowadays which take us to a stressful lifestyle, we have to deal everyday with lot of differents issues and not everybody have the same resilence.I'd like to know(if it's your case) what do you do when you're feeling like thatIf that's not your case, why don't you suggest us what's your secret?Every suggestion is wellcome :)Thanks in advance

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    • Hola Bea! :D

      I've listened many times What you have told me but in my case it doesn't always work, when I Have a problem sometimes it settle in my mind and I can't take it out easily and just it's a matter of time to dessapear. Lot of times, when I think I'm gonna blow up I just count till ten slowly but that's only a short-term solution.

      I couldn't help watching your profile and read your saying, I have the three things you mention (I think) and I agree, then I wonder, why we complicate our lifes? maybe because of our way of being. When I stop thinking to relax, as you reply me, I realize that life is much more simpler.

      Thank you Beatriz for your comment, I'll take it on mind.
      P.S. Saludos a mi querida Málaga :D
  • Hello Estanis! :)

    I have just had a tough day, so how did I deal with it? Hmmm ... I have just being patience because the day is going to finish and the hard moments wouldn't be attached to us. Kept a smile on my face and tried to speak kindly with people even the bothering ones to not get involved in creating misunderstanding or any kind of problems because they are not guilty in this stressed work!!!

    • Hi Esma! Great to write again with you!

      I have tried your technique and it can work for one, two, even trhee days but at the final I blow up because I can't tolerate some behaviours.
      I don't agree with you in that problems at work don't wouldn't be attached to us 'cos lot of times I take them with me to my house and you can't stop thinking of them, of course your family complain, after that you feel guilty and so bad. They're right!

      So, I ask to myself, do I change my job? What about changing of town?, even country?, but my family?... Then is when i go crazy and...pffff

      Sorry my friend, don't wanna boring you so please don't complain you too :)

      I promise Next discussion to be funnier.

      Thanks so much Esma for your reply and keep on with your smile :)
    • Opss ... I didn't get you! Do you mean that my solutions don't fit you? Shall I think about something else? 

      Ok my friend just don't try to punch the annoying people, because you can loose the relation not only with them but with all. Things in this life would always be solved nicely and kindly :)

      Estanis believe me, being patience to people's hurt would make you a king  ;) 

    • Wow Esma! You must have a wonderful halo. Your comments make me fell calm. I guess you are a wise person.

      Unfortunately I realized that fighting with my "enemy" I have too much to lose, so I learnt that lesson. The Holy Bible says that if someone punch your cheek, you should give him the other one, it's something that is learnt with time :)

      Yes Esma, patient is a great virtue in this cases so I'll take it on mind. Time heal the wounds.

      Hope some day I'll be a king :D
  • Hello Estanis,

    Sure there are many problems nowadays...I wish I have a magic to overcome the problems easily...hee...it's imposible though:) Pray and talk to family will help us a lot. Even just sharing our burden will make it less. For me, if it's a family problem, do not share with outsiders or even relatives because it could become worse.For work...always finish our work on time so we won't be stressed:)

    • yes,some burdens have to be kept to ourselves;) I like that,keep on fighting;)
    • Hi KAT!
      If you ever have that magic please let me know :D

      By the way I know it's good to share our burden with relatives or friends but I'm not so talkative about it and I also think it's better not to talk about some problems.

      Regarding your family, I hope you'll solve your problems, sometimes I think to throw in the towel but maybe we should keep on fighting.

      Thanks so much for your reply!
  • Hi Estanis,

    Yes, In today's world everybody has some problems, those who understand more, they suffer more, the best way to deal with problems is to talk to a close relative or friend, we must keep in mind, those who think they haven't any problems, they are stupid.

    • Yes Saba, talking to someone is good and liberating, even going to a psycologist but I'm not so friend with them, I don't think they will solve your problems but yourself.

      Maybe you're right about those who understand more, maybe the ignorance gives us the happyness, the less you know, the happier you are haha...

      Thanks Saba for your reply, glad to "see" you again. You seem so happy person, keep it up! :)
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