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  • @Nadiyhah Thank you for your sweet interpretation. I love it!

  • Interesting explanation, Tara :)

    Aha ... Maybe it's because you have taken a variety of topics to discussed as a rapper ... running and running ... not stopping and continued to think and a lot of ideas that presented by you. Source of inspiration!

    Thank you!

  • I don't have any idea, Tara :( no explanation on or google. But, it doesn't sound good. After I looked your infographic again, apparently my teacher is a rapper, lol.

  • Ha! Nice outfit. Rantalicious scowl. Does anyone want to take a guess about what that means? 

  • Here is mine:


  • @Nadiyah, Yours is pretty cute! I love how it reads our emoticons. :) There are some fun English expressions to learn from these infographics:

    "foodie" (noun): someone who knows a lot about food; probably a good cook

    "geeky" (adjective): someone who spends a lot of time reading and learning, and doesn't have a great sense of style (my personal definition)

    "circumstantial evidence" (noun): connected facts and circumstances that provide a form of proof; not from direct observation

    "unfazed" (adjective): not bothered by something that happened (showing little emotion)

    "tenderfoot"(noun): not experienced

    OMG=Oh my God

    Here is a question for you. Why do you think characterized me as a rapper? Use expressions like: 

    "Maybe it's because..." 

    "It could be because..."

    "I wonder if it's because...

  • Unfortunately, I don't tweet. :D

  • OMG ... It's mine :( what's poor .. :))

    thanks Tara!


  • I don't tweet a lot there, all I do is just reading everyone's tweet.

    But I really like the image :D


  • I'll try to figure it out! It looks like fun, though! I'm sorry I don't really know much about "twitter" or "tweet".

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