This time, it's the time we get to know a few  phrasals by using it in some exmple sentences:

go into: to enter(a place);

go off: to leave ( a place) to do sth;

keep*down: to not raise ( a part of your body)

Examples 1:

I used to go into the strangest places you could imagine;

She always was brave enough to go into the crime scenes and look for clues;

I can go into the area reserved to passengers only at the internaional airport because I'm a flight attendant;

The archaeologists went into the most secret place of a pyramid;

From the day I go into that building I want to make history by myself.

Examples 2:

I need to go off right now because I'm so overloaded of work to send by email;

I couldn't understand why she went off our anual meeting at this moment to buy new clothes;

Maybe Claudius is getting tired, that' why he went off the company to get some sleep;

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