Writing Challenge ~ Bloggers Unite

A Blog Post That Meant a Lot To Me

I have more than one blog posts that meant a lot to me.  I am here on EC since October 2013, but I have been blogging for 3-4 years.  Prior to joining EC I was posting my written work on Culture Page of another platform.  (It isn’t active any more).  The blogs that meant to me a lot I also posted here on EC. I will mention here one:

It is my blog “The Café” (meant to me a lot)

I had a friend RC (short of her name).  She told her story that she loved a man who at later stage left giving her a baby boy.  I asked her why would she lost her senses in his love and didn’t realize his dishonesty.  She didn’t reply.

Later on I wrote the ‘The Café” (http://www.myenglishclub.com/profiles/blogs/the-cafe

A line from it is:

“I had an eye to eye contact, I was shuddered to ……………..”

Another line:

‘Before leaving, she once again turned and looked at me.  I again felt an electrical shock.”

After reading my blog RC sent me a message:

“You see MI that was my condition when I saw that man, there was a feeling of electrical shock which shuddered me when I came ‘eye to eye contact” with him, I lost my senses………………………………..”

Then I realized how some situation and circumstances impact a person, and his/her entire life changed.

RC’s life time experience which she shared with me made this blog “meant to me a lot”.


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  • Thanks Saba for your appreciations.

  • Thanks a lot for sharing such nice blog, I read your blog and put my comment but I don't know if my interpretation is right or wrong?! BTW, it is great and shows your power in writing.

  • What every writer wants is to make an effect on his readers and reach them, Sometimes he succeed in making an impact that change their lives their ideas . Good Blog keep up the good blogs and you will reach much more people .

  • Thanks Eva, I could re-post the blog, but recently Expector advised to avoid this practice.,  but the blog I refferred is very much there, you can find it by the link or on the the front page of my profile.

    Thanks for giving me value, but I am still learning.

  • Thanks Anah, your comment encourages me to go ahead.

  • I have read that blog and it's stunning, I really admire your work. So much emotions and so much truth can be found in your blogs. 

    Thanks for the share Mishaikh!! :)

  • Thanks for sharing the blog which means everything to you. 

    Sorry I somehow missed the blog. 

    Keep blogging!

  • http://www.myenglishclub.com/profiles/blogs/writing-challenge-blogg...

    Here is the link to Tara's blog.  Read and follow the instructions.

    Writing Challenge: Bloggers Unite
    Calling all bloggers! This month I'm going to give you a challenge inside a challenge! First, I want to challenge MyEnglishClub bloggers to set a rec…
  • how to join in the challenge please teach me.

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