
For Writing Challenge #5 let's learn more about each other by looking out our windows. Choose the closest window to your computer and describe what you see in 100-150 words.

My WindowI'm looking through my dining room window, which is on the main floor of the house. My backyard is scattered with plastic sand toys that we forgot to store away before winter. The shovels and pails and balls have been buried under the snow for months and they've lost their colourful shine. There are at least ten new branches poking out of a peeling tree stump. We used to call the tree "Twigee" but then it grew so large we had to cut it down because the roots were creeping up to the house. If I stare long enough, I know I will see two black squirrels chasing each other playfully up and down my neighbour's fence. I am happy to see so many signs of spring.Now it's your turn. What's outside your window?*Come back as often as you'd like and describe a scene outside a different window! When the challenge is over I'll invite you to visit again and tell us which window you liked best."If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." Tom Peters
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  • I loved all of your descriptions, but my favourite is Dhiyah's window with her mini jungle. Check it out!
  • I love trees, especially willows. It's neat that you saw another "window" through the branches.
  • Elza, you bring hope that spring is coming! Your descriptions are great. Here too, patches of snow have just about disappeared, except for the odd stubborn pile under a big tree. I must go your page and check your location now...
  • Thank you Anne! I will sit by your window for the day while I work. I must check out your My Page to see where you are from!
  • I am on the second floor facing northwest,as I lean onthe cold hard marble window sill I press my nose slightly against the pain. The view is breathtaking ,and I can see just how high our row of lindens have grown,neatly planted side by side more than nine years ago.The sun is climbing and it will surely be a glorious day.A heap of dry,crisp autumn leaves have been blown into a corner under the smoke stained barbeque, and unfortunately many succulents have suffered under the cold snow which landed without an invitation this winter.
    The cheeping sounds of many birds can be heard,although I can see no movement in this percise moment.The mimosa looks incredibly wonderful with its soft velvety blossoms caressing the low wall which surrounds the garden,if I was nearer I could smell the strong scent.The mountain tops still covered in white icing from last weekend's downfall complete the view.Look!A lizard darts from under a stone.Spring is on its way.
  • Looking through my office window, I can see a bright shinny sun ready to explode into a scorching heat burning so hot, yet so good.Walls so high ready to touch the sky .Men, women, children going about with smiles on their faces.
    I am so glad its another wonderful day.
  • I wish I could see more too, Nafis, but you gave a great description. (Your "dream view" adds so much to this window!)
  • My favourite window is the kitchen window. Through this window, I can see the back yard. Although, only two short trees are planted there, I like it a lot. Every time that I look through the window, I dream of digging a water garden in the center with some lotus and water lily in it. Moreover, some tomato and strawberry shrubs at one side can add more beauty to this area. In the other side, I dream of planting a fig tree and a place for feeding birds. These are too much stuff for a little yard separated with short brown wooden fences. These fences separate the yard from the neighbour’s space. Behind the yards, brick wall buildings blocked the view. I wish I could see more!
  • Thanks expectorsmith. Let's keep things fun for a while and see where the challenges take us. :)

    I'm at a new window now.The fence next door is leaning and looks like it will fall right over in the next wind storm. It's going to be a cloudy day. There's no sign of any sun, and the birds are especially quiet. Yesterday we watched all day as the backyard birds chased each other around the skies and branches. You've never seen such flirting! Perhaps they tired themselves out. The trees are swaying slightly, as if waving at me in boredom. The sun will come out tomorrow.
  • Sorry about the errors:
    1. 'find it's really a challenge'-->'find it challenging' (better)
    2. 'it's the time'-->'it's time' or 'it's high time'
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