Winter isn't so magical, believe me...

I guess, here are some people, who have never seen snow in their life and in case you are one of them, my dear reader, read more attentively because I would like to tell you something realistic about winter in the city... yeah... something that might totally ruin your imagination of awesome, magical, white winter... 

Nothing is black or white but as for white beautiful winter, I can prove you that in the city, the reality differs because it can turn so easily to dirty, polluted winter :-D Anyway, firstly let me share few pictures I took some days ago to show you that there are some nice moments, Lady Winter brings and such moments can definitely make your mood better...

Anyway, when winter comes, our time changes, which means that we wake up and guess what? It is damn dark! Then we are happy to experience some daylight but ehm at usually 4pm in December we are again immersed in darkness. Such lack of daylight is of course pretty depressive and might cause problems to some sensitive people. Do you still envy? :-D Another thing is that there is higher pollution in the cities during winter, which means we can't spend so much time outside. To make it little bit funny - what about yellow spots you can come across while walking in the snow? Oh yeahhh - poor dogs have to follow mother's nature calling too :-D 

However, then one day temperature suddenly raise and all the snow start melting and melting... if you don't have good shoes - your socks might be a bit wet, so be ready for floods, lot of wet snow, mud etc. Would you like to walk in this?

By the way mother nature loves to play with us. As I read today weather forecast promise cold night with temperatures bellow zero. Can you imagine what happens with this all melting snow and water? It is like in the morning it is the best to wear skates or better stay at home because all the roads are icy and very slippery. Back to melting - let me share one experience I almost forgot to tell you! It is really so cool to walk in this melting snow, fall down on your butt and find yourself dirty from all the mud that is under this melting snow :-D

So guys, winter is magical but I would say in the mountains, as you can see in the city it differs and I am dying to skip these months and jump into May full of sun, flowers, warm weather and more optimistic mood :-p

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  • :D :D

    Luci, I only see snow on this screen in my life. :( So, I really want to see and touch snow, even roll over the snow........, but, but,,, without feeling cold. LOL.....

    Thank you for sharing a blog about snow.... Should I write about summer in the whole year? You know 20 Celcius degrees will be so cold for us here. :D

  • Winter is better to be enjoyed from far far far far away, maybe while sipping my iced lemon tea while watching the latest "Criminal Minds" series or ogling some cheese cakes and telling myself; "better not to eat another piece, otherwise you need to jog another 3km this afternoon". Hahahaha
  • Hello Luci, so far I consider this the best ever blog written by you, though I read so many lovely blogs from you, this is the BEST!!!! Don’t think that I’m exaggerating because you know why I dislike (silent hate) winter… well, not the spirit that this season could give, I might love that. But still, I know that the real life scenario I’m going to face if I’m living in a country that has this freaking temperature, I could die. I know you’ll say, “C’mon Risty, you’re an adaptable organism and get out of your hole!”, but geez I don’t want to take the risk to be bedridden for weeks. I’m wondering, people, continue their lives with this season, right? You guys out there still working and it’s not considered holiday like in my country when we encounter strong typhoons, that means no classes in all levels! Yahoo!

    On the other hand, I would like, to be honest, that I want to experience this, but good for 3 days with 5 think clothes on!! :D and  I think that’s the best stuff for this season- the fashion sense people shows without even trying to be fashionable. :D

    This is so realistic and I love it!

  • Ohh...dear Luci...I meant that on holiday I don't drive so much as I do while I work as  I have a daily route to follow :) Then regarding the situation In Romania ,the people who are protesting against the government are instigated by the president because his party  lost the governamental election last december he has not so much power as he had before is more a political game and I am sorry that people trust him ,because he actually is a corupted  person.

  • You know what is the best part of not having winter? when we are visiting a country in winter, we just enjoy the snow, not cleaning the road after that, hehehehe... I think I will just leave when the ice start 'melting' xD

  • Eva,

    dear, I talked about winter in the CITY and this is something bleeeeeeeeee :-D like I said ... I will post a blog about Winter in the Mountains and your romantic heart will melt :-D thanx for leaving your comment ;-)

  • AG,

    thank you for reading me and for leaving your comment, which was pretty interesting to me!!! I didn't know you had a shop :-o woow! btw I do agree with you that the worst kind of winter is freezing winter without snow, it is weird and yeah this damn wind - firstly it makes me feel like i cant breathe and secondly this damn freezing slap - in the morning the best thing to wake me up :-D You mentioned somthing important - that winter is really essential when it comes to killing viruses etc. BUT DAMN!!! Here was -15 and hahahahaaaaaaa we enjoyed Flu Epidemy so guess nowadays some viruses are too strong to be killed by such weather :D

  • Icha,

    thank you for reading my blog, nice to meet you! I am glad, I was able to show you, how it feels as you didn't have idea about real winter - but believe me that in the mountains - it is magical and I promise you, I will come up with a blog about Winter in the mountains ;-) thanx for your nice words ...

  • Elen,

    woow, so even there in my lovely Grece was snow!!! Well, dear...I hope you have special boots :D and winter jacket! :-p Anywayz, you got my point and when it is icy and one is scared of making a step - then it isn't anything funny...thanx for reading me and leaving your comment ;-)

  • Mr. Vortz,

    it looks like your comment is longer than my blog :-D Anywayz, yeah of course that if something is special - we do appreciate it, so believe me that melting snow is nothing special to me and I wish I would disappear at that time! You just don't know one thing - here winter starts usually in Novemeber and ends in March!!! These are FIVE MONTHS, if you can count! So your three days of fun with snow is damn nothing :-D Got it???? Don't underestimate my winter melancholy!

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