Cosmos is the term applied by Phytagoras to describe the universe. It consists of galaxies, stars, planets, moons, energies and lots of other matters. Similar to the universe we have the living beings that composed of organs, molecules, atoms, electrons, and energies. The term macrocosmos is applied to the universe and microcosmos is for the living beings.

Now let us see a human being. Why do we call a human being a microcosmos ?

Imagine ourselves as very tiny beings that are observing from the surface of a nucleus of an atom in a human body. We will see the electrons orbiting as if they are moons. Then the next atoms around us will be seen as the stars, the molecules will be observed as the solar systems and the body organs will appear as the galaxies. So we will realize that our body is not a solid matter after all. There are empty spaces in between. That is why rays with very short wavelengths such as x-rays are able to pass through them easily.

All heavenly bodies stay in their orbits and move around in harmony because the gravitational forces that keep them that way. Variations in distance and strength of the forces enable them to orbit accordingly. All of these of course have been set in order by The Creator of the universe.

In our body, the balance can be disturbed by us or by our environment  such as bacteria, accidents etc. as we and the environment have the capabilities to do so. God allows us to do it but the risks have to be taken into our own accounts of course.

In the case the balance is disturbed we call our body unhealthy.






extremely small

solar system

the sun and all the planets, moons etc. orbitting it


and so on, and so forth

body organs

examples: heart, liver, brain


distance between 2 successive points in the wave


following in uninterrupted order

heavenly bodies

all things in the sky: stars, planets, moons, etc

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  • @ Arif   : I am glad you are OK now. What made you sick Arif? Did your yin-yang go out of balance?   LOL. Well, don't sit too much, do some exercise, have fun and sleep regularly. Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care!

    @ bjavzandolgor : that's right my dear friend, some block in energy flow can cause our body to get sick. Release it by doing exercise like shaking body joints, swimming or jogging. Thanks for commenting on my blog. All the best for you dear!

  • At 7:15am on November 18, 2011, Zulkifli AlinazarZulkifli Alinazar said…

    Thank you for the corrections Anele, I am very grateful indeed!

    Please do so again even though  I didn’t ask you to do that.

    About alkaline, it is something that when dissolved in water shows a pH greater than 7. The property of a thing is either neutral having pH 7, acidic the pH is less than 7 or alkaline has the pH greater than 7.  Citrus fruit for example has pH less than 7, Caustic Soda has pH greater than 7.

    Don’t hesitate to ask me any, my pleasure to answer it if I know.

    Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend!

  • At 7:22pm on November 16, 2011, aneleanele said…

    Amazing...... You did very well in Science, Zul!  My favorite is English.  I used to be a voracious reader before.  My mother would sometimes scold me from too much reading!

    By the way, here are the corrections per your request:

    *** yes, I am always fascinated by the Science.

    ***Concerning to what you are prophesying your prophesy

    ***I quite agree to that (or I quite agree on that) BOTH ARE CORRECT!


    Thanks again Zul!  Have a nice day always with your family!  Do you know something about alkaline?

  • Thank you Anele, yes I am always fascinated by the science. It makes me realize how Mighty the God is. Imagine the size of the universe. The farthest star ever detected today  is about 13.2 billion light year away from the earth. Light travel about 12 times earth circumference per second. But talking about size, my religious believe doesn’t state that God is bigger than the universe because the measurement  is not like what we perceive. If God were bigger than the universe, then the place where God was standing was still bigger than Him. Nothing is bigger than God. Space and time and the whole things related to them are God’s creations.

    Concerning to what you are prophesying I quite agree to that because so many people now tend to be more ambitious and greedy. They corrupt, cheat, provoke, instigate, agitate and make wars everywhere. Hope God will make them repent and guide all of us to a better future.

    All the best for you Anele!

    Please correct my English!

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