What is Racism?

Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone because of their cast, color, culture (ethnicity) or national origin.

People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment. However, it doesn’t need to involve violent or intimidating behavior. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may face hatred of certain groups because of where they are from what are their cultural traditions even what how they dress up.  Showing hatred for the people who cover their bodies head to toe or less is also termed as racism.  

Racism can be revealed through people’s actions as well as their attitudes and behavior. It can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometimes it may not be revealed at all. Not all racism is obvious. For example, someone may look through a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race.

Source: Internet 

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  • Thanks SNR for a very comprehensive REBUTTAL to the BLAGGER. 

  • It is okay Evangelina

    Rahul has proved himself what he is, ONCE HE ENCOURAGED AND FAVORED THE GENOCIDE THE INNOCENTS IN MYANMAR ROHINGYA, WHICH THE ENTIRE WORLD CONDEMNED, RAHUL IS THE ONLY ONE WHO FAVORED THIS SORT OF TYRANNY. He has also posted this sort of rubbish on my other blog which I deleted and reported to the admin what kind of hatred he is spreading on this site.  He forgot that in there how the dalit (inferior cast hindu) and Muslims being treated in his own country.  But I do not want to start any this kind of argument which cause bad feelings and destroying cordial atmosphere of this forum.  

  • Sorry, Mishaikh,

    Could not help, interfering :/

  • Really, Rahul Wazir? Seriously?

    First, do you know that India is the lowest ranking country on lists with population vs IQ? Well, let me tell you, that’s actually the choking truth. So bad, so sad!

    First I thought of playing death and stay silent, buuut no ways! Not when you write something like this ...;

    “You and people of your country(Majority)”

    You know the art is to go after the ball not the man, but of course something like this is expected when legacy is low IQ.

    It’s thoughtful how you come here sooo angry, and sooo disturbed, did someone piss on your piece of bread!

    The biggest RACIST I can see here is YOU Rahul.

    Please, go and solve all the major problems as you have in your place, first ... like child rape, and women molesting and acid attacks on women.

    It is really Shame for the 21st Century.

    Actually men raping little girls, is called pedophiles in the civilized part of the world like Pakistan and so on.

    One should not come here like a little ignorant toddler and throw stones, when you are the major one living in a fragile glass house.

    Understood? Of course you did.

    Just learn to chill a bit, a be a little bit conciliatory :)


    Mishaikh will probably come here, and he will show you what a high leveled civilized Pakistani is. That why I’m the one who is so proud of him.

  • Thanks Onee being so considerate.  I just felt I should write about this a topic, (of course carefully), because previously such kind of atmosphere (I felt) has been created by our so called "wise" circle here.

  • Thank you, Mishaikh, for teaching us about Racism. 

  • Thanks Onee for the nice comment. Yes, Ada has/is shown/showing a good example inviting us adults to avoid 'so called' intelligence spreading sugar coated hatred in the name of modernism and denying the existing universal fact.................we born innocent and we should remain the same.

    Thanks once again.
  • Thanks bet for being so considerate.
  • Great topic, Mishaikh!

    I also support sweetheart Ada's comment. Btw, the social relationship/condition in my country is just like what Ada describe in her class.

    Thank you for sharing. :)

  • What a great example is given by Bala! I also think it is mostly done by adult people, adults are more complicated in comparison to the kids. That is why we like to call them angles! And, we should learn from them. Anyway, thanks a lot, Misha for posting this blog, this type of topic must be discussed to increase awareness.

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