What I can and can't do for English learners

Comments sent by friends here about my blogs truly inspired me to continue blogging. However, this week I'd been so busy to read my page here.And, then, I decided to read again my blogs. My goodness, I'm so ashamed now. There were so many typographical and grammar mistakes.I type as I think of the words to say, and did not proof-read my blogs. Then, I just clicked Publish Post in a jiffy. Only now did I re-read my three blogs. And, that's how I found the errors."What I can and can't do" in writing blog is now my rule.First, what I can is to be a conscientious writer. I know there are many new learners or even beginners that will read my blog. I should be more attentive to the words I write. Beginners pick up words from what they read. And, I'll feel guilty if they learned bad grammar from my writings.Second, what I can is organize my thought-flow or ideas when writing. I should proof-read my blog before clicking Publish Post. Better still, preview first my blog to see how it looks like and what thought should come first and where it should be paragraphed.What I can't is to just write for the sake of writing without much thought of what I really want to convey. What happened was that I just start to blog with just an idea without researching or organizing the thought-flow. And, I noticed there were important information I missed writing because I wandered from one thought to another. My thought-flow jumbled as I type. I think faster than I can write that there were missing and misspelled words.What I can't is take for granted the learners of this site. They are here to learn. I, too, want to learn from other members here. I don't want them to put me aside but, to help me learn.Our friends here teach us a lot about ourselves and other important things in life. We learned from their writing and speaking habits. And, friends who encourage a wide variety of pals here give us a marvelous opportunity to discovery the beauty of English language. With this in thought, I can help others to navigate the waters in learning English with a mindful coaching.
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  • I too am very fast in typing,making errors all the way. Fe youhave hinlighted the commonmistakes and thoughts of the benfits we all have through this learning site.

    I too have to make an attempt to edit my thoughts which is typed directly ,as it does not give a good impression when reading.
    In comparison , I do not make so much mistakes when I write by ink and on paper.
  • I do the same too many times. It is hard not to be in a hurry when you are excited about something. A good thing is that everyone here is very forgiving and they will forgive you the same as they have forgiven me. At least we have the ability to edit any blog that we started. Also we can save as a draft. I have two saved as drafts as I do more research. hopefully i will catch the errors before I publish. If not I count on you or other friends to point out my typos : )
  • I write all my blogs here, it's faster, I'm like Fe, I do everything very quickly, I just have an idea and I go and realize it I write everything I think at the moment I don't spend much time on that and I don't like rereading my blogs because it's not interesting to read your own thoughts again, but I do check them sometimes when not lazy :D
  • I usually write my blogs on the WordPad and I read it several times before I copy and paste what I wrote on the post sheet. Then, I don't forget to preview once before I publish it. And, when I re-read my published blogs, I can find some mistakes anyway. :)
  • I fully understand you Fe, because I myself think too fast and want to write everything I think and sometimes I make lots of mistakes, I usually reread my blogs and comments but I do it inattentively...when I read them again I still can find some mistakes and I feel ashamed.
  • Good writing with a great thinking. As a lerner, I'm also concerning about that there're some spelling or grammatical mistakes in some blogs, (maybe including me, of course) and I hope everyone will think like you Fe, not only think, DO something, as you did in your this blog.
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