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  • Dear Josef,

    My personal view is that we have to condemn all forms of activities against humanity! Actually, I am from Sri Lanka and faced a dreadful war which lasted for almost 30 years! The war really keeps people away from each other, and it totally creates a terrible situation on suspicion. All parties, who advocate for “the war”, should realize one important reality! What we receive ultimately!!! Heaven????? Denial!!! We all achieve ultimately a burial ground!!! Mutual respect!!! Mutual understanding!!! Mutual trust!!! Yes, the element of human world!!! We really need a new world based on HUMANITY!!!

    Good Luck!


  • Hello Dear Josef, I can't understand why these human Hitler right groups make so much hue and cry only when a criminal or tyrant like Gaddaffi is killed....Gaddafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for more than four decades and was responsible for the deaths of thousand and thousand of innocent Libyans where were these so called human right groups then ?

  • Hi

     I think war crime is not just in Libya but in many places all over the world .To be honest with you I hate all the politicians who forget their humanity because their position and wealth ,they become greedy so they want to destroy our life and dreams  , steal our laugh and break our heart. They have everything but still look at what in our hands. I just wonder how they can sleep with their hands stained with blood and shame .I appreciate all opponent who stand against the despotic leaders.

    Have a nice time

  • Thanks for sharing!

  • United State is used to commit crimes against others, especially Arabic countries. It destroys Libya and steal its worth in the excuse of arresting Al-Gaddafi.

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