Tips for the bloggers:

  1. Every learner here on EC desires to learn and improve English.  I receive continuously requests from the learner to tell them how to improve English.  I always advise them ‘to read more and more, as much as they could’.  It is a bit difficult to develop the zeal, but it is the must.  By reading, the treasure of words (vocabulary) increases.
  2. Then I advise them to use the new words they come to know in sentences.  Use them again and again so that they memorize.
  3. With this stock of vocabulary (no matter how limited it is), try to write paragraphs (short blog posts), and post them so that others/friends and members get access to them to read and make comments as well as advise the necessary correction.
  4. Read the blogs posted by other members.  We have a treasure of such bloggers, who are so good to be good authors.  I read them all and learn from them.
  5. Observe the occurrences of events in your life, think of them compile the thoughts and write about them.
  6. For the beginners just write without compiling or thinking upon them very much.  Just write, even if they are scattered thoughts.  The senior readers and teacher will help how to put them in sequence.
  7. If a story comes to mind.  Do not worry to make it in sequence in relations to the events.  Write what part of the script comes first in your mind.  I remember once I wrote the end of the story first, then events occurrences without any consecutiveness, then I make the entire story in the sequence of the events.  It is like making a movie.  Whatever the set is available the scene is filmed, then the editor combines them in a series of events according to the story.
  8. Make it a habit of proofreading of what has been written.

I hope the above tips will prove to be useful for the starters.


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  • I also hope so, dara. Thanks.
  • Sub sei pahili, kiya haal hain Mr. Mishaikh? If they learn new words from sentences and learn to repeat them and use them, they can memorize them. This was in the second tip. I hope the members of the club, especially the learners should follow those tips to gain more knowledge. Educational! 

  • Thanks, onee for appreciation.
  • Great work, Mishaikh! :)
  • Thanks, Marsha. I am happy, you find this useful.
  • Very useful. ...
  • SNR

    I am happy you find my blog useful.  Blogging is a very effective way to learn for both, the blogger and the reader.

    Thanks for all your appreciation.

  • Thanks, Green and Laboni for your time to visit my blog and posting comments.

  • Thanks sewar for encouraging comments.

  • A great blog and very much helpful for us. Thanks for beautiful tips.
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